- Updated code to match miekg DNS pkg
- Retries are now processed in a second channel
- Refactored entire main function to be more readable
- Added "fuse" option
- Fixed bug with default protocol setting and added a check
- Added support for protocol
- Changed list of default public suffix and timeouts
- Improved checks
- removed unused import
- Bug fix in retries
- Check empty domain list
- Add filtering of restricted domains
- Added minLength size limit
- Setup of Travis-CI
- Added Travis-CI conf
- Deduplicated domain list
- Fixed bug with -avail cmd option
- Included option to output only available domains
- Changed default PS list
- Fixed domain hack generation or small words
- Refactoring to include tests
- Extraced wordlist functions to another package and tested all them
- Updated README and default list os public suffixes
- Bigger default TLDs and bug fix in domain hacks
- Fixed bug in loop logic
- Added max domain length option
- Fixed TLD/Public Suffix naming confusion
- Bigger default DNS server list
- Domain hacks support
- Flag to skip UTF-8 domains including UTF-8 public suffixes
- Flag to include all TLDs in the public domain suffix list into the check
- Fixed mess/confusion with workspace/packages/github
- Better README
- Embedded TLD list
- Improvements in DNS check
- Output file now have domain and DNS answer status (NXDOMAIN == available)
- Now querying for NS instead of apex A
- Added DNS option
- Added github.com/miekg/dns/ as DNS client
- Added call to remove duplicated from domain list
- Added support for separate word lists for prefixes and suffixes
- Added more items to git ignore list
- Added install instructions
- Added support for checking suffixes and TLDs
- Added output to file and better feedback to user
- Added BSD license
- Added history file
- Added new options
- small fixes
- first functional version