All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- A bidding table where a bid has more than one description line and the last description line is just a point, will convert that last description line into an empty line, see issue Blank & Comment Line
- Added string representation of class Args so the default arguments can be tested
- The output file may also be a directory
- A bidding table line with a single point is ignored, see issue Blank & Comment Line
- Extra logging will help in detecting this Puzzling indentation error
- Moved module to the src/bml directory because it was missing in the distribution.
- Issue Bold description #4
- Issue [Printing a bidding table in HTML loses the tree
- decoration.](#10
- Added --version option to command line.
- Added pretty printing HTML.
- Added latexmk to README.
- Added bml_makedepend utility.
- Added tests for bml_makedepend utility.
- Added Make file
- Added Docker files.
- BML utility modules (bml2bss, bml2html, bml2latex, bss2bml, bml_makedepend) can now be run from Python as a script.
- Indentation option is suppressed for bml2bss, bss2bml and bml_makedepend.
- Installation moved from README to my blog site.
- Testing tree generation for HTML and LaTeX.
- Handling of command line arguments enhanced.
- Added BSS syntax to README.
- README enhanced for non-HTML tags like .
- Variable suits also correctly translated for their bids.
- bss2bml utility added.
- README enhanced for variable suits.
- Two More Variable Colours (issue #1)
- Things for newbies to do (issue #3)
- Some characters have a special meaning for LaTeX (issue #8)
- Updated the README with respect to the command line options.
- and merged to
- Python package now correctly includes external files bml.css and bml.tex.
- now links correctly to for a Python package.
- Replaced test package pytest-cover by pytest-cov (pytest-cover has been merged back into pytest-cov 2.0).
- Applied Python best practices.
- Uploading to PyPi as package bridge-markup.