TL;DR: sign up for notifications of GitHub Issues and Discussions in main repositories, be courteous, follow the steps below to set up a development environment; if you stick around and contribute, you can join the team (write about yourself to us at [email protected]) and get commit access.
We invite you to join our team! Everyone is welcome to contribute code via pull requests, to help people asking for help on issues, or in GitHub Discussions, to help triage, reproduce, or fix bugs that people have filed, to add to our documentation, or to help out in any other way.
We grant commit access (which includes full rights to the issue
database, such as being able to edit labels) to people who have gained
our trust and demonstrated a commitment to gowebly
We communicate primarily over GitHub and email ([email protected]).
See also: the Code of conduct of the project.
If you want to help us triage, you are very welcome to do so!
- Sign up for notifications of new Issues and Discussions in this organization's main public repositories: gowebly and gowebly helpers.
- Read our code of conduct, which stipulates
explicitly that everyone must be gracious, respectful, and professional.
If you're helping out with triage, you are representing the
project team, and so you want to make sure to make a good impression! - Once you've been doing this for a while, someone will invite you to
team on GitHub, and you'll be able to add labels too.
To develop for the gowebly
project, you will eventually need to become
familiar with our processes and conventions. This section lists the
documents that describe these methodologies. The following list is ordered:
you are strongly recommended to go through these documents in the order
- Our code of conduct, which stipulates explicitly that everyone must be gracious, respectful, and professional. This also documents our conflict resolution policy and encourages people to ask questions.
- Strict following all community and developer-accepted style guides for
the technologies and frameworks used in all
projects. Technologies: Go, Docker, htmx, hyperscript; Go frameworks: Fiber, Echo, chi; CSS frameworks: Tailwind CSS, UnoCSS. - Communication is in English (US). If this is not your native language, please use translators and text helpers when writing text (comments in code, PR descriptions, answers in Issues or Discussions, and so on). We ourselves use LanguageTool, DeepL and Code Spell Checker for VS Code and Grazie lite for JetBrains IDEs.