Releases: google/ksp
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2.1.0-1.0.29...2.1.20-Beta1-1.0.29
- KSP2: Sanitize dots to underscores in suffixes of internals by @ting-yuan in #2229
- KSP2: clean up legacy incremental code by @ting-yuan in #2231
Thanks to everyone who reported bugs and participated in discussions!
What's Changed
- Bump Kotlin to 2.1.0 by @mkmuir0 in #2235
- Update intellij to 233.13135.128 by @ting-yuan in #2238
Full Changelog: 2.1.0-RC2-1.0.28...2.1.0-1.0.28
What's Changed
*Update Kotline Version: 2.1.0-RC2 by @mkmuir0 in #2219
Full Changelog: 2.0.21-1.0.28...2.1.0-RC2-1.0.28
- [KSP2] Running from command line never finishes #2176
- Introduce KspAATask.commandLineArgumentProviders #2201
Thanks to @GeorgCantor and everyone who reported bugs and participated in discussions!
What's Changed
- UPDATE_KOTLIN_VERSION: 2.1.0-RC by @ting-yuan in #2195
Full Changelog: 2.0.21-1.0.27...2.1.0-RC-1.0.27
Bugs Fixed
- KSP2: KtInvalidLifetimeOwnerAccessException: Access to invalid KtAlwaysAccessibleLifetimeToken: PSI has changed since creation #1854
- [KSP2] getSymbolsWithAnnotation() doesn't work if the annotation is an alias in KOTLIN_LIB #2024
- KotlinSymbolProcessingExtension leaks files due to URLClassLoader not being closed #2159
- Unresolvable iOS reference on Linux host #2173
- Fail to apply ksp before android #2174
- [KSP2] Mangled names for internal functions are incorrect for Android modules #2180
- [KSP2] JVM names for property getters/setters are incorrect if they start with "is" #2181
Thanks to @jonamireh, @kuanyingchou, @martinbonnin, @pablobaxter, @scott-pollom, and everyone who reported bugs and participated in discussions!
Full Changelog: 2.1.0-Beta2-1.0.26...2.1.0-RC-1.0.26
What's Changed
- UPDATE_KOTLIN_VERSION: 2.1.0-Beta2 by @ting-yuan in #2163
Full Changelog: 2.0.21-1.0.26...2.1.0-Beta2-1.0.26
Bugs Fixed
- A failure occurred while executing #1968
- [KSP2] default value is null for nested annotation #2077
- [KSP2] "internal" members are out of order in Resolver.getDeclarationsInSourceOrder() #1827
- [KSP2] Resolver.getDeclarationsFromPackage() couldn't find Java declarations #1952
- [KSP2] Property setter parameter name becomes value #1865
- [KSP2] A failure occurred while executing #1941
- [KSP2] NullPointerException when calling hasBackingField on properties of Enum declarations #1753
- JVM Module name is changed for libraries #2105
- [KSP2] asMemberOf() is not working with Java sources #2051
- KSP2: implement KSPropertyDeclaration.findOverridee and Resolver.asMemberOf for java fields #1642
- [KSP2] command line doesn't support absolute Windows paths #2046
- [KSP2] NPE when getting annotation arguments on non-Jvm targets #1823
- [KSP2] Resolver.mapToJvmSignature() is not consistent #2109
- [KSP2] Default annotation argument values are sometimes missing #2107
- [KSP2] KSFunctionDeclaration.asMemberOf doesn't work sometimes #2116
- [KSP2] Qualified names of nested annotations from JAVA_LIB is null #2033
- [KSP2] Class literal annotation default values resolve to error types #1910
- KaFirPsiJavaTypeParameterSymbol cannot be cast to KaFirTypeParameterSymbol #2119
- KSP memory leak in Android build #2073
- [KSP2] KSClassDeclaration.asType(emptyList()) fails after Resolver.getSymbolsWithAnnotation() call #2094
- KSValueArgumentImpl doesn't implement .equals() in KSP2 #2091
- [KSP2] JvmName is ignored in annotation property getters #2148
- [KSP2] Unable to get visibility of KSTypeAlias #2140
- Gradle kspKotlin task failed when upgrading to 2.0.20-1.0.25 #2123
- [KSP2] Generic type arguments on typealiases are improperly forwarded to the KSType #2088
- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Storage for [...] is already registered with 2.0.20-1.0.24 #2072
Full Changelog: 911690b...2.0.21-1.0.26
Thanks to @ansman, @asapha, @kaeawc, @kuanyingchou, @scott-pollom, and everyone who reported bugs and participated in discussions!