This project provides Zookeeper node tree navigation, content visualization and content modification. Also displays Zookeeper cluster state.
Requires Zookeeper running.
Run can be simple as that:
# By default enables debug on port 5005 and enables development profile
./gradlew bootRun
Running the generated jar:
./gradlew build
SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE="development" java -jar build/libs/coordinator-$VERSION-assembly.jar
As this project uses Spring Boot the entire application.yml que be replaced by an external file.
- zookeeper.hosts: Zookeeper connection string, format
, required. For production profile can be set withZK_QUORUM
environment variable. - zookeeper.connection.retries : Number of connections retries before giving up, default
. - zookeeper.connection.timeoutMS: Connection timeout in miliseconds, default
. - zookeeper.session.timeoutMS: Session timeout in miliseconds, default
. - zookeeper.cache.instancesTimeoutMS: Cluster state cache timeout in miliseconds, default
. - auth.enabled: enables authentication, default
. - user name for authentication.
- auth.user.password: user password for authentication.
The Zookeeper connection statregy ExponentialBackoffRetry
with a base sleep time of 1000 miliseconds.
When authentication is enabled, all resources requires an logged user for access. The basic authentication is used.