- Nothing changed yet.
- Remove test dependencies from dependencies
- Use cronsim instead of croniter
- Allow to pass kwargs to a cron function
- Fix coroutine detection on partials.
- Fix a bug with python3.10. gather no longer accept a loop
- Fix: set result iif future is not done
- Do not release py2 wheel
- Use async/await syntax everywhere
- Drop py27 and py3.4 support
- Use async/await syntax in README
- Now accepts TZ for croniter
- Now accepts arguments for func
- Drop py3.3 support
- Remove print() statement
- Fixed #7: Incorrect cron calculation in croniter when DST changed.
- First stable release
- Update classifiers to show it support latest py versions
- fixed issue 6: stop before first run wont work
- allow to use python -m aiocron
- Fix: Initialize cron with a correct tzinfo
- Fix contstructor with func not None and minor changes
- Fix installation faillure on py3
Allow to use crontab as a timer
Initial release