Upgrading from 0.9 to 0.10? This document summarizes the changes and provides tips on migrating. If you're upgrading from 0.8 or earlier, take a look at the 0.9 migration guide first.
The library now depends on cats and cats-effect. Scalaz support continues to be provided by the fs2-scalaz
interop library.
There's some more detail about this change in #848.
As a result of this migration, the fs2.util
package has been removed. The type classes that existed in fs2.util
have all been replaced by equivalent type classes in cats and cats-effect.
0.9 | 0.10 |
fs2.util.Functor |
cats.Functor |
fs2.util.Applicative |
cats.Applicative |
fs2.util.Monad |
cats.Monad |
fs2.util.Traverse |
cats.Traverse |
fs2.util.Catchable |
cats.MonadError[?,Throwable] |
fs2.util.Suspendable |
cats.effect.Sync |
fs2.util.Async |
cats.effect.Async |
fs2.util.Effect |
cats.effect.Effect |
fs2.util.UF1 |
cats.~> |
Note that cats-effect divides effect functionality up in to type classes a little differently than FS2 0.9. The cats.effect.Async
type class describes a type constructor that supports the async
constructor whereas fs2.util.Async
included concurrency behavior. The type classes in cats-effect purposefully do not provide any means for concurrency. FS2 layers concurrency on top of cats.effect.Effect
using a Ref
+ Promise
scheme similar to the one used in 0.9, but defined polymorphically for any Effect
. This functionality is provided by fs2.async.refOf
, fs2.async.promise
and other methods in the async
package. As a result, most implicit usages of fs2.util.Async
should be replaced with cats.effect.Effect
and scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
In addition to the type classes which abstract over effect capture, cats-effect defines a concrete effect type, cats.effect.IO
was heavily inspired by fs2.Task
(which in turn was a fork of scalaz.concurrent.Task
), but includes a number of significant improvements. It's faster than Task
and has an easier to use API.
As a result fs2.Task
has been removed. Porting from Task
to IO
is relatively straightforward:
Task | IO | Remarks |
Task.delay(a) |
IO(a) |
Most common operation |
Task.now(a) |
IO.pure(a) |
Task.fail(t) |
IO.raiseError(t) |
Task(a) |
IO.shift >> IO(a) |
shift takes an implicit ExecutionContext and shifts subsequent execution to that context |
t.async |
IO.shift >> t |
Note: same as previous |
t.unsafeRun |
io.unsafeRunSync |
Callable on Scala.js but will throw if an async boundary is encountered |
t.unsafeRunAsync(cb) |
io.unsafeRunAsync(cb) |
t.unsafeRunFor(limit) |
io.unsafeRunTimed(limit) |
t.unsafeRunAsyncFuture |
io.unsafeToFuture |
Task.fromFuture(Future { ... }) |
IO.fromFuture(IO(Future { ... })) |
Effect capture is explicit via use of the inner cats.effect.IO |
Task.async(reg => ...) |
IO.async(reg => ...) |
Note that IO.async does NOT thread-shift, unlike Task.async . Use IO.shift as appropriate (IO.async is semantically equivalent to Task.unforkedAsync ) |
Performance is significantly better thanks to the introduction of fs2.Segment
. A Segment
is a potentially infinite, lazy, pure data structure which supports a variety of fused operations. This is coincidentally similar to the approach taken in Stream Fusion, to Completeness, though using a novel approach that does not require code generation.
Instead of a Stream
being made up of Chunk
s like in 0.9, it is now made up of Segment
s. A Segment[O,Unit]
can wrap a Chunk[O]
(via Segment.chunk(c)
) but can also be formed in a lot of other ways. Many of the operations which operated in terms of chunks now operate in terms of segments. Occasionally, there are operations that are specialized for chunks -- typically when index based access to the underlying elements is more performant than the benefits of operator fusion.
The fs2.pipe
and fs2.pipe2
objects have been removed and built-in stream transformations now exist solely as syntax on Stream
. E.g., s.through(pipe.take(n))
is now s.take(n)
. The fs2.Pipe
and fs2.Pipe2
objects now exist and contain advanced operations on pipes, like joining a stream of pipes and stepping pipes. In general, 0.10 removes redundant ways of doing things, preferring a single mechanism when possible.
In 0.9, Sub1
, Lub1
, and RealSupertype
encoded covariance using type-level computations to work around various limitations in type inference. These tricks resulted in confusing type signatures and bad compiler error messages. In 0.10, these type classes have been removed and FS2 uses "regular" covariance.
In 0.9, Stream(1, 2, 3)
had type Stream[F,Int]
for all F
, and Scala would often infer F
as Nothing
. This would generally work out fine, as Stream
is covariant in F
, but not it doesn't work out all cases due to Scala's special treatment of Nothing
during type inference. Working around these cases is what led to tricks like Sub1
In 0.10, we avoid these issues by avoiding use of Nothing
for an effect type -- i.e., the Stream
constructors are aggressive about returning Stream[Pure,O]
when there is no effect type. For example, Stream(1, 2, 3)
now has type Stream[Pure,Int]
, Stream.empty
now has type Stream[Pure,Nothing]
, and so on. This generally works much better:
val s1: Stream[IO,Int] = Stream(1, 2, 3)
val s2: Stream[IO,Int] = if (guard) Stream.eval(IO(...)) else Stream.empty
val s3: Stream[IO,Int] = s2.flatMap { n => Stream(1, 2, 3) }
val s4: Stream[IO,Int] = Stream(1,2,3).flatMap { n => Stream(1, 2, 3) }
There are times when you may have to manually covary a stream -- especially in situations where you had to explicitly supply type parameters in 0.9 (e.g., if in 0.9 you had to write Stream[IO,Int](1,2,3)
, in 0.10 you may have to write Stream(1,2,3).covary[IO]
In 0.9, the fs2.Handle[F,O]
type provided an API bridge between streams and pulls. Writing a custom pull involved obtaining a handle for a stream and using a method on the handle to obtain a pull (e.g., receive
). This often involved boilerplate like s.open.flatMap { h => h.receive { ... }}.close
or s.pull { h => h.receive { ... } }
In 0.10, the Handle
type has been removed. Instead, custom pulls are written directly against Stream
objects. The pull
method on Stream
now returns a Stream.ToPull
object, which has methods for getting a Pull
from the Stream
. For example:
// Equivalent to s.take(1)
s.pull.uncons1.flatMap {
case None => Pull.pure(())
case Some((hd, tl)) => Pull.output(hd)
There are a number of other minor API changes evident in this example, and many that aren't evident:
- the
methods fromHandle
are now calleduncons*
returns aPull[F,Nothing,Option[(O,Stream[F,O])]]
-- more on this in the next section- the
methods have been removed in favor ofuncons*.flatMap(...)
- the
method has no analog in this design --s.pull
gives aToPull
which can then be used to directly obtain aPull
- the
method onPull
has been renamed tostream
- methods that used to return
s generally returnSegment
s now. There's often a chunk based replacement (e.g.,unconsChunk
) in such scenarios. Try to use theSegment
variants though, as they often lead to significantly better performance.
The Pull
API has changed a little -- in 0.9, Pull[F,O,R]
supported the notion of a "done" pull -- a pull which terminated without returning an R
value. Internally, the pull type was represented by a free monad with a result type of Option[R]
. This allowed any Pull[F,O,R]
to terminate early by using Pull.done
In 0.10, this notion has been removed. A Pull[F,O,R]
always evaluates to an R
and there's no direct equivalent to Pull.done
. To signal early termination, many pulls use an Option
in the resource position -- e.g., Pull[F,O,Option[R]]
, where a None
represents termination (e.g., exhaustion of input from the source stream or an upstream pull terminating early). In the example in the last section, we saw that uncons1
returns a Pull[F,Nothing,Option[(O,Stream[F,O])]]
-- this tells us that pulling a single element from the stream either results in termination, if the stream is empty, or a single element along with the tail of the stream.
As a result of this change, many combinators have slightly different shapes. Consider Pull.loop
def loop[F[_],O,R](using: R => Pull[F,O,Option[R]]): R => Pull[F,O,Option[R]] =
r => using(r) flatMap { _.map(loop(using)).getOrElse(Pull.pure(None)) }
In order for loop
to know when to stop looping, it needs some indication that using
is done. In 0.9, this signal was baked in to Pull
but in 0.10 the returned pull must explicitly signal completion via a None
The methods on fs2.time
have been moved to the fs2.Scheduler
class. The JVM version of the Scheduler
object supports automatic allocation and shutdown of the thread pool via the apply
method. The Scala.js version of the Scheduler
object still provides a single Scheduler.default
Example usage on the JVM looks like:
Scheduler[IO](corePoolSize = 1).flatMap { scheduler =>
scheduler.awakeEvery[IO](1.second).flatMap(_ => Stream(1, 2, 3))
has some new low level operations like fixedDelay
and fixedRate
which should replace most uses of awakeEvery
. fixedRate
is equivalent to awakeEvery
but returns Unit
values in the stream instead of the elapsed duration.
also has some convenience operations like scheduler.delay(s, 10.seconds)
The debounce
pipe has moved to the Scheduler
class also. As a result, FS2 no longer requires passing schedulers implicitly.
The fs2.time.{ duration, every }
methods have been moved to Stream
as they have no dependency on scheduling.
TODO: obsolete now (fixed)? We could just say that concurrently
covers this use case conveniently
The semantics of merging a drained stream with another stream have changed. In 0.9, it was generally safe to do things like:
Stream.eval(async.signalOf[IO]).flatMap { s =>
Stream.emit(s) mergeHaltR source.evalMap(s.set).drain
The general idea behind this pattern is to create a producer and a consumer and then combine them in to a single stream by merging the consumer with the result of draining the producer. In 0.10, the two streams used in a merge are only consulted when downstream needs an element. As a result, it's possible to deadlock when using this pattern. This pattern relies on the fact that the drained producer will continue to execute in parallel with the consumer, even when the downstream never asks for another element from the merged stream.
To address this use case, the concurrently
method has been added. Instead of consumer.mergeHaltR(producer.drain)
, use consumer.concurrently(producer)
. See the ScalaDoc for concurrently
for more details.
Given that most usage of merging a drained stream with another stream should be replaced with concurrently
, we've removed mergeDrainL
and mergeDrainR
- The
object has been removed in favor of calling thejoin
method on aStream
). Stream.append
has been removed in favor ofs.append(s2)
ors ++ s2
has been removed in favor ofscala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
now has a companion object with various common patterns for constructing sinks (e.g.,Sink(s => IO(println(s)))
have been removed in favor of using higher level concurrent data types likeQueue
, etc..- There is no
(or any other equivalent to the oldawait1Async
). - The
method onStream
no longer exists (unncessary due to lack ofHandle
). Replace by calling.pull
on eitherStream
. NonEmptyChunk
no longer exists (and emptyChunks
can be emitted).- The
alias no longer exists - replace withEither[Throwable,A]
In 0.9, a stream was compiled in to an effectful value via one of the run
methods -- e.g., run
, runLog
, runLast
. In 0.10, all methods which compile a stream in to an effectful value are under the compile
0.9 | 0.10 |
s.run | s.compile.drain |
s.runLog | s.compile.toVector |
s.compile.toList | |
s.runLast | s.compile.last |
s.runFold | s.compile.fold |
s.compile.foldSemigroup | |
s.compile.foldMonoid |