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Forseti on GKE

This sub-module deploys Forseti on GKE. In short, this deploys a server container as a Kubernetes Deployment and an orchestrator container as a Kubernetes CronJob. Please see the Forseti Security GKE Concepts documentation for more details


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Admin API bool "false" no
admin_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Admin API string "14" no
admin_period The period of max calls for the Admin API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
appengine_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for App Engine API bool "false" no
appengine_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to App Engine API string "18" no
appengine_period The period of max calls for the App Engine API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
audit_logging_enabled Audit Logging scanner enabled. bool "false" no
audit_logging_violations_should_notify Notify for Audit logging violations bool "true" no
bigquery_acl_violations_should_notify Notify for BigQuery ACL violations bool "true" no
bigquery_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Big Query API bool "false" no
bigquery_enabled Big Query scanner enabled. bool "true" no
bigquery_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Big Query API string "160" no
bigquery_period The period of max calls for the Big Query API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
blacklist_enabled Blacklist scanner enabled. bool "true" no
blacklist_violations_should_notify Notify for Blacklist violations bool "true" no
bucket_acl_enabled Bucket ACL scanner enabled. bool "true" no
bucket_cai_lifecycle_age GCS CAI lifecycle age value string "14" no
bucket_cai_location GCS CAI storage bucket location string "us-central1" no
buckets_acl_violations_should_notify Notify for Buckets ACL violations bool "true" no
cai_api_timeout Timeout in seconds to wait for the exportAssets API to return success. string "3600" no
client_access_config Client instance 'access_config' block map(any) <map> no
client_boot_image GCE Forseti Client boot image string "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-1804-lts" no
client_enabled Enable Client VM bool "true" no
client_instance_metadata Metadata key/value pairs to make available from within the client instance. map(string) <map> no
client_private Private GCE Forseti Client VM (no public IP) bool "false" no
client_region GCE Forseti Client region string "us-central1" no
client_ssh_allow_ranges List of CIDRs that will be allowed ssh access to forseti client list(string) <list> no
client_tags GCE Forseti Client VM Tags list(string) <list> no
client_type GCE Forseti Client machine type string "n1-standard-2" no
cloud_profiler_enabled Enable the Cloud Profiler bool "false" no
cloudasset_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Cloud Asset API bool "false" no
cloudasset_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Cloud Asset API string "1" no
cloudasset_period The period of max calls for the Cloud Asset API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
cloudbilling_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Cloud Billing API bool "false" no
cloudbilling_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Cloud Billing API string "5" no
cloudbilling_period The period of max calls for the Cloud Billing API (in seconds) string "1.2" no
cloudsql_acl_enabled Cloud SQL scanner enabled. bool "true" no
cloudsql_acl_violations_should_notify Notify for CloudSQL ACL violations bool "true" no
cloudsql_db_name CloudSQL database name string "forseti_security" no
cloudsql_disk_size The size of data disk, in GB. Size of a running instance cannot be reduced but can be increased. string "25" no
cloudsql_net_write_timeout See MySQL documentation: string "240" no
cloudsql_password CloudSQL password string "" no
cloudsql_private Whether to enable private network and not to create public IP for CloudSQL Instance bool "false" no
cloudsql_region CloudSQL region string "us-central1" no
cloudsql_type CloudSQL Instance size string "db-n1-standard-4" no
cloudsql_user CloudSQL user string "forseti_security_user" no
cloudsql_user_host The host the user can connect from. Can be an IP address or IP address range. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "%" no
composite_root_resources A list of root resources that Forseti will monitor. This supersedes the root_resource_id when set. list(string) <list> no
compute_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Compute API bool "false" no
compute_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Compute API string "18" no
compute_period The period of max calls for the Compute API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
config_validator_enabled Config Validator scanner enabled. bool "false" no
config_validator_violations_should_notify Notify for Config Validator violations. bool "true" no
container_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Container API bool "false" no
container_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Container API string "9" no
container_period The period of max calls for the Container API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
crm_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for CRM API bool "false" no
crm_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to CRN API string "4" no
crm_period The period of max calls for the CRM API (in seconds) string "1.2" no
cscc_source_id Source ID for CSCC Beta API string "" no
cscc_violations_enabled Notify for CSCC violations bool "false" no
domain The domain associated with the GCP Organization ID string n/a yes
enable_cai_bucket Create a GCS bucket for CAI exports bool "true" no
enable_service_networking Create a global service networking peering connection at the VPC level bool "true" no
enable_write Enabling/Disabling write actions bool "false" no
enabled_apis_enabled Enabled APIs scanner enabled. bool "false" no
enabled_apis_violations_should_notify Notify for enabled APIs violations bool "true" no
excluded_resources A list of resources to exclude during the inventory phase. list(string) <list> no
external_project_access_violations_should_notify Notify for External Project Access violations bool "true" no
firewall_rule_enabled Firewall rule scanner enabled. bool "true" no
firewall_rule_violations_should_notify Notify for Firewall rule violations bool "true" no
folder_id GCP Folder that the Forseti project will be deployed into string "" no
forseti_email_recipient Email address that receives Forseti notifications string "" no
forseti_email_sender Email address that sends the Forseti notifications string "" no
forseti_home Forseti installation directory string "$USER_HOME/forseti-security" no
forseti_repo_url Git repo for the Forseti installation string "" no
forseti_run_frequency Schedule of running the Forseti scans string "null" no
forseti_version The version of Forseti to install string "v2.25.1" no
forwarding_rule_enabled Forwarding rule scanner enabled. bool "false" no
forwarding_rule_violations_should_notify Notify for forwarding rule violations bool "true" no
git_sync_image The container image used by the config-validator git-sync side-car string "" no
git_sync_private_ssh_key_file The file containing the private SSH key allowing the git-sync to clone the policy library repository. string "null" no
git_sync_wait The time number of seconds between git-syncs string "30" no
gke_node_pool_name The name of the GKE node-pool where Forseti is being deployed string "default-pool" no
group_enabled Group scanner enabled. bool "true" no
groups_settings_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for the G Suite Groups API bool "false" no
groups_settings_enabled Groups settings scanner enabled. bool "true" no
groups_settings_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to the G Suite Groups API string "5" no
groups_settings_period the period of max calls to the G Suite Groups API string "1.1" no
groups_settings_violations_should_notify Notify for groups settings violations bool "true" no
groups_violations_should_notify Notify for Groups violations bool "true" no
gsuite_admin_email G-Suite administrator email address to manage your Forseti installation string "" no
helm_chart_version The version of the Helm chart to use string "2.2.0" no
helm_repository_url The Helm repository containing the 'forseti-security' Helm charts string "" no
iam_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for IAM API bool "false" no
iam_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to IAM API string "90" no
iam_period The period of max calls for the IAM API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
iam_policy_enabled IAM Policy scanner enabled. bool "true" no
iam_policy_violations_should_notify Notify for IAM Policy violations bool "true" no
iam_policy_violations_slack_webhook Slack webhook for IAM Policy violations string "" no
iap_enabled IAP scanner enabled. bool "true" no
iap_violations_should_notify Notify for IAP violations bool "true" no
instance_network_interface_enabled Instance network interface scanner enabled. bool "false" no
instance_network_interface_violations_should_notify Notify for instance network interface violations bool "true" no
inventory_email_summary_enabled Email summary for inventory enabled bool "false" no
inventory_gcs_summary_enabled GCS summary for inventory enabled bool "true" no
inventory_retention_days Number of days to retain inventory data. string "-1" no
k8s_config_validator_image The container image used by the config-validator string "" no
k8s_config_validator_image_tag The tag for the config-validator image. string "e018e7c" no
k8s_forseti_namespace The Kubernetes namespace in which to deploy Forseti. string "forseti" no
k8s_forseti_orchestrator_image The container image for the Forseti orchestrator string "" no
k8s_forseti_orchestrator_image_tag The tag for the container image for the Forseti orchestrator string "v2.25.1" no
k8s_forseti_server_image The container image for the Forseti server string "" no
k8s_forseti_server_image_tag The tag for the container image for the Forseti server string "v2.25.1" no
k8s_forseti_server_ingress_cidr If network_policy is true, k8s_forseti_server_ingress_cidr will restrict connections to the Forseti Server service from the CIDR's specified string "" no
k8s_tiller_sa_name The Kubernetes Service Account used by Tiller string "tiller" no
ke_scanner_enabled KE scanner enabled. bool "false" no
ke_version_scanner_enabled KE version scanner enabled. bool "true" no
ke_version_violations_should_notify Notify for KE version violations bool "true" no
ke_violations_should_notify Notify for KE violations bool "true" no
kms_scanner_enabled KMS scanner enabled. bool "true" no
kms_violations_should_notify Notify for KMS violations bool "true" no
kms_violations_slack_webhook Slack webhook for KMS violations string "" no
lien_enabled Lien scanner enabled. bool "true" no
lien_violations_should_notify Notify for lien violations bool "true" no
load_balancer The type of load balancer to deploy for the forseti-server if desired: none, external, internal string "internal" no
location_enabled Location scanner enabled. bool "true" no
location_violations_should_notify Notify for location violations bool "true" no
log_sink_enabled Log sink scanner enabled. bool "true" no
log_sink_violations_should_notify Notify for log sink violations bool "true" no
logging_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Logging API bool "false" no
logging_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Logging API string "9" no
logging_period The period of max calls for the Logging API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
manage_firewall_rules Create client firewall rules bool "true" no
manage_rules_enabled A toggle to enable or disable the management of rules bool "true" no
network The VPC where the Forseti client and server will be created string "default" no
network_policy Apply pod network policies bool "false" no
network_project The project containing the VPC and subnetwork where the Forseti client and server will be created string "" no
org_id GCP Organization ID that Forseti will have purview over string "" no
policy_library_repository_branch The specific git branch containing the policies. string "master" no
policy_library_repository_url The git repository containing the policy-library. string "" no
policy_library_sync_enabled Sync config validator policy library from private repository. bool "false" no
policy_library_sync_gcs_directory_name The directory name of the GCS folder used for the policy library sync config. string "policy_library_sync" no
policy_library_sync_git_sync_tag Tag for the git-sync image. string "v3.1.2" no
production Whether or not to deploy Forseti on GKE in a production configuration bool "true" no
project_id Google Project ID that you want Forseti deployed into string n/a yes
recreate_pods Instructs the helm_release resource to, on update, perform pod restarts for the resources if applicable. bool "true" no
resource_enabled Resource scanner enabled. bool "true" no
resource_name_suffix A suffix which will be appended to resource names. string "null" no
resource_violations_should_notify Notify for resource violations bool "true" no
retention_enabled Retention scanner enabled. bool "false" no
retention_violations_should_notify Notify for retention violations bool "true" no
retention_violations_slack_webhook Slack webhook for retention violations string "" no
role_enabled Role scanner enabled. bool "false" no
role_violations_should_notify Notify for role violations bool "true" no
role_violations_slack_webhook Slack webhook for role violations string "" no
securitycenter_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Security Center API bool "false" no
securitycenter_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Security Center API string "14" no
securitycenter_period The period of max calls for the Security Center API (in seconds) string "1.0" no
sendgrid_api_key API key to enable email notifications string "" no
server_log_level The log level of the Forseti server container. string "info" no
service_account_key_enabled Service account key scanner enabled. bool "true" no
service_account_key_violations_should_notify Notify for service account key violations bool "true" no
servicemanagement_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Service Management API bool "false" no
servicemanagement_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to Service Management API string "2" no
servicemanagement_period The period of max calls for the Service Management API (in seconds) string "1.1" no
sqladmin_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for SQL Admin API bool "false" no
sqladmin_max_calls Maximum calls that can be made to SQL Admin API string "1" no
sqladmin_period The period of max calls for the SQL Admin API (in seconds) string "1.1" no
storage_bucket_location GCS storage bucket location string "us-central1" no
storage_disable_polling Whether to disable polling for Storage API bool "false" no
subnetwork The VPC subnetwork where the Forseti client and server will be created string "default" no
verify_policy_library Verify the Policy Library is setup correctly for the Config Validator scanner bool "false" no
violations_slack_webhook Slack webhook for any violation. Will apply to all scanner violation notifiers. string "" no
workload_identity_namespace Workload Identity namespace string "null" no


Name Description
config-validator-git-public-key-openssh The public OpenSSH key generated to allow the Forseti Server to clone the policy library repository.
forseti-client-service-account Forseti Client service account
forseti-client-storage-bucket Forseti Client storage bucket
forseti-client-vm-ip Forseti Client VM private IP address
forseti-cloudsql-connection-name Forseti CloudSQL Connection String
forseti-server-service-account Forseti Server service account
forseti-server-storage-bucket Forseti Server storage bucket
kubernetes-forseti-namespace The Kubernetes namespace in which Forseti is deployed
kubernetes-forseti-server-ingress The loadbalancer ingress address of the forseti-server service in GKE
kubernetes-forseti-tiller-sa-name The name of the service account deploying Forseti
suffix The random suffix appended to Forseti resources