TIP: You can create your custom build of the library with the filters/plugins you choose. Each filter and plugin is independent and can be used in a mix-n-match manner, as long as the core classes are always included. Change the dependencies file to include your own selection of filters and plugins for your custom build
- Image
- Abstract Filter
- Color Table Filter
- Color Matrix Filter (analogous to the ActionScript filter)
- Color Map Filter
- Affine Matrix Filter
- Geometric Map Filter
- Displacement Map Filter (analogous to ActionScript filter)
- Convolution Matrix Filter (analogous to the ActionScript filter)
- Morphological Filter
- Statistical Filter
- Blend Filter
- Dimension Filter
- Composite Filter (an abstraction of a container for multiple filters)
- Inline Filter (create dynamic filters at run-time while having the full power of
s) - Frequency Filter (frequency domain filters)
- Extra Filters
new FILTER.Image(image:Image|Video|Canvas|FILTER.Image|ImageData = null);
This is a placeholder for an image, along with basic methods to access the image data and alter them.
Static Methods:
load(src [, done:Function]):FILTER.Image
load image uri to FILTER.Image and calldone
callback when loaded
Sets/Alters the underlying imageselect(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, absolute:Boolean=false)
set a (relative or absolute) rectangle as selected part of image (any filters will be applied only to that part)select(false)/deselect()
remove previous selection (selected part becomes whole image)store()
store the current filtered/processed image as the original imagerestore()
restore the original image, remove any filters applied to this imagerestorable(bool:Boolean)
whether the image is restorable (it can be faster if not)apply(filter:Filter [, callback:Function])
shorthand to apply method of a FILTER.Filter instance, image will change after applicationapply2(filter:Filter, destImage:Image [, callback:Function])
shorthand to apply2 method of a FILTER.Filter instance, to a destination image destImage will change after applicationmapReduce(mappings:Array, reduce:Function, done:Function)
split image and process each part withmap/reduce
(see below)clone(original:Boolean)
gets a clone of the image as a new FILTER.Image instance (if true=original clones the un-processed image)clear()
clear the image datafill(color:Color, x:Integer, y:Integer, w:Integer, h:Integer)
fill the image area with a specific colorcrop(x1:Integer,y1:Integer,x2:Integer,y2:Integer)
crop image areascale(sx:Number, sy:Number)
scale the image in x/y directionsdimensions(w:Integer, h:Integer)
set image dimensionsflipHorizontal()
flip image horizontallyflipVertical()
flip image verticallysetData():ImageData
sets the image pixel datagetData(processed:Boolean=false)
gets a copy of image (original or processed/filtered) pixel datasetSelectedData()
sets the image pixel data for the current selectiongetSelectedData(processed:Boolean=false)
gets a copy of the (original or processed/filtered) pixel data of current image selection regiontoImage(callback:Function, type:String="image")
call callback with an Image object or a data uri of the current image according to type ("uri" or "image")
Image allows to be split in parts and each part be processed by a filter in parallel (map
) and then combined as they complete (reduce
). For example split an image in 4 parts and apply grayscaling to each part in parallel:
const img = FILTER.Image.load('somelargeimage.jpg', () => {
// break img in parts and process each part in parallel with mapReduce
// map
from: {x:0, y:0}, to: {x:0.5, y:0.5}, // 1st quadrant, relative coords
filter: FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().worker(true)
from: {x:0.5, y:0}, to: {x:1, y:0.5}, // 2nd quadrant, relative coords
filter: FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().worker(true)
from: {x:0.5, y:0.5}, to: {x:1, y:1}, // 3rd quadrant, relative coords
filter: FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().worker(true)
from: {x:0, y:0.5}, to: {x:0.5, y:1}, // 4th quadrant, relative coords
filter: FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().worker(true)
// reduce
(img, result, from, to, absolute, filter, index) => {
filter.worker(false); // dispose parallel worker
// update this part that is completed
img.setDataToSelection(result, from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y, absolute /*whether selection uses absolute or relative coords*/);
// finalize, if needed
() => {}
Each filter (and plugin) is an extension of the generic abstract filter, which provides some common methods.
Note: Built-in and plugin filters implement the constructor-factory
pattern meaning one can instantiate them without the explicit new Filter()
the (class) name of the filter (should be the exact class name, since this is also used by worker filters to instantiate the appropriate filter)hasMeta
whether the filter has meta data passed between processes (except the current image data), for example bounding boxes or other data (for example theHaarDetectorFilter
returns the detected regions as metaData, while the passed image data are left unchanged)meta
the (optional) filter's metadata object or null if filter has no metadatahasInputs
whether the filter has multiple extra inputs (except the current image data input), for example blend filters or displacement map filters or alpha mask filters have an extra image input (the blending image or displacement image or mask image respectively)inputs
the extra filter's inputs object (by key)
reset the filter to identity (trivial)dispose()
dispose the filter (disposes associated filter thread also if needed)turnOn([bool:Boolean=true])
turn the filterON
toggle the filter'sON
check if filter isON
for any filter that supports combination of a similar filter with itself, else does nothingsetMode(mode:FILTER.MODE)
Set the filter mode, each filter may use this parameter as it sees fit (for example see below)setInput(key:String, inputImage:Image)
for filters that accept multiple extra inputs (e.gblend
filters) this method sets various extra inputs by key and manages the extra inputs more efficiently and transparentlyunsetInput(key)
for filters that accept multiple extra inputs (e.gblend
filters) this method unsets inputs by key (see above)input(key)/getInput(key)
for filters that accept multiple extra inputs (except the main image input e.gblend
filters) the extra inputs are available to the filter via this method by inputKey (see above)serialize()
serialize filter's parameters (for use during parallel processing)unserialize(data:Object)
unserialize filter's parameters (for use during parallel processing)metaData()/getMetadata()
access filter's metadada (if filter supports process metaData, e.gfeatureDetection
filters)select(x1:Number, y1:Number, x2:Number, y2:Number, absolute:Boolean=false)
define a (relative or absolute) rectangular area as filter selection (this is available to each filter to handle as it sees fit, see for example theHaarDetectorFilter
deselect any selection made previouslymakeGLSL([bool:Boolean=true])
make the filter run in webgl (if filter supports it)isGLSL()
check if filter is set to run in webglmakeWASM([bool:Boolean=true])
make the filter run in web assembly (if filter supports it)isWASM()
check if filter is set to run in assemblyworker/thread([enabled:Boolean=true [, import_extra_scripts:Array]])
enable/disable parallel filter thread/worker for this filter (each filter can have its own worker filter in another thread transparently)apply(srcImg:Image [, destImg:Image=srcImg] [, callback:Function])
apply the filter to a destImage
instance using imageData fromsrcImage
output will be changed after the filter application, the filters can be removed if image is restorable)
new FILTER.ColorTableFilter(colorTable:ImageArray [, colorTableG:ImageArray, colorTableB:ImageArray]);
The (optional) colorTable(s) parameter(s) are array(s) of 256 numbers which define the color lookup map(s) (separately for Green and Blue channels if specified, else same table for all RGB channels).
The filter scans an image and maps each pixel color according to the color table map per color
NEW Color Table Filter supports WebGL
NEW Color Table Filter supports Web Assembly
The class has various pre-defined filters which can be combined in any order.
functional(fR:Function, fG:Function=fR, fB:Function=fG)
set color tables via functionals per color channel (or same for all channels)invert()
Inverts image colors to their complementarymask(mask:HEX)
Apply a bit-mask to the image pixelsreplace(color:HEX, replacecolor:HEX)
Replace a color with another colorextract(channel:FILTER.CHANNEL, range:Array, background:HEX)
Extract a color range from a specific color channel and set all rest to a background colorgammaCorrection(gammaR:Number, gammaG:Number=gammaR, gammaB:Number=gammaG)
Apply gamma correction to image channelsexposure(exposure:Number)
Alter image exposuresolarize(threshold:Number, type:Integer=1)
Apply a solarize effectsolarize2()
Apply alternative solarize effect (type=2
)posterize(numLevels:Integer) / quantize(numLevels:Integer)
Quantize uniformly the image colorsbinarize()
Quantize uniformly the image colors in 2 levelsthresholds(thresholdsR:Array, thresholdsG:Array, thresholdsB:Array)
Quantize non-uniformly the image colors according to given thresholdsthreshold()
Quantize non-uniformly the image colors in 2 levels according to given thresholdcontrast(r:Number, g:Number=r, b:Number=g)
Increase/Decrease image contrastbrightness(r:Number, g:Number=r, b:Number=g)
Adjust image brightnessquickContrastCorrection(contrast:Number=1.2)
These filters are pre-computed, however any custom filter can be created by setting the color table manually (in the constructor).
Color Table Filters can be combined very easily since they operate only on mapping a single pixel color at a time.
In order to use both an invert and a posterize filter use the following chaining:
var invertPosterize = new FILTER.ColorTableFilter().invert().posterize(4);
// this also works
var invertPosterize = FILTER.ColorTableFilter().invert().posterize(4);
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
invertPosterize.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(invertPosterize); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter(colorMatrix:Array);
This filter is analogous to the ActionScript filter of same name.
The (optional) colorMatrix
parameter is an array of 20 numbers which define the multipliers and bias terms
for the RGBA components of each pixel in an image.
The filter scans an image and maps each pixel colors linearly according to the color matrix.
NEW Color Matrix Filter supports WebGL
NEW Color Matrix Filter supports Web Assembly
The class has various pre-defined filters which can be combined in any order.
redChannel() / greenChannel() / blueChannel() / alphaChannel()
Get the R/G/B/A channel of the image as a new imageswapChannels(ch1:FILTER.CHANNEL, ch2:FILTER.CHANNEL)
swap 2 image channels (egFILTER.CHANNEL.GREEN
mask (remove) an image channeldesaturate() / grayscale()
Applies grayscaling to an imagecolorize(color:HEX, amount:Number=1)
Applies pseudo-color to an imageinvert()
Inverts image colors to their complementaryinvertAlpha()
Inverts ALPHA channel of imagesaturate(saturation:Number)
Saturates the image (each color to maximum degree)contrast(r:Number, g:Number=r, b:Number=g)
Increase/Decrease image contrastbrightness(r:Number, g:Number=r, b:Number=g)
Adjust image brightnessadjustHue(degrees:Number)
adjust image hue by degreesaverage(r:Number=1/3, g:Number=r, b:Number=g)
color image to an average color (similar to grayscale)quickContrastCorrection(contrast:Number=1.2)
applies a quick sepia effectsepia2(amount:Number=10)
applies an alternative quick sepia effectthreshold(threshold:Number)
applies a color threshod to the imagethresholdRGB(threshold:Number)
applies a threshod to the image only to the RGB channelsthresholdAlpha()
applies a threshod to the image only to the Alpha channelblend()
blend this filter with another color matrix filter
These filters are pre-computed, however any custom filter can be created by setting the filter weights manually (in the constructor).
Color Matrix Filters can be combined very easily since they operate only on mapping single pixel colors linearly.
In order to use both a grayscale and a contrast filter use the following chaining:
var grc = new FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().contrast(1);
// this also works
var grc = FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().contrast(1);
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
grc.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(grc); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.ColorMapFilter(colorMap:Function);
The filter scans an image and maps each pixel colors non-linearly according to the color mapping function.
NEW Color Map Filter supports WebGL
The class has various pre-defined filters.
threshold/quantize(thresholds:Array, quantizedcolors:Array)
applies a full 32-bit threshods to the image with quantized colorsextract/mask(min:Number, max:Number, background:HEX)
applies a color mask to (i.e extracts range of colors from) imageRGB2HSV()
transforms RGB to HSV color spaceHSV2RGB()
transforms HSV to RGB color spaceRGB2HSL()
transforms RGB to HSL color spaceHSL2RGB()
transforms HSL to RGB color spaceRGB2HWB()
transforms RGB to HWB color spaceHWB2RGB()
transforms HWB to RGB color spaceRGB2CMYK()
transforms RGB to CMY(K) color spacehue()
transforms to grayscale based on huesaturation()
transforms to grayscale based on saturation
These filters are pre-computed, however any custom filter can be created by setting the color mapping function manually (in the constructor).
Color Map Filters cannot be combined very easily since they operate on mapping single pixel colors non-linearly.
To apply the filter to an image do:
var hsv = new FILTER.ColorMapFilter().RGB2HSV();
// this also works
var hsv = FILTER.ColorMapFilter().RGB2HSV();
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
hsv.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(hsv); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.AffineMatrixFilter(affineMatrix:Array);
The filter scans an image and maps each pixel position linearly according to the affine transformation matrix.
The optional transformMatrix parameter is an array of numbers that defines the linear geometric mapping of pixels (see examples)
NEW Affine Matrix Filter supports WebGL
NEW Affine Matrix Filter supports Web Assembly
The class has some pre-defined filters to use.
Flip the target image wrt toX
Flip the target image wrt toY
Flip the target image wrt to bothX
axistranslate(dx:Number, dy:Number, relative:Boolean)
Translate target image bydx
(relative) offsetsrotate(theta:Number)
Rotate target image bytheta
radiansscale(sx:Number, sy:Number)
Scale target image bysx, sy
amountskew(thetax:Number, thetay:Number)
Skew target image bythetax, thetay
amounts in each direction
Affine Matrix Filters can be combined very easily since they operate on mapping single pixels positions linearly.
In order to use an affine matrix filter do the following:
var flipX = new FILTER.AffineMatrixFilter().flipX();
// this also works
var flipX = FILTER.AffineMatrixFilter().flipX();
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
flipX.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(flipX); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.GeometricMapFilter(geometricMap:Function);
The filter scans an image and maps each pixel position non-linearly according to the geometric transformation map function.
The optional geometricMap parameter is a function that implements a geometric mapping of pixels (see examples)
NEW Geometric Map Filter supports WebGL
NEW Geometric Map Filter supports Web Assembly
The class has some pre-defined filters to use.
Apply a a user-defined generic geometric mapping to the imagetwirl()
Apply a twirling mapsphere()
Apply a spherical mappolar()
Transform image to polar coordscartesian()
Inverse of polar
Geometric Map Filters cannot be combined very easily since they operate on mapping single pixels positions non-linearly. Use a composite filter (see below)
In order to use a geometric filter do the following:
var twirl = new FILTER.GeometricMapFilter().twirl();
// this also works
var twirl = FILTER.GeometricMapFilter().twirl();
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
twirl.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(twirl); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.DisplacementMapFilter(displaceMap:Image);
This filter is analogous to the ActionScript filter of same name. The displaceMap parameter is a (FILTER.Image instance) image that acts as the displacement Map.
The filter scans an image and maps each pixel position non-linearly according to the (coloring of the) displacement map image.
NEW Displacement Map Filter supports WebGL
NEW Displacement Map Filter supports Web Assembly
Displacement Map Filters cannot be combined very easily since they operate on mapping single pixels positions non-linearly. Use a composite filter (see below)
In order to use an displace filter do the following:
var dF = new FILTER.DisplacementMapFilter(displaceMap);
// this also works
var dF = FILTER.DisplacementMapFilter(displaceMap);
// set any filter parameters if needed
dF.scaleX = 100; // amount of scaling in the x-direction
dF.scaleY = 100; // amount of scaling in the y-direction
df.startX = 0; // x coordinate of filter application point
df.startY = 0; // y coordinate of filter application point
df.componentX = FILTER.CHANNEL.GREEN; // use the map green channel for the x displacement
dF.mode = FILTER.MODE.WRAP; // any values outside image should be wrapped around
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
dF.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(dF); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.ConvolutionMatrixFilter(convolutionMatrix:Array, factor:Number);
This filter is analogous to the ActionScript filter of same name. The (optional) convolutionMatrix parameter is a square matrix of convolution coefficients represented as an array. The (optional) factor is the normalization factor for the convoltuon matrix. The matrix elements should sum up to 1, in order for the filtered image to have same brightness as original.
The filter scans an image and changes the current pixel by mixing the RGBA channels of the pixel and the pixels in its neighborhood according to the convolution matrix.
A convolution matrix with large dimesions (NxN) will use pixels from a larger neighborhood and hence it is slower.
Convolution matrices usually have odd dimensions (3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, etc..) This is related to the fact that the matrix must define a unique center element (ie. current pixel) which only odd dimensions allow.
NEW Convolution Matrix Filter supports WebGL
NEW Convolution Matrix Filter supports Web Assembly
The class has various pre-defined filters to use.
A fast approximation of gaussian filter of arbitrary dimensiongauss(sigma)
An actual gaussian filter with givensigma
functional(kernelFunc:Function, dimension:Number, isSeparable:Boolean)
generic functional-based convolution kernel, e.g use a real gaussian kernel function etc..lowPass() / boxBlur()
Generic (box) fast lowpass filter (ie. box blur)highPass()
Generic fast high pass filter (derived from the associated low pass filter)binomialLowPass() / gaussBlur()
Generic (pseudo-gaussian) lowpass filter (ie. gauss blur)binomialHighPass()
Generic high pass filter (derived from the associated low pass filter)horizontalBlur()
apply a fast blur only to horizontal directionverticalBlur()
apply a fast blur only to vertical directiondirectionalBlur()
apply a fast blur to an arbitrary direction (at present supports only horizontal/vertical and diagonal blurs)glow()
apply a fast glow effectsharpen()
Sharpen the image fastprewittX() / gradX()
X-gradient of the image using the Prewitt Operator (similar to horizontal edges)prewittY() / gradY()
Y-gradient of the image using the Prewitt Operator (similar to vertical edges)prewittDirectional() / gradDirectional()
Directional-gradient of the image using the Prewitt Operator (similar to edges along a direction)prewitt() / grad()
Total gradient of the image (similar to edges/prewitt operator)sobelX()
X-gradient using Sobel operator (similar to horizontal edges)sobelY()
Y-gradient using Sobel operator (similar to vertical edges)sobelDirectional()
Directional-gradient using Sobel operator (similar to edges along a direction)sobel()
Total gradient of the image using Sobel operatorlaplace()
Total second gradient of the image (fast Laplacian)bilateral(d, sigmaSpatial, sigmaColor)
Apply bilateral filter with dimensiond
with givensigmaSpatial
emboss() / bump()
Apply emboss effect to the imageedges()
Apply an edge filter to the imagesetMode(FILTER.MODE.GRAY)
Use faster convolution filters for grayscale images
These filters are pre-computed, however any custom filter can be created by setting the filter weights manually (in the constructor).
Convolution Filters cannot be combined very easily since they operate on varying pixel neighborhoods at a time. Using a composite filter, filters can be combined into a filter stack which apply one at a time (see below)
In order to use an emboss filter do the following:
var emboss = new FILTER.ConvolutionMatrixFilter().emboss();
// this also works
var emboss = FILTER.ConvolutionMatrixFilter().emboss();
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
emboss.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(emboss); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.MorphologicalFilter();
This filter implements basic morphological processing like erode and dilate filters with arbitrary structure elements (given as matrix array)
NEW Morphological Filter supports WebGL
NEW Morphological Filter supports Web Assembly
The class has some pre-defined filters to use.
Apply morphological erode operationdilate()
Apply morphological dilate operationopening()
Apply morphological opening operationclosing()
Apply morphological closing operationgradient()
Apply morphological gradient operationlaplacian()
Apply morphological laplacian (2nd-order gradient) operationsetMode(FILTER.MODE.GRAY)
Use faster morphological filters for grayscale images
Morphological Filters cannot be combined very easily since they operate on varying pixel neighborhoods at a time with non-linear processing. Use a composite filter (see below)
In order to use a dilate filter do the following:
var dilate = new FILTER.MorphologicalFilter().dilate([
0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0
]); // dilate with a 3x3 diagonal structure element
// this also works
var dilate = FILTER.MorphologicalFilter().dilate([
0, 0, 1,
0, 1, 0,
1, 0, 0
]); // dilate with a 3x3 diagonal structure element
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
dilate.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(dilate); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.StatisticalFilter();
This filter implements some statistical processing like median filters and erode/dilate (maximum/minimum) filters which use statistics and kth
-order statistics concepts.
NEW Statistical Filter supports WebGL
The class has some pre-defined filters to use.
Apply median (ie. lowpass/remove noise) filter, same askth(0.5)
Apply minimum (erode) filter, same askth(0)
Apply maximum (dilate) filter, same askth(1)
kth(k:Number, dimension:Integer=3)
Apply kth statistic for arbitarryk
Use faster statistical filters for grayscale images
Statistical Filters cannot be combined very easily since they operate on varying pixel neighborhoods at a time with non-linear processing. Use a composite filter (see below)
In order to use a median filter do the following:
var median = new FILTER.StatisticalFilter().median(3); // 3x3 median
// this also works
var median = FILTER.StatisticalFilter().median(3); // 3x3 median
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
median.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(median); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.BlendFilter(blendMatrix:Array);
The filter blends multiple images together with svg-like blending modes using a blendMatrix
that is a (flat) array of rows (each row having 4
items, total = 4N
for N
images) describing the blendMode
, start x,y
positions and enabled
flag for each of the blend images to be blended with the main image (see below).
NEW Blend Filter supports WebGL
NEW Blend Filter supports Web Assembly
Supported Blend Modes:
- normal
- multiply
- screen
- overlay
- darken
- lighten
- color-dodge
- color-burn
- hard-light
- soft-light
- difference
- exclusion
- average
- linear-dodge/add
- linear-burn/subtract
- negation
- linear-light
In order to use a blend filter do the following:
var blend3Images = FILTER.BlendFilter([
/* blendMode, startX, startY, enabled */
"screen", 0, 0, 1, /*input1*/
"overlay", 10, 10, 1 /*input2*/
.setInput(1, blendImg) /*input1*/
.setInput(2, anotherBlendImg) /*input2*/
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
blend3Images.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(blend3Images); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
new FILTER.DimensionFilter(mode:String, a:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number);
NEW Dimension Filter supports WebGL
NEW Dimension Filter supports Web Assembly
The filter changes the dimensions of the image either by simply setting the new dimensions or (re-)scaling or cropping or padding the image.
if mode
is "set"
, a
is new width or zero, b
is new height or zero, c
is horizontal scaling or zero (given new width) and d
is vertical scaling or zero (given new height).
if mode
is "pad"
, a
is left padding, b
is top padding, c
is right padding and d
is bottom padding.
if mode
is "crop"
, a
is left offset, b
is top offset, c
is width and d
is height.
if mode
is "scale"
, a
is new width or zero, b
is new height or zero, c
is horizontal scaling or zero (given new width) and d
is vertical scaling or zero (given new height).
If complicated cropping, padding and scaling is needed use multiple Dimension Filters.
new FILTER.CompositeFilter([filter1:Filter, filter2:Filter, filter3:Filter /*, etc..*/]:Array);
This filter implements a filter stack which enables multiple filters (even other composite filters) to be applied more easily (and slightly faster) to an image, than to apply them one-by-one manually
NEW Composite Filter supports WebGL
NEW Composite Filter supports Web Assembly
The class implements these methods:
add filter(s) to the end of stackpop()
remove a filter from the end of stackshift()
remove a filter from the start of stackunshift()
add filter(s) to the start of stackremove()
remove a filter by instanceremoveAt()
remove the filter at specified location/orderinsertAt()
insert filter(s) at specified location/orderfilter()
get/set the filter at this locationstable(bool:Boolean)
whether the filter is stable (meaning no filters will be added and/or removed), this makes serialization fasterreset()/empty()
reset the filter to identity
In order to use a composite filter do the following:
var grc = new FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().contrast(1);
var emboss = new FILTER.ConvolutionMatrixFilter().emboss();
var combo = new FILTER.CompositeFilter([grc, emboss]);
// this also works
var grc = FILTER.ColorMatrixFilter().grayscale().contrast(1);
var emboss = FILTER.ConvolutionMatrixFilter().emboss();
var combo = FILTER.CompositeFilter([grc, emboss]);
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// NOTE: a composite filter uses its own worker and all constituting filters will be accordingly transfered
// each constituting filter can also use its own worker for other tasks
// but is not needed for the composite worker
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
// depends on whether the filters contained support webgl
To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
combo.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(combo); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
combo.remove(emboss); // remove the emboss filter from the chain
// or also
emboss.turnOn(false); // turn off the emboss filter while on the chain without losing its settings
NOTE: The (filter) apply method will actually change the image output to which it is applied, the filters can be removed if image is restorable
new FILTER.InlineFilter(filterFunc:Function);
This filter creates inline filters dynamically at run-time using your custom functions with the full power of Filter
(including CPU/GPU parallel processing transparently).
Inline Filters support parallel filter threads/workers (make sure the custom function does not reference other external data, except the FILTER
namespace which will be available literaly at instantiation, so it can be serialized correctly)
NEW Inline Filter supports WebGL if proper shader is passed
var extractRedChannel = FILTER.InlineFilter({
filter: function(params, im, w, h) {
// get red channel using an inline filter that can run in parallel worker also
for (var i=0,l=im.length; i<l; i+=4)
im[i+1] = 0; // remove green channel
im[i+2] = 0; // remove blue channel
return im;
// provide webgl shader as well
shader: [
'varying vec2 pix;',
'uniform sampler2D img;',
'void main(void) {',
' vec4 col = texture2D(img, pix);',
' gl_FragColor = vec4(col.r, 0.0, 0.0, col.a);', // remove green,blue channel
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
// if you want to make this filter work in webgl do:
// if you want to cancel webgl for this filter do:
new FILTER.FrequencyFilter(filterR:Function, filterG:Function=null, filterB:Function=null);
This filter creates frequency domain filters (using Discrete Fourier Transform / FFT) using your custom filtering functions per channel.
var lowFreq = FILTER.FrequencyFilter(function(real, imag, i, j, w, h){
if (i > 0.2*w || j > 0.2*h) {real = 0; imag = 0;}
return [real, imag];
}).setMode(FILTER.MODE.GRAY) /*same filter for all channels in grayscale image*/;
// if you want to make this filter work in another thread in parallel through a worker, do:
// if you want to stop and dispose the worker for this filter, do:
//To apply the filter to an image do:
// this is same even if filter uses a parallel worker filter
lowFreq.apply(image); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
// this will also work:
image.apply(lowFreq); // image is a FILTER.Image instance, see examples
The library can be extended by custom plugins which add new filters.
A comprehensive framework is provided for creating plugins that function the same as built-in filters (see examples at /src/plugins/Noise.js
Included Plugins support parallel thread/worker filters (see code and examples)
Included Plugins (see examples for how to use)
Plugin | Description |
Noise | generate uniform noise |
PerlinNoise | generate Perlin noise/Simplex noise |
ChannelCopy | copy a channel from an image to another channel on target image (can also act as AlphaMask depending on operation mode)supports WebGL supports WebAssembly |
Pixelate | fast pixelate the image to the given scale using various patterns "rectangular" (default) "triangular" "rhomboidal" "hexagonal" supports WebGL supports WebAssembly |
Halftone | create a halftone/dithered black-white or colored image from target image |
Bokeh | fast Bokeh (Depth-of-Field) effect |
DropShadow | generate drop shadow(s) with opacity on image (analogous to ActionScript filter) supports WebGL |
SeamlessTile | create a seamless tileable pattern from target image supports WebGL supports WebAssembly |
ColorFill PatternFill | fast color flood-fill (scanline seed fill) to paint a connected region of an image (with given tolerance factor) fast pattern flood-fill to a connected region of an image using another image as pattern |
ConnectedComponents | fast extraction of all (or only those matching Color/Intensity/Hue) connected components of an image (and their bounding boxes) |
HistogramEqualize | fast histogram equalization (intensity-based, grayscale-based or per separate rgb channel) |
HistogramMatch | fast histogram matching (intensity-based, grayscale-based or per separate rgb channel) |
OtsuThreshold | fast automatic threshold (Otsu method) |
CannyEdges | efficient Canny Edges Detector/Extractor supports WebGL supports WebAssembly |
HoughDetector | find simple shapes like lines, rectangles, circles and ellipses using Hough transform |
TemplateMatcher | find rotation-invariant and scale-invariant matches of a template image and their bounding boxes against another image (selection) using very fast correlation |
HaarDetector | detect fast features and their bounding boxes in image (selection) using Viola-Jones-Lienhart algorithm with HAAR cascades (adapted from HAAR.js) |