The package sgr
provides methods to use colors and text-decoration in ANSI-escape-sequence compatible terminals. It has support for 256-colors and makes available text-decorations such as bold, underline, negative and blink.
Please use go-get to install this package.
go get
Typical usage is to use Parseln() or MustParseln(), and use the resulting string in succeeding fmt
or log
package main
import (
func main() {
sgr.Println("This is an example: [fg-red bold] important text [reset] normal text again.")
// use sgr.Printf like you're used to with fmt
// note: you should use `[reset]` before the newline `\n`
sgr.Printf("The secret number is [fg-17]%d [reset]\n", 42)
// you can also parse once and re-use the parsed format string
// using Parseln eliminates the need for a `[reset]\n` at the end of line
secretNumberFormat := sgr.MustParseln("The secret number is [bg-17 blink]%d")
fmt.Printf(secretNumberFormat, 42)
fmt.Println("This text is normal again, MustParseln puts a reset at the end of the line.")
For more examples, see the example/example.go file. You can also run the example.
If you want to use an opening square bracket you should escape it like this:
sgr.MustParseln("foo [[ bar")
This will print "foo [ bar"
Features like the stdlib log package (date time) might be added in a subpackage.
This package is licensed under a modified BSD 3-clause license.
For more information visit