pygeomod is a Python package with several modules to manipulate and control geological models created with Geomodeller. It contains methods to automate model computation and export (for structured and unstructured grids), to change input files, and to adapt exported and imported data sets around geological models.
The current version of the repository can be accessed on github:
No guarantee for any working order :-) However, if you have any questions, feel free to email me!
The best way to get started (after installation, that is) is to go through the IPython tutorial and example notebooks. I will try to keep them as self-consistent as possible (with all data sets provided in the package, as well).
The best way to view the documentation online is through the ReadTheDocs page:
The documentation is also available in PDF and HTML versions as part of the repository: HTML: PDF:
Simplest way (if you have pip installed): download from Python Package Index and install:
pip install pygeomod
For more information on pip, see
NOTE: to be on the safe side, it is a good idea to install experiemntal Python packages into a virtual environment first:
Alternatively, you can download the distribution (either from PyPI or from github) and simply run
python install
pygeomodeller is free software and published under an MIT License (basically, you can do anything you want with the code, as long as you provide attribution back to me and don't hold me liable).
If you use this work in any form in a publication, please cite our article as reference:
Disclaimer: the code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
Have fun!