- Pranav Kumar Oye! balle balle free ki achievement!
- Christopher Wright
- Debasrita Saha
- Michael Wu This is my first contribution!
- Ditto R K Asnar First time contribution to open source
- [codeplaygroundspace] (https://github.com/codeplaygroundspace)- John Hendricks piyuma iddamalgoda
- [Juliana Gómez Consuegra](https://github.com/JulianaG
- Mohamed Turki m3ellem 🐔
- [Abhishek Bagal] (https://github.com/AbhishekBagal9) First step into open-source excited to contribute and learn more! 🚀
- Shakirullah Always curious about how forking a repo works
- [Christin Estrella] (https://github.com/CCestrella) this is exciting!
- [Liamu-Lin] (https://github.com/Liamu-Lin) What can I say? Mamba out!
- [swetha baboo] (https://github.com/SwethaBaboo)
- Tausif Sayyad Alhamdulillah
- Saloship So this really worked.
- Tejesh Santosh Yewale this is my first to learn open-source and contribute 🌟
- Gunanshu Joshi Random IT guy🧑💻
- Shihab Hasan My first ever open source contribution, excited to contribute more in the future.
- [Santosh Nc] (https://github.com/Santoshn26/) First step to start my contribution journey to Open source community excited to Explore things out there
- [supwan] (https://github.com/supwan) Hello World
- [Haythem532002] (https://github.com/Haythem532002) first open source contribution
- Aman Kumar Agarwal
- [peter_lustig] Peter Lustig master of desaster
- [Abhiram Ayyannagari] (https://github.com/abhiram-ayyan07) First step of achieving anything is believing "YOU CAN DEFINITELY DO IT". cheers to everyone.
- [ElectScholar] (https://github.com/ElectScholar) first contribution
- [Amey Shah] (https://github.com/amey3636) first contribution
- [OS] (https://github.com/SD-OTM/) First contribution
- [Balaji guru] My Very first contribution
- [chanbay] (https://github.com/Imchanbay) hello from indonesia!
- Deborshi First time in open source
- IzabelLV First contribution!
- GustavoAlves Primeira Contribuição!!!
- Praveen B Excited to start my first contribution
- [SIVAPRASAD. G] (https://github.com/sprasad519/)
- [Jeyanth.V] (hhtps://github.com/jeyanth-jr) Excited to give beck to the community and take away
- SamCabrera My first open source contribution!
- Ayushman learning to deep dive into the open source world
- turki013 Hello Everyone! this first contrbution !!
- satishkumarnarayanasamy Make Github Great Again! Akbar: Nima gap!
- [r0s3ndev] first contribution lol
- [daniels_16] This is my very first step on GitHub! Hi everyone!
- CheDani Hi everyone! 👾
- mochasweet Make Github Great Again!
- AakashPrithiveeRam Hello Everyone!, I'm here stating my Open Source journey !
- Justin hi
- karan soni holla! ^_^
- [Harshavardhan] (https://github.com/Harsha-1-8/) Taking it to the next level
- [Klari] (https://github.com/bantoklara/) This is my first contribution
- eattrenclenhard The omnipotent Eat Tren Clen Hard descended from the heavens, his presence radiating divine light and reverence. In that moment, the very air seemed to pause, as if the world itself bowed to honor his arrival.
- [mochasweet] (https://github.com/mochasweet) Make Github Great Again!
- Jacinto Morales Make Github
- [eattrenclenhard] (https://github.com/eattrenclenhard) The omnipotent Eat Tren Clen Hard descended from the heavens, his presence radiating divine light and reverence. In that moment, the very air seemed to pause, as if the world itself bowed to honor his arrival. MeriWtech First time contributer, yay!
- [AryanKhandhadiya] (https://github.com/aryanyk) The biggest regret is not trying.
- [mochasweet] (https://github.com/mochasweet) Make Github Great Again!
- [Einstephener] (https://github.com/Einstephener) annyeonghaseyo. jalbutaghaeyo.
- [matthew] (https://github.com/MatthewW07) Consider the goals that a benefit of a sacrafice contributes to to optimize gain from loss!
- [vatsalya] (https://github.com/VatsalyaBetala)
- [ruchit] (https://github.com/ruchitsheth13) hey! Riustina
- Kehinde Adedokun Hey! Nice being here. This is from a class task. Thank you!
- [vigneshwaran] (https://github.com/joyboy0711) Hey Hello everyone.. Nice to meet you all.
- [Abdul Hakeem] (https://github.com/abdulhakeem19) First step into open source cheers!
- [Muhmmad Asif Khalid] (https://github.com/asifkhalid03) (https://asifkhalid.com) Hey Hello everyone.. Nice to meet you all. :-D
- [wazzan] (https://github.com/wazzan) jj says hi
- [Israt] (https://github.com/IsratErin) Here is my first contribution!!
- [Sujit] (https://github.com/KushwahaPrasadSujit)
- [jhena] (https://github.com/jhenals) This is my first contribution!
- awkwardpy Make this GitHub repo legendary again! 🚀
- [Margaux] (https://github.com/margaux-works) Hello, world!
- [ricky-aufvaa] (https://github.com/ricky-aufvaa) Hello, world!
- Hashem SH Init 10 ⚡
- [Abayomi] (itsabayomi2)
- Amit Chhatbar Let's start the OSS journey with this!
- [Krishnaswaroop] Hello Everyone.. Nice to meet you all
- [Andreas]
- Ishita Tayal first contribution hehee
- KentTang123 first contribution!
- Nishil Wanted to say Hi!
- Ellie Hey
- Ajay Panjeta Hello, this is my first contribution. I am a python developer.
- Saharsha Tiwari Fork it, fix it, and file the pull request! 🚀
- [Ayaz-75] (https://github.com/Ayaz-75) This is Ayaz Ali, I am a python developer and this is my very first open-source contribution.
- Krishnan K The Three important things of Life are Health ,Wealth, Relationship
- [Muhammad Bagir] (https://github.com/bagir-kaff) Hello, this is my first contribution say hi, look forward to be a fullstack engineering.
- [M3hTi] (https://github.com/M3hTi) Hi, I’m M3hTi a programmer with a passion for coding and listening to music and watching movies and a little bit playing games. pls star my projects if u like it.
- [Ayushman] (https://github.com/ayushman1210) learning to deep dive into the open source world
- [Daniel] (https://github.com/raysedev) This is my first contribution
- [Ramon Gomez] (https://github.com/ramonGomezEnc) Hello from Mexico!
- Purwatsate Thar Li Swa Bar
- [Divyansh] (https://github.com/divyansh090)Hi, this is my first contribution :-)
- [David Hope] (https://github.com/dhope1) - Dont be afraid to choose love.
- Sandun Balasooriya Hello, World!
- Yari yassi no way i am here 🤣 !
- SambitHello! Welcome to this new world. keep grinding...
- [Sami Ahmed] (https://github.com/SamiA1995) Hello
- ditsus Good luck to whoever reads this!
- Valentine Hello Universe!!!
- DavideGrecoGit - GLHF!
- Andres Salgueiro Open your eyes for the next Faiz -test contribution
- Ausaf Ahmad Ansari - Life is an opportunity - Take it
- [Charles DeClouette II] (https://github.com/CharlesDdev) Finally!! My first contribution! May the odds be ever in your favor.
- zizzi - First contribution!
- [Philip Hsinh] (https://github.com/xhbear) It's been a long way from punching holes to just casually typing text and having it seen across the globe!
- Shey Camille Let's make softwares better by sharing ideas!
- Lwin Moe Oo Freedom from Fear
- TheProStar First Contribution! Yay!!
- Dehemi Fabio I am a Software Engineering Student, this is my first contribution, I look forward to be a Fullstack Engineer.
- Manikanta Thummuri I am a Aspiring Backend Engineer and this is my first contribution :) 25/02/2025 Tuesday 3:55pm
- Alisha Hey! I hope you have a great day today? If not don't worry help is on the way =)
- Hrishikesh Borkar Hi this is to learn how top contribute to open source projects.
- Jordan 1337.
- Steve Hello World!
- Zetkey Hello to all good people!😁
- Hallie RicciHi, this is my first contribution! -Paul Gulti My first ever contribution. Hope it won't be my last 😉
- Atharav SinghHi, I will becomes the developer, they always think to hire!
- WadeHsu0I love contributing ,happy every day!
- [Ramya Vedi] Hey thank you for the great guide!!
- Vivek Vallabhan I would love to contribute to open source projects.
- Rajat Abhay Sirsikar I am a Civil Structural Engineer, currently doing Ph.D. I look forward to contributing to scientific open source projects and make some impact with my work.
- Miles Johnson Looking to contribute to open source projects
- Jacob M Rivera Let's go! 🤠
- Amruta Suresh Monde I look forward to contribute in open source projects.
- Merav Ben-Lulu I'm happy to join and contribute here!
- chikinpie looking to start helping out with open source and embeded systems
- Harsh Surendran Hey!
- Zuhaitz Grains of sand form deserts.
- Mursaleen Nisar I'm a professional full stack web developer and an experienced freelancer and this is my first open source contribution.
- GediminasLA See you in other OS projects!
- Vedant Ere First of many
- Aniket Verma Hi, this is my first open source contribution. This is Piyush Nihalani. [Mujahidah Abdurrahmon] Hello Everyone
- Kourosh Altafi Hello Everybody, First from IRAN, 2025
- Prabha Nagaraj Full Stack Developer and This is my first contribution!
- Akshansh was here :)
- Iveel
- John Baker
- ZhangPengQi
- Vishwesh Patil Hello
- Sahrin Tahiyat Khusigit add Contributors.md
- Soundarya First contribution 🎀
- Diego_Sosa Z-Dev-Coder
- [cheez]
- jiawei practice for my first contribution.
- Mostafa Nassar Front End Software Engineer, This is a practical demo of contribution to prepare for GSoC 2025
- Matheus Nunes Hello, World!
- [Bapt] -sathvik-9 Here for my first contribution!
- Kerim Demir
- RazFernandez This my first contribution, first milestone to become a Full Stack Developer. Greetings from Mexico ✌️
- mqrv-mckl heyyy :)
- Superfrettchen nett hier.
- GASTON Stanley This is my first contribution as a student!!
- Karthik Sriramoju I'll be doing Opensource Seriously.
- [Kanye west SOrry North] Lets Fork It Boys!!!!
- Daniel Dias Hello Brazil, my first contribution here!
- João Guilherme Hello from Brazil!
- Jonatas Winston | CyberSecurity | @jonatas_winston
- [Khojasteh Mirza | (https://github.com/vulcan-332)]
- Sarang Patil
- Sameehana Chavali I am excited to learn about open source contribution
- Krishna Kumar Hellow(26-02-2025)
- xKensho47
- uqnquvwfkq
- adumic02
- n3lbits FINALLY.
- tokiponalipona Hello World!!!
- OlehDemchenko My first line of code as a contributor. Amazing!!!
- M1D0R1x This is my first contribution more to come
- [[https://github.com/Winstongh]] This is my first contribution , great
- Krubanandan This is my first contribution
- Juan Morales This is my first contribution
- Christopher Liudahl-Rackley This is my first contribution to a public repository!
- Sejal Kaur This is my First Contribution guys.
- white-yj8109 This is my first contribution
- David-Nwosu This is my first contribution. Hope to achieve big dreams in the tech field
- Juan Rodriguez This is my first contribution
- Patrick Früh Hello, World!
- [Prince Gabecha] I hope it turns out well!!
- Ian Ko This is my first contribution!
- Andrew Martinez I love contributing!
- Sauzan Fazaits my first contribution!!
- Hello This is my first contribution!!! Why did I try this?!?!? Weheheeheeh.
- Jas Singh Letsgooo
- Youssef mohamed
- [Ami-L] (https://github.com/amilia-n) Hi!! I love Techtonica! -Rayclu Hi!! I'm Claudio and THIS IS MY FIRST CONTRIBUTION, I'm crying because the emotion (It's a joke)
- Misavalmad I hope all of us achieve our goals
- Valentine Ukah 05/03/2025. Valentine Uchenna Ukah was here. See you at the top
- Kero Wadgy Open-Source is WELCOMING ME!
- Ans Joju looking forward to more contributions!!!
- Naga Rohtih Kumar Jakkala
- Sidney Shafer | LinkedIn | GitHub
- Athiban First contribution for me.Wish me best
- Rajat Sehgal Lets do it!!!
- Akila WasalathilakaHello world wassuppp??? 🍉
- Alice Lee First contribution on github!!
- Noah Weddles Sup!
- Aryan Tyagi Cool Stuff!!
- Aditya Patel Hey!
- Piyush Prakash So this is how it starts...
- Mouhamed FARDOUSI
- asdfasdasd314 Can't wait to start contributing to open source!
- Z-Dev-Coder
- Amankumar 140 This is Aman, college student.(https://github.com/Amankumar140)
- Anders Lorén Hello World!
- Sebastian Rodriguez Hello
- Austin Spangler hi guys !
- aleberkn
- aleberkn+
- Rotem
- Sobhi Abu Hammour
- Raj
- Ziad-Elganzory First contribution wish ne the best.
- HaidarOpsLFG!!
- Advaith KHeyy!!To a new beginning
- khushidesai Heyy super excited to start this!!!
- zhao QianChengl Let it begin!
- Anand Patel Let it begin!
- [Balagopal K.V.] (https://github.com/Balagopalkv)
- sameer
- Jelis
- [Nemanja] It's my first contribution. I'm so excited!
- tomcat16
- Yuvraj Singh
- the-pigeon-coder
- Bipika Amatya Hello! Let the code begin
- [Shubham Bharti] (https://github.com/Shubham007-tech)
- Angel Garcia Desarrollo de software seguro 2025-1
- Arthur Shvetsov
- [Soumya Kanta Mitra] (https://github.com/soumyakantamitra) Thanks for this great tutorial!
- [Adita Roy Chowdhury] (https://github.com/adityaroy10)
- ArkingJ (NICE!)
- MAGNUNMAX00 "thanks for help the biginners"
- [codemaster-vansh] (https://github.com/codemaster-vansh) Hello Guys!! Nice to meet yall
- [Nathaniel Hanlon] (https://github.com/anarchoverah) Hello world! Programmed to work and not to feel...
- [Abhijeet Gorhe] (https://github.com/abhijeetgorhe26); let's kill it boys.....!
- [Sarthak Sharma] Hello world from sarthak!!!
- Junior Atemebang Ashu Great Tutorial!
- Ernest Whitehead It's-a-me!
- Calvin Knowles GLHF!
- Aryan Saraswat let'ss goo
- Beau Desrosiers Hello and thank you!
- John Garry B. Tan Hello World, Pusangkuting is here!
- Sope Azeez This is Sope, Software Engineer! Nice to meet you!
- Ethan Narkiewicz CAIS240
- Sara Palacios Hello World!
- Aaron Corpuz
- Thomas Hyam Lets get contributing
- Adil Köken
- Shubham Sonake First of many
- Abdessamie Mezaache Wish me luck yall
- Mike Floyd Hello there, and thank you for this tutorial
- Praveen Raj
- Sarah Calixto
- Muhammad Ehsan This is Ehsan, Data Scientist.
- Juan Cruz Reichert This is Juan Esteban CS student.
- Ali Adel Nour I'm passionate software enginner and this my first contribution to open source!
- Fadil Amad K M namasthe!!🙏
- Samrat Saha I love Java 🍵 and This my first step towards open source contribution...Yeeeeh!😃 and thanks! to first-contributions repo for it.
- sankaranarayanan First time in open source
- swarna suneri
- Alizon Kingslen my first contribution, thanks for the tutorial
- Sarah Simbaqueba Hey there
- Baba Dan Constantin Thanks for the tutorial.
- Kaiyuan Zhang Start Contributing.
- Pranav Dhekane Nice tutorial..
- [anandvijy]
- Muhammad Gamal Azab This is Jimmy, DevOps Engineer.
- Sithara Hey!.
- Amit Kumarhttps://github.com/ Thanks for the beginners tutorial.
- Michele pelegrinelli Hi everyone!
- Ahmad Allahverdiyev Thank you for the tutorial
- Trevor Davies true.
- Abin Shaji ThomasThis is my first contribution Thanks for the tutorial and help
- Willy Chen first Contribution!!!
- [Cooper Board] (https://github/cboard9)
- [Ryan Tetreault] (https://github.com/ryantetreault)
- sanykoul007
- [AdarshDotDev]
- Andgihrew hello is me contributor; also hello everybody else in here;
- [Samir Butt] Hey everyone! -PPPS
- Blucio Castro I was here, thanks for the XP!
- Owen Morris
- [Oliver McGale] Hi from Ireland! Thank you for the tutorial
- kyal lin soeA Gracis chavales
- Swapnil Ingale Swapnil Ingale
- Juan Naranjo Hello from Colombia! ❤️
- Sherwin Ying My first contribution
- [Andres Cortes] Salu2 desde Colombia <3.
- Srushti Bhoyar Thanks for the tutorial.
- Sparsh Vardhan Hey there, I'm Sparsh Vardhan, and this is my First Open Source Contribution <3
- [Habibullah_Howlader] - Hello from Bangladesh Michal Fogel Ki Chue lwin
- Rose Lagdameo Hello, hope y'all are having a nice day
- [Héctor Cortés Ramírez] (https://github.com/hcortesr) Mi destino fue tallado con piedra y lo voy a cumplir. Lo juro por Dios.
- Karina Kallas Thanks for the tutorial!
- Filippo Bortoli Hello from Portugal :)
- Tarun Thakur Thanks for the tutorial!
- [Hermela Zekarias] (https://github.com/hermela-zekarias)
- Do Quoc Vuong hello from vietnam ;)
- Darshil Solanki Hello World! to Open Source
- Marc Daniel Falsado Hey everyone, Wish yall the best!
- Sharanya G S Hi Everyone, This is my first contribution.
- [Shivam Gupta] Hello guys, this is my first contribution. Hope you guys also pushing your limits.
- [PatrickHung99] Hellow World
- sshooting0203 Hi Everyone, This is my first contribuiton.
- Luis Chavarria Thanks for the tutorial!!
- Tracy Wright Hello, this is my first contribution.
- Deepaakash Gupta Hi Everyone, This is my first contribution. #Data Engineer
- Ibodullaev Asadbek Hello Contributors
- Grydr Hi, everyone
- Banggu My historical moment of contributing to the open source for the first time!!
- Hello World!
- Gowthami Singasmetty - Hello, this is my first-github contribution, so excited...
- [Miguel Goizueta] (https://github.com/MiguelGoizueta) Hi! I'm so excited to learn!
- Ryota Inagaki Hello World!
- UzairGL Hello From France :)
- Ujjwal Sharma Hello from India
- Treesha Bacchuwar Hello everyone. This is my first contribution. Excited to continue this journey.
- Istiak Islam | Excited to start my open-source journey and contribute to meaningful projects!
[Domdancing] (https://github.com/domdancing) Hello from MA
New York Knicks 2025 champions
[Vimangsa] (https://github.com/vimangsa) Well hellooo, world! This is my first contribution to an open-source repository and I am excited to do more in future.
[Rakshit Gupta] (github.com/Rakshitg600) Hello from DTU
Vansh Tomar Congrats to me for my 1st open source contro..i'll keep going!!
krishna Hello
Sarthak Sharma Hello everyone!! First time contributing to an open source project is awesome.
Het Savani Hey!
INEZA Lucky Believe Hello! this is an Open-source enthusiast! Dnaie
Samuel Hello everyone, This is my first contribution!
Innocent Nyamusa Hello World!. Here is my first OS contribution
Ajibola Ganiyu Hi Everyone, here's my first contribution!
Ryan Bowman Hey all! This is my first open-source contribution. Go Birds!
Akhilesh Hello everyone, this is my first contribution!
Pratik Hello everyone, this is my first contribution! :)
Caleb Hi everyone, this is my first contribution!
Aditya Hello everyone, this is my first contribution!
Azam Abbasi Hi, this is my first contribution
Md. Abdullah-Al-Mamun Hello from Bangladesh! Here is my first OS contribution.
[Javier Ramirez] (https://github.com/javierrcyb) Hello World!
Ziqi LI 🚀Hello world!
[Shubham] Thanks for first contribution! Daniel V
- Tejas Wangulkar Hi Everyone, here's my first contribution!
AllTsar George Addai
Abhimanyu Hiot first contribution , but wanted to be part of it
shakibalhasan-code feel proud to be a part of this, from Dhaka, Bangladesh 👨🏾💻
Ahmed Mostafa Mohamed I feel like contributing to react
[Muhammad Bilal Hassan] (https://github.com/bilalsavagexd) Hi, this is my first contribution!
How are you
Owais Ahmad This is my first contribution!
Yash Soni
open source explorer
Mahiman Bissa Hi, This is my first contribution!
Jude Mpoyo 👨🏾💻😁
Josue Igiraneza Okaay lets's go OSS.
Karan Chirde Hello World, This is my first contribution........
Akhilesh Pratap Shahi Note: This is my first contribution looking forward to contribute as a Data Scientist/Python Developer/Data Engineer/ AI Engineer.
[Aman Kaushik] https://github.com/amasick
Mukesh First OSC - Herbert- chacha
Ze Santos altamente
Md Faizan Ashrafi Hey Guys! Not my first contribution
Omofon To the stars🚀
yash- hi
Aakash- This is my first contribution..
Rebecca This is my first contribution, looking forward to making more contributions😌
JAGADEESH - First contribution
Anuj Yadav (https://github.com/yanuj9)
[manisang89][https://github.com/manisang89] - Hello folks, this is my first step in open-source contribution
Dilshana Ranawake - Hello, this is my first open-source contribution
Jayanjan Mukherjee - Hello World! First contribution!
joothy -[Delvyn]Hello everynyan
[simon] (https://github.com/srozenstock)
zoro https://github.com/ Thanks
Vatsal Hello, This is My First Contribution and This is The Beginning to My Open Source Contributions! 🤞
Uchi Fiti Hi everyone, this is my first contribution. I hope to see more 🇲🇬 people here :)
Jesus Lopez Hi! Thank you for the tutorial, I love the initiative. Happy to join the project! 😊
[Estilo Joseph] (https://github.com/sephhsephh) nice Nataly Cristina (https://github.com/natycristina)
Mohit Appari Heyyy ! First Contribution 2025 !!
Maribel Pereyra First Contribution 2025.
Andrea-Sgarbi Hello everyone, this is my first contribution! :)
brancore87 Hello peeps 😊, this is my first contribution! Date: 2nd February, 2025 🙋🏻♂️
Jose Vasquez This is my first contribution today, 20250214
Akhil Nambiar Testing first open source
NataliaBachiega Hi ≽^•⩊•^≼
Alifa-Ara-Heya Alhamdulillah (All praises to Allah), my first contribution in the open source world. :D
[Wahab-Guerrilla] (https://github.com/wGuerrilla) Alhumdulillah.
[Julia Robe] (https://github.com/juliarobe)
Muzamil Hey folks, i cloned the repo and this is my first contribution in the open source world
[xiaotian] (https://github.com/w5cschool) Hello world! let's make it done.
[ArmanBhatia] (https://github.com/ArmanBhatia0100) Thank for this opportunity. Add Bilal Hasan
[Ayushman] 赵梓健(https://github.com/ayushman1210) learning to deep dive into the open source world
Mpho Somo Hello, this is my first open-source contribution
Gregory Alexandrou Hello everyone this is my first contribution!
ShivankXD Happy to make my first contribution!
Harmony Mothershed Thank you for this opportunity! Excited to contribute to more open-source projects🫶🏾
TatumToo First contribution.
sofí cruz
Thaddeus yipeeeeeeeeeeee
Sakshi Garg Hiiii
[Ayush Rai] (https://github.com/7xAyush) Hello guys, this is my first contribution. Hope you guys also pushing your limits.
Manas Salian It's my first open-source contribution, yippee!
[TheTrinch] (https://github.com/TheTrinch)
[Stoplight] (https://github.com/LeulShiferaw) HELLO FELLOW CODERS
[omsudhamsh] (https://github.com/omsudhamsh)
Ammar Najwan This is my first contribution.
Marlon Hello, world!
Himanshu Kumar Here comes my first open-source contribution! :D
[Spencer Bradkin] (https://github.com/shbradki) Good luck everyone!
Kcstring Kai Hello Everyone, It's nice to meet you !!!!!!
Sam/Mericot Deekshith
Savvas Fam Hello everyone! :D
Isaac Vahlenkamp Hi!
[Aneesh Gidda] (https://github.com/AneeshGidda)
[Priya] (https://github.com/pr-askme) Exploring building communities in the open source world.
Naman Saini First Contribution, YaY!!
[prathikrvs163] (https://github.com/prathikrvs163)
Waverew // Oh hi there)
Mark Tomescu Hi, first contribution
Tanmay Khilari Hello Everybody, Glad to have first open source contribution!
Rajeev Kumar Ranjan First contribution
I'm making my first contribution by adding up my name Zacky Mohamed Aathif
Rizvi Fazi Heck Yeah!! Let's do this -strayberry-97
hekikiwi :3
[junocodex] (https://github.com/junocodex)
Otavio Gomes 👈(゚ヮ゚ 👈)
Patrick Leonard Hopefully the first contribution of many!
[Adarsh Nair]{https://github.com/adarshnair094}
[Samyuktaa Sivakumar] (https://github.com/SamyuktaaS17)
Soumyasree Mohapatra : Hello World!
David Kamau My first Contribution, I'm excited!
Ibrahim Gaber Exiting to start contributing in open-source 😃.
trapklew The first of many!
Emmanuel Sobowale HEllo everyone
XX1o Hi!! First open source commit!!
[Syed Hassan Ali Rizvi] (https://github.com/HassanAliRizvi)
AaronFranco Hi mom, I'm on television!!!
Sanidhya Rathore -[Carlos junior ](Git hub account)
[Ahmed Nasser](Git hub account) Harsh Vardhan Singh
Kryptoish locked in.
Ibrahim Abou Zahr First Open Source Contribution! To Many more..
Yvona Hugh Gramelspacher
[Mariana Junghans] (https://github.com/mbittencourt96) Albin Thomas
[Aryan C] (https://github.com/aryanc-04)
Mamai Nataki Hello open source world >]
Mohamed Elsadek DEVOPS
(https://github.com/dheeraz101[Amritansu Aditya](https://github.com/Amritansu-Adi)
AGreenLad someone give me a new name please :p
[Lungelo Nzimande] (https://github.com/LungeloNzimande)
[Ruksh Seran] (https://github.com/RukshS)
Marcus Black Ready to start this new software journey!
Xerx 🫡
Durgesh Shekhawat "Hey! Why is this duplicated? :("
mridul vaishnav
Adishree Bharadwaj Aadyant Agrawal
[Vishal Rathi]
[Polianthiel - Hello World]
kwnna15 🚀
[Debasis Dash] (https://github.com/dashDebasis123)
[piyush] i am batman
[Dobra Palovich]
Yogendra Singh Rathod
LinaAitIder - Second Contribution Here!
Goodness Jakaza Chauke HEllo everyone
Rithika pradeep
[Michael Mallo] (https://github.com/PcZeroKey)
Aayush Gupta
Jane Vu
Umashankar K
PARK, Yeonjong 안녕하세요!
Ranveer rohitmhnty
[JG-6895] Hello World Contrbution!! :)
Nursultan Maulen First Contribution!!!
Frontend Developer & Enthusiast 🚀
Stella First Contribution(♡˙︶˙♡)
Kevinrivas96 First Contribution
AdarshKumarSr Developer
EzzFelt Developer
Jiang Xin guang Happy coding!
Jacob Bowler
[Prashant kushwaha](https://github.com>
Impana B C "Aspiring Developer"
Hello Developers , Dhruv Prajapati Here 👈
Chris Banas -John Wakili
Jahin Ahnaf / BANGLADESH
Victor Mwadime jayanth Brittany Brooks
Amr Sheqwara 👈(゚ヮ゚ 👈)
drux - First contribution
Ritik Verma 👈(゚ヮ゚ 👈)
Taniya 👈(゚ヮ゚ 👈)
Oyaghi 👈(゚ヮ゚ 👈)
[Sean I] I believe
Ernst Lin First Contributions to open source!!
Filimon N. 👈(゚ヮ゚ 👈) Contribution to Open Source
Manuel MG
Anish Dusad chakri
Youssef Bouhdyd Hi I am Youssef From Moroco 👋😊
Venkata Reddy Singatala
[Mila Stamatovska] :)
[Kushaal Kankane] Hello :p (https://github.com/Kushaal-k)
Sheheryar Hassan
Shawno 🇿🇦
Varun Kandasamy
Niall Fitz
Alvaro Zayas-Bazan Santos
[Singha ram]
Brandon W Lee: bwlee13 OpenSource discovery
Mustafa Mubarak Shaik (GitHub-mubarakshaik6)
[liormad] hi
thiagodau Hello everyone!
[new contribution]
f1ssure contributed
devNjan contributed
Muhammad Dawar here. Assalam u Alaikum
JDude Hi!
asyraf34 : I Love Github!
Chagit Lipsky!
Kartik Sharma will prove himself worthy,https://github.com/Kartikk28
Ishant kulshreshtha
Palak Sinha: My First Contribution
Joao Ribeiro My First Contribution🎉🎉 Rohit Chavan: My First controbution Piyush Mandloi Prathamesh Zingade Brajesh aya tha Abdul Sabur
[Dinara Aysungurova] (https://github.com/aysdi)
[Sharan] (https://github.com/sharananure)
Infernal Blueberry
Haxaru It's amazing to see so many contributors <3
Annie was here
karim: feels like a yearbook
Sonam ***: My first contribution : ****
HayatZarine: Hello OpenSource world!
Hayrettin Mavis -> My very first step for my goal : contributing to open source
DJ was here
[Kartikey Srivastava] 09-02-2025
rao was here.
Mayan was here
Chris Nguyen: Hello GitHub
Younis Ayoub: Hello World!
Ritesh Balu: Open-source contribution, excited to learn and contribute! 🇿🇦
David Uche: : Exploring Github...
JorgeOteíza : Discovering OpenSource projects.
Shilpa : my first contribution!
Pruthviraj : Learning OpenSource Contribution!! 18/01/2025
Nakul Saini : Hello, OpenSource Duniya! #11/01/2025
Shimwa Aime Kelvin : Developer discovering about the wonders of open_source projects🫡!
Favour Arum Samarth Poojan Javiya : A new big thing coming out in few years!! ompatel :A new big thing coming out with the upper person in few years!!
Shreeya Gokhale : First contribution!
Arvid Håkon Seternes : Hobbyist wanting to contribute! -Muhammad Abdullah : First contribution!
Sandhya Rani :Full Stack Web Developer
Rajas Patankar: Exploring open source
Sruthi Krishnakumar :07/01/2025
Solaymane Himite :20/01/2025
KevinMitsi : learning Git & GitHub
Navaneethakrishnan M V :Full Stack and Cloud Enthusiast
Yuhan Zou :A brand new start
RoyWB.AKA.rdubbi :Hello Opensource World!
Monicah Mackena : Contributor
EKWUNIFE, Oluwatomiwa : first contribution!
John B: Testing out pull requests
Vijay Makwana : Hello contributors!
Karan Rajiwade : Hello everyone!
Sebastián Lozano : Web developer
BarathKalyan: Gonna rock from now on!!
[Ayushman] (https://github.com/ayushman1210) learning to deep dive into the open source world
jattu8602 : I Love Github!
HarshNe here
Avinash Saroj 🍉 : Hello World!
Glory Tari: Hello Creators!! My first contribution, and looking forward to more
Tanishqua-Simform: Leaving my marks here on 16 Jan, 2025
FrontendBy-GJ : First contribution!
Nathan-Htun: Thanks for my first contribution.
[36borderless] (https://github.com/36borderless)
Saurabh Verma : The first of many contributions
SujithaKC : Fixes, Features, and a Dash of Hope ✨
Louis7363 ----> Let's try something new! All the best to all.
Rajneesh: Thanks for My first contribution 👍.
Sehige : hi mom!
TheCaptain333: First contribution!
aassalax : Web developer
Jeff Martin :01.06.25
Hemanth : My first open source contribution
[Niharika Saha] (https://github.com/Niharika-Saha)
Anurag Choudhury : New to open source contributions!
Anthony Pizzoni :01.11.25 Hello contributors !
Seth Hendrix :01/08/2025
Tunings : First contribution!
[Siddharth] (https://github.com/siddharth11010/)
Aditya :: 07/01/2025
ValentinaCorreaG Buenasss
Justen Manni : Software Engineer
[Rajesh Khanna] (https://github.com/Rajeshkris2)
Harry C YoucefBoursali
[Hetvi Shah]
Akshaya R
pratheek2474 : Learning
Issac-BK : Issac was here
Danny Chen
jianggushi my first contribution
Kavuma Hakim : Baby steps
gaikwadyash905 : My First Contribution, looking forward for more..
Swapneel_Singh : Just the beginning..
Bandish Patel.
Sixtus Aondoakaa:My first contribution
Carlos Gabriel Rocha : 2025 will be awesome!
[Nikhil](My first contributions: https://github.com/Nikhil-NP)
[vishalchauhan](My first contribution: https://github.com/V1sh4lC)
[Nakshatra](My first contribution: https://github.com/Zburgers)
[Deekshitha](My first contribution: https://github.com/NDeekshithaReddy)
Raunav Ghosh That's one small step for fun, one giant leap for life! Woo, this is fun!
[amir asghar akbar mahaleh ghazian tapeh]
Raphael Filipiak Starting my journey as a webdev!
ManzaLord : Journey before destination
binara nurlankyzy
[X3R074](My first contribution: https://github.com/X3R074)
[mushrifshahreyar](My first contribution: https://github.com/mushrifshahreyar)
Samarth Sharma
Feifan Gao
Gökhan Özdemir Hi everyone, best regards from Germany :)
[BinhTran2307](my first contribution)
Zubayr Hassan Hello World!
Lucie C.
Ron G.
This is maya from The future.
Kamal Miboun
Raj_ -FMaciejewski
Pawelgit1234 Hello from Germany! (づ ̄ 3  ̄)づ
Ketan Yadav
[TaskDan] (https://github.com/TaskDan)
Utkarsh Kumar
hi, iam anoof michal
Hi, I'm Anuj.
@thenocturnaldevgypsy-io | TheNocturnalDevGypsy (Abegail Torrendon)
Gail Lobo
hide361 Hello coders
[jokalu-it](Grüße :D)
Sriram Balu -ayala
your username
raashed was here
Lance Xie
SWanHK Saksh Daksh
[Jhonac Was Here ;-;]
[Yugan Thirukumaran] (https://github.com/YuganThirukumaran) Hello everyone! this is my first ever Contribution
[Sharon-Kevin] (https://github.com/sharon17kevin)
Testing purpose
Kate Rasheed
shappp1 :)
Bhavya Singla
Gabriele Agosta
[shubh] (https://github.com/letswriteaprogram) :- today is the beginning of something new and big. let's code for making someone's life better and Happy .
Borsoon hi fellas this is my first contibution
sooraj suresh "Don't judge a book by its cover.(●'◡'●)"
Rohit R 🔥
[Onyango Jerry](No link sorry)
[Haonan Lu](No link by now)
[Jayavardhan gorlamandala](No link sorry)
[BlackSmithOfFire](I won't put my link/Sorry!But thanks)
[Aayush Sharma]
kmkkiii 🐢
[Ghandy Jimenez]
STICKnoLOGIC : 💻 Web and 📱 App 👩💻 Developer : 🎮 ITCH.IO | 👤 My Portfolio
Tim the First # Thank you!
Harsha S ^_^
Nitin Yadav </❤️>
[Ido Majid] (https://github.com/idomajid)
[Ben Hickton] (https://github.com/bhick33)
[amdm-aus] (https://github.com/amdm-aus)
Harish Kushwah ❤️ INDIA
Kartik Pawar INDIA
Ayush Agarwal
Saur-av # Thanks for help
Henry Saya ##Backend Engineer
[Mahesh Chaulagain]
Nandini Kashyap
Bianchi Ayush Kumar
Jonathan Jones Ayush Jariyal
[Karys] (https://github.com/akarys2304)
Nicholas Liebmann YIPEE!! I DID IT!!!
BlueD2O Learning GIT and thanks for this tut!
Praveen Neel
WrenOswin Excited to work on open source!
[E.I.](Beshem Hashem Nase Venatzliha)
Shojol Ahmed My first ever contribution to a github project
Michelle X [Pramukh S]
M. Ishaque Junejo was here on 18-Jan-2025
Christian_Philip Not too late to start...
Penguintheorem Pingu philosophy 🐧🐧🐧
Victor Alejandro Contreras Vargas Who's gonna carry the boats?💪🔥
Hlan Htet Kyaw The last mile is the least crowded.......
Wai Linn O0 Long live and prosper!
Shahbaz Javed Qureshi And the logs!?!!
Samyak ShahThey Don't Know Me Son!!!!
Srajal Sawner Patrick Gibbs
Trea M
[Temirlan Tlektessov] (https://github.com/ttlektessov) Hi there, this is my first contribution to open-source!
Taufi -Ruty
solizma nuthin
[KeeanV] (https://github.com/KeeanV)
[FEI_TENG](My first contribution: https://github.com/FEITENG-0828/)
CodeWithTaskin : My First Contribution, looking forward for more..
JohnTheSteel Let's rock.
Code-JL - A developer interested in all programming, currently working with C++ on inventory management projects
Armin Pakdaman my goal is to start contributing in open source projects!
Elisheva Fried
Jack Arnaud
Samuel Yonas
Take O
Devon Russo https://github.com/drusso97
Hi This is Goutham.
Hi I am Vaibhav
Hi I am Shinya
Mark my first contribution!
Chris hire me pls
26sneakysnake my goal is to make 100 open source contributions by end of 2025. 99 more to go!
Tim Wang -[Lucifer]
[Chaitanya Patil] starting contribution from now 16/01/2025
[Nimesh Vellera] (https://github.com/omennemo)
Yassr stagio =>
<a href="https://github.com/stagioo">
Yassr Stagio</a>
[CoderJot] (https://https://github.com/coder-JOT)
Simón Villafañe was here
[skywalkerryan] Hello world
[Mohamed Sano]
Raeef Chowdhury 15 year old aspiring bengali Developer 💪💪💪
Adamya.Tripathi Data Scientist here. Wassup!🚀🚀
Abhay Patil First contribution vibes! 😎
Samuelhallman Hello from Finland!
Kriemseeley Let's go!😼
Piyushbhatt7 Grateful for my contribution in this repo
Abhay Patil First contribution vibes! 😎
ChandniMehta learning is fun
ddelimond -codevenoI am looking for opportunities to contrinute and tech friends. lets connect.
Aryan | a commitment a day keeps unemployment away ;) | LOL XD
Zpon first try.
spailll Hi
[Regan P] (https://github.com/Regan2327)
Harshdeep | Got a job !
xpedroyx | apple pen!
Danish Raja Web Developer | Open Source Enthusiast GitHub: Daniishraza "Learning, building, and contributing to open source!"
FabioCanavarro | Goal: 10 Open source contribution before june
Sukanya Ojha!goal to do in feb.
Kashish Jatain *My first Contribution
TRaisooooo Was Here ; XMASTROOOOO
Hello everyone! I am so excited to be a part of this contribution
Luiz Otávio Teixeira Mello | Hello mundo!
[Annika] (https://github.com/AnnikaLaanemets)
ProperPickle https://github.com/Regan2327/first-contributions.git- yiquanfeng
ibrahim-sisar from Gaza, Palestine
[Kireeti] (https://github.com/kireeti2112)
Bowei Xu way to go👌
anuzka115 You have no idea how high i can fly
[https://github.com/ahmed-seidu] Ahmed Tijani Seidu Sid Start Afresh
Sohib The Moon Haunts You!
Oladimeji Destined for More!
HarisChandio Dhhttps://github.com/Regan2327/first-contributions.gitatteBayo! Hahaem1ly TeefAlfadhli Hello Teef is HERE
HarisChandio DhatteBayo!
TeefAlfadhli Hello Teef is HERE
Raeef Chowdhury Aspiring 15 year old developer
Rahul Shendre let's do it
Gichia Muiruri let's do it
Dheeraj Gupta first step 🚀
Anmol Kumar test
Andrei Nikitin Believe in the You That Believes in Yourself!
[Sahand Jamalzadeh] (https://github.com/jamalzadeh-sahand)
Akhil sai Lets do it 🔥
PeanutInMayhello world, and hello world
[ohad b]
[Ryan DeFalco] Have a Great Day!
[Tanmay Yadav]
DucNhat03 from Viet Nam
will-kyda yes it's me
[Leandro1302] (https://github.com/Leandro1302) Lessgo
karanam karthik starting my open source journey
Imran Basha Consistency is the key
Virender Thakur Let's start coding...
OliverDevsCode My First Contribution
Ritik Singh Starting to open source...
Sushovan pan this my first contribution.
[Anna Carolina] (https://github.com/annacarolinaf)
Abdulla kasim##starting out
Ajay Oraon ##Backend Developer
[Deelaka S] (https://github.com/Deelz07) #This is my first work on OS project!
[Anurag Wankhede] (https://github.com/AshRW) Lets Goo
Sharon Shi #Open Source
[Gustavo Araujo] (https://github.com/gustavofda/) ##FrontendDeveloper
[Raja Kokate] (https://github.com/rajakokate) ##DevOps Engineer
[Maryia Krauchanka] (https://github.com/mariakravchenko) ##FullStackDeveloper
[yagaoyg] (https://github.com/yagaoyg) let's go 🍔
[Djilanib] (https://github.com/Djilanib) thank u so much ^^
Zarlish FathimaHello Folks👋
Florian Frevol Heyy everyone !!
[Mahmoud Alfadel] Hello Folks👋
[Cody] Hello!
Ossys101010 Path of PC Guru (PCG; 2PCG; 4PCG). Code with fun brother ^-^
L4ZYLinuxVendor Hello XD, I use arch btw.
treeleaves30760 Hello, I am a student from NTHU!
HTMLSlander This is HTMLSlander and I know HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
BenjaminP17 Hello, I am back-end developer on Symfony.
Austin Hello all, I am becoming a contributor now while I am still looking for a job.
Code Alligator Hello 👋
vanshhref Hello there, i play Forza often :)
Tamar Borges Hello.
Kriti Hello, World!
Hsu Hello World
RAFiasyam Hello 😁
Ivan Hello guys!!
Ryu "Just doing my Git Foundation Course!"
NatieBao Hi guys, thanks for the tutorial, very helpful.
NatieBao Hi guys, thanks for the tutorial, very he
Zackery Payne Hello guys=======
David Vasilchenko Hi guys
Hakim-2206 Hi everyone !
[zbinx]Thanks for the tutorial, really cool.
[Yancy] Hi, I am a noob in open source. I am trying to contribute to open source.
YangRucheng Hello
MarcoMarquez19 Hola, tratando de acabar el github fundations :'D
Zhixia Lau Interesting project encouraging freshman, Hello ^w^.
Khushi Pandey Hi 👋 guys, I am a Software Developer
Mikhail Ramirez Hey y'all this is my first contribution! Hope it works :)
WWWeeds. Hi guys, hope you have a nice day! ^_^
Shashi Kiran J I guess I am a little late 🙄
[NateC-Fossa] (https://github.com/NateC-F)
[quzq] (https://github.com/quzq)
[pk1705] (https://github.com/pk1705)
[hugohtz05] (https://github.com/hugohtz05)
[Azeez Abdulrahman] (https://github.com/Rahman504) Hello from Nigeria, this is my first contribution
[Mohamed Arbani] (https://github.com/MohamedArbani) OIIAOIIA 🐈🔄🔄🔄 ^_^
[Sathya Ram] (https://github.com/BITS08SATHYA) Prefect timing bros!
Prince Yadav this is myfirst contributition
oocontinue a student want to be a Backend Developer
Sushovan pan this my first contribution.
[Yunbo Zhang] (https://github.com/cm2fh)
TaTsuYo My first contributition!
akinatada This is my first contribution. Yay!🌟
[Yunbo Zhang] (https://github.com/cm2fh)
[Amani Medcroft] (https://github.com/slurpinpuffs) Hellarrrrr
[Tristan Spear] I love learning coding! Mahati Thanks for the Tutorial
[Brendan Riley] (https://github.com/brendanriley4) This is fun!
[Nikhil Lingadhal] (https://github.com/nikhillingadhal1999)
[Ziad Samer] (https://github.com/zizoisprogramming)
vitamin43 Hello, world!
[Alan Leonel Gomez] (https://github.com/alango89) Argentina!
Ruturaj Jadhav Hello from India! This is my first contribution.
Nithin U Hi, I'm Looking forward to connect with people to impl tech😊
Andrew Dev Co-co-co-colombia
PeanutInMay hello world, delight to git here!
Chase Russo Hello from the US!
Hi This is Ismail
kimknifestring good!!!!
Prajwala P Hello
Ghaith ElHamwi ⚡ "Turning coffee into code since 2020" ☕
[Manuel] hello from switzerland
Jesse 2025.2.19 0:02 gooood!
Michael 02/20/2025 Hello from Illinois, USA
[Krishna] hello world
[Louise] My name is Louise, and I am contributing for the first time!
[BergamaschiDev] My first contribution studying Java at Dio.me! 🚀💻✨ #Learning #Java #DioMe
AlnahdiSM This is my github
[Guna Khambhammettu] ila intadhi anmata.....niceee!!
[Arjuuuu] Hola!
XiaoWan This is my first contribution.I wish I will do better and better in this career!
yumoxuan This is my first contribution.I hope that I can do more contribution to open source!
Ibrahim This is my first contribution. Excited to learn more about open source!
saqib-aminul - Hello from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The 3676th contributor of this repo.
[jini] (https://github.com/YooJini) This is my first contribution.
Nicholas Karim - Oh yeah first contribution!
Max Temirbekov Hello from Russia 20.02.2024 👋
Zhe Yuan Hello from China, 2025-2-22
Ashish Vaidya Hi There!
San Hello from Brazil!
Ayush More Hi This is my first contribution. Excited to learn more about open source!
Rohit First contribution!
Henrique Oliveira Hello from Portugal! This was made on the 21st of february 2025 😁
[Jaysinh Patankar] (https://github.com/Jaysinh146) Hello from India!
Shuxing Fang Hello from Tokyo
[Luis] Hello World, this is my first contribution!
PNDTG Hehe! After so long! Thank you first-contributions team...
[q1q1w2w2] Hi
[Jerryfandev] Hello World! Love from Vietnam <3
[Engi29] (https://github.com/Engi29) First contribution
Kaiyuan Zhang This is my first contribution. Love from China.
Raj Jasoliya This is my first contribution, wooo hoooo let's get into this!
Alex Sanderson This is my first contribution!
Fillah Alamsyah This is my first contribution in this project
Khoa Nguyen This is my first contribution!
Steve Loh This is my first contribution!
Murali Sb Hola! My First Contribution...
Shankar Somu This is my first contribution on 2/22/25!
Rohit Anand Tring to Contribute to Open Source for the first time
[Jecara] HI🤓
Ralphy Howdy from Poland 🇵🇱 its great to be here for the first time, good luck guys! 24/02/25
[Inferno] Hi
George2Times Hello from Poland! I'm thrilled to be contributing to open source for the first time!
[Hirtus] Hello World!
[Neil S McKay] My first git contribution, at last!
Zane Godden Yay! My first contribution. Hopefully more to come :)
Eamon Wong Hello, may great things happen to you! :)
arthurlw Hello from Indonesia! Excited to learn more about open source!
yu-min3 Hello from Japan! I would like to dive into OSS activities!
Ritesh Chepuri Hello! This is my first Contribution
Rafael Alba Hello from Spain! Let's the Code games start! https://github.com/RafaelAlbaS
yu-min3 Hello from Japan! I would like to dive into OSS activities!
yu-min3 Hello from Japan! I would like to dive into OSS activities!
Mouadhbendjedidi bro what's up (message to WaliEddine_ght bro stay hard we are brothers forever 🗿🗿♟️ nice my bro
Hao Ran Pu Hello, This is my first contribution.
Tasleema Shaik Mohammed Hey, finally I have taken this first step, Cheers to the next person who is looking forward for their first contribution. May all your manifestations come true!
Prem Bhajaj Hey, finally I have taken this first step, Cheers to the next person who is looking forward for their first contribution. May all your manifestations come true!
Preetam Hegde Hello from india. I'm thrilled to be contributing to open source for the first time! 25/02/25hello open source
Daksh Hope this goes well, really exited to start this journey!
Preetam Hegde Hello from india. I'm thrilled to be contributing to open source for the first time! 25/02/25
z-cursor Hello from China. It's my first time to be contributing to open source and it's feels not bad.
ajit-abc Hello. 👋
Amit Kanjariya Hellooo from India...
[LemonMonster03] (https://github.com/LemonMonster03) This is LemonMonster03 from China, hello everyone! :D
[Pallavi] (https://github.com/Pallavi-0210/)
shanizu This is my first contribution!
Thayná Freire Hello World! I'm Thayná, a student. This is my first contribution.
Abdelrahman Mohammed Aboulfotouh This is my first contribution. Love from Egypt. This is my first contribution.
Kimpolit Curious as a cat for every single aspect of the computer science and mathematics. Saluti da Italia.
[DoHun Lee] (https://github.com/dohuni391) My first contribution!
Jian Du Hello, my first contribution!
[Vaud Keith] (https://github.com/VaudKK) Hi, my first contribution
[Usman Javed] (https://github.com/ujavedodl) Hello from Pakistan, This is my first contribution!
ShengWei My first contribution!!! Let's see how far I can go :D
Rocklinks Hello From Tamilnadu,India
lonelycat Hello from China
Julietowah Hello from Nigeria, This is my first contribution!
moosemanuk (https://github/moosemanuk) First contribution - hello from England
Shravan My first contribution I guess!!
Hyeongi My first contribution
Russ holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
Harumoto My first contribution!
Ajit Ashwath My first contribution!
Patthh My first contribution on OSS project, hope it's not my last ;)
Jeyep8 Someone taught me this :D, now Im open source contributorrr yey
Mayur Learning how to learn people and code :_)
DevOpsWithYoge Happy to kickstart my journey with Open Source.
JuyaoHuang Hello from China, This is my first excersice!
iSeaox C’est une bonne situation, ça, dev ? Mais, vous savez, moi je ne crois pas qu’il y ait de bonne ou de mauvaise situation. Moi, si je devais résumer ma vie aujourd’hui avec vous, je dirais que c’est d’abord des rencontres, des gens qui m’ont tendu la main, peut-être à un moment où je ne pouvais pas, où j’étais seul chez moi. Et c’est assez curieux de se dire que les hasards, les rencontres forgent une destinée… Parce que quand on a le goût de la chose, quand on a le goût de la chose bien faite, le beau geste, parfois on ne trouve pas l’interlocuteur en face, je dirais, le miroir qui vous aide à avancer. Alors ce n’est pas mon cas, comme je le disais là, puisque moi au contraire, j’ai pu ; et je dis merci à la vie, je lui dis merci, je chante la vie, je danse la vie… Je ne suis qu’amour ! Otis
Julianchu Hello from China.
lilblueyes Hello from France! (btw, the guy above is really funny)
[JimmyC27] (https://github.com/JimmyC27/) A random line entered twice
Irina Kuettner My first step und contribution!
Brian Kwan My first step of contribution!
uetyama My first step of contribution!
[Antonio Maggiore] (https://github.com/credp1985/)
Yinglinc Study hard
JiayueYang My first step of pushing my local file to github
KunlinLI Test for PR.
Parsivan I was here. The ultimate goal of programming is picking up farming. that is what i strive for!
AnthonyLee This is Anthony's first contribution.
Bolun hello from China, hope everyone have a good time on Github!!
Shivashshivash was here.made my first contribute to open source.
Shivashshivash was here.made my first contribute to open source.
PM25OO Hello! Love from China 😜
Daniel Quevedo Hello there!
Volowoon My first step towards the world of open source:) Hello World!
AnmSleepalone Now, it is my turn.
[Surjeet] (https://github.com/surjeetrana-cts) surjeet here to add my test contirbution
JimmyLin First step. I hope this can keep going...
Mikami This is my first contribution, and I am glad to do this. Hope this is not my last. qwq
My first contribution
EugeneY Contributing to open source is like doing group projects in school—except the smartest kid left 5 years ago, and no one understands their code.
Sibgatullah Muzaddedi First step forward towards infinity ...
elias86 First change by myself
Morn734 Commemoration!
Abhijeet Gimme My Money!!
dragenkit hi im happy to make this contribution
DavidAMaldonadoH Trying to make a constribution!
Chalapati Leharika Sri Hello there Iam trying to learn and entering into the world of open source.
Karan Kumar Hello everyone today I am going to start my open source contribution journey.
[HPereira21] (https://github.com/HPereira21) Take the green pill.
ll1zt hello there!
Lachlovy Hi, I am honored to be here. Hope to contribute more to open-source projects in the future!
[Soma] First time contributing to a project. hope to do more
skv0zsneg OpenSource helping us and we must help it too! 🚀
[DanielAzeez] Hello everyone. Happy to be here, and hope to contribute more on open-source projects in the nearest future!"Fixing pull request issue" "Fixing pull request issue"
Beckendrof I need to get a job
Paul Wang Hello everyone, I am a beginner in open source from Taiwan, and I’m excited to learn and contribute!
[Follow Dreams] Hello everyone, I’m excited to learn and contribute!