The Documentation is built with Sphinx v5.3.0 and the configuration file is Files get converted to .html
files by Sphinx during build time. Images, web code and videos are kept in the _static folder.
The docstring format is under the Numpy Convention. Sphinx is configured to read Docstring information from the codebase and convert it into pages utilizing the autodoc extension. The generated files are created at build time and put into a folder called _autogen
Handwritten pages and guides are kept in the _pages folder. They are all written in Markdown using myst-parser as interface. Some documents like in the examples folder are dynamically computed with myst-nb as jupyter notebooks. With the help of the jupytext library ands its jupyterlab extension, examples can be written and executed within the jupyterlab ecosystem and saved as markdown file. It is recommended to use the jupyterlab-myst extension to be able to work with the full set of myst markdown flavor within jupyterlab. When editing the docs with vscode, use the MyST-Markdown extension to visualize the rendered document.