Our installation is simple and anaconda3 based. Follow the steps below:
Requirements: NVIDIA GPU, Linux
Note: We currently do not provide support for CPU only runs except SVM trainings.
cd $HOME
wget https://repo.continuum.io/archive/Anaconda3-5.0.1-Linux-x86_64.sh -O anaconda3.sh
chmod +x anaconda3.sh
./anaconda3.sh -b -p $HOME/anaconda3
rm anaconda3.sh
Now add anaconda3 to your PATH so that you can use it. For that run the following command:
export PATH=$HOME/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
Now, verify your conda installation and check the version:
which conda
This command should print the path of your conda bin. If it doesn't, make sure conda is in your $PATH.
Now, let's create a conda environment which we will work in.
conda create --name ssl-framework python=3.6
source activate ssl-framework
We use several conda packages that are installed easily as below:
conda install -c pytorch pytorch
conda install -yq future protobuf pyyaml six scipy pycurl opencv scikit-learn cython networkx
# To test the installation works:
python -c 'import torch'
Now clone this repository and install using instructions:
cd $HOME && git clone --recursive https://github.com/facebookresearch/fair-sslime.git
python setup.py install
# To test the installation works
python -c 'import sslime'
That's it! You are now ready to use this code.