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Ethminer's API documentation

Table of Contents


Ethminer implements an API (Application Programming Interface) interface which allows to monitor/control some of the run-time values endorsed by this miner. The API interface is available under the following circumstances:

  • If you're using a binary release downloaded from the releases section of this repository
  • If you build the application from source ensuring you add the compilation switch -D APICORE=ON

Activation and Security

Whenever the above depicted conditions are met you can take advantage of the API support by adding the --api-bind argument to the command line used to launch ethminer. The format of this argument is --api-bind address:port where nnnn is any valid TCP port number (1-65535) and is required, and the address dictates what ip the api will listen on, and is optional, and defaults to "all ipv4 addresses". Examples:

./ethminer [...] --api-bind 3333

This example puts the API interface listening on port 3333 of any local IPv4 address which means the loop-back interface ( and any configured IPv4 address of the network card(s). To only listen to localhost connections (which may be a more secure setting),

./ethminer [...] --api-bind

and likewise, to only listen on a specific address, replace accordingly.

The API interface not only offers monitoring queries but also implements some methods which may affect the functioning of the miner. These latter operations are named write actions: if you want to inhibit the invocation of such methods you may want to put the API interface in read-only mode which means only query to get data will be allowed and no write methods will be allowed. To do this simply add the - (minus) sign in front of the port number thus transforming the port number into a negative number. Example for read-only mode:

./ethminer [...] --api-bind -3333

Note. The port number in this examples is taken randomly and does not imply a suggested value. You can use any port number you wish while it's not in use by other applications.

To gain further security you may wish to password protect the access to your API interface simply by adding the --api-password argument to the command line sequence, followed by the password you wish. Password may be composed by any printable char and must not have spaces. Password checking is case sensitive. Example for password protected API interface:

./ethminer [...] --api-bind -3333 --api-password MySuperSecurePassword!!#123456

At the time of writing of this document ethminer's API interface does not implement any sort of data encryption over SSL secure channel so be advised your passwords will be sent as plain text over plain TCP sockets.


Access to API interface is performed through a TCP socket connection to the API endpoint (which is the IP address of the computer running ethminer's API instance at the configured port). For instance if your computer address is and have configured ethminer to run with --api-bind 3333 your endpoint will be

Messages exchanged through this channel must conform to the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification so basically you will issue requests and will get back responses. At the time of writing this document do not expect any notification. All messages must be line feed terminated.

To quickly test if your ethminer's API instance is working properly you can issue this simple command:

echo '{"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"miner_ping"}' | netcat 3333

and will get back a response like this:


This shows the API interface is live and listening on the configured endpoint.

List of requests

Method Description Write Protected
api_authorize Issues the password to authenticate the session No
miner_ping Responds back with a "pong" No
miner_getstatdetail Request the retrieval of operational data in most detailed form No
miner_getstat1 Request the retrieval of operational data in compatible format No
miner_getstathr Request the retrieval of operational data in Ethminer's format No
miner_restart Instructs ethminer to stop and restart mining Yes
miner_reboot Try to launch reboot.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux) in the ethminer executable directory Yes
miner_shuffle Initializes a new random scramble nonce Yes
miner_getconnections Returns the list of connections held by ethminer No
miner_setactiveconnection Instruct ethminer to immediately connect to the specified connection Yes
miner_addconnection Provides ethminer with a new connection to use Yes
miner_removeconnection Removes the given connection from the list of available so it won't be used again Yes
miner_getscramblerinfo Retrieve information about the nonce segments assigned to each GPU No
miner_setscramblerinfo Sets information about the nonce segments assigned to each GPU Yes
miner_pausegpu Pause/Start mining on specific GPU Yes


If your API instance is password protected by the usage of --api-password any remote trying to interact with the API interface must send this method immediately after connection to get authenticated. The message to send is:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "api_authorize",
  "params": {
    "psw": "MySuperSecurePassword!!#123456"

where the member psw must contain the very same password configured with --api-password argument. As expected result you will get a JSON-RPC 2.0 response with positive or negative values. For instance if the password matches you will get a response like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true,

or, in case of any error:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "error": {
    "code": -401,
    "message": "Invalid password"


This method is primarily used to check the liveness of the API interface.

To invoke the action:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_ping"

and expect back a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": "pong"

which confirms the action has been performed.

If you get no response or the socket timeouts it's likely your ethminer's instance has become unresponsive (or in worst cases the OS of your mining rig is unresponsive) and needs to be re-started/re-booted.


With this method you expect back a detailed collection of statistical data. To issue a request:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_getstatdetail"

and expect back a response like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "connection": {                     // Current active connection
      "isconnected": true,
      "switched": 0,
      "uri": "stratum+tcp://<omitted-ethereum-address>[email protected]:4444"
    "difficulty": 3999938964.0,
    "epoch": 218,
    "epoch_changes": 1,                 // Ethminer starts with epoch 0. First connection to pool increments this counter
    "hashrate": 46709128,               // Overall HashRate in H/s
    "hostname": "<omitted-hostname>",
    "runtime": 240,                     // Total running time in seconds
    "shares": {                         // Summarized info about shares
      "accepted": 5,
      "acceptedstale": 1,
      "invalid": 1,
      "lastupdate": 58,                 // Latest update of any share info of is X seconds ago
      "rejected": 0
    "tstart": 63,
    "tstop": 69,
    "version": "ethminer-0.16.0.dev3-73+commit.f35c22ab",
    "gpus": [
      {"fan": 54,                       // Fan in %
       "hashrate": 23604564,            // HashRate of GPU in H/s
       "index": 0,
       "ispaused": false,
       "nonce_start": 6636918940706763208,
       "nonce_stop": 6636920040218390984,
       "pause_reason": "",              // Possible values: "", "temperature", "api", or "temperature,api"
       "power": 0.0,                    // Powerdrain in W
       "shares": {                      // Detailed info about shares from this GPU
         "accepted": 3,
         "acceptedstale": 0,
         "invalid": 0,
         "lastupdate": 58,              // Share info from this GPU updated X seconds ago
         "rejected": 0
       "temp": 53                       // Temperature in °C
      {"fan": 53,
       "hashrate": 23104564,
       "index": 1,
       "ispaused": false,
       "nonce_start": 6636920040218391000,
       "nonce_stop": 6636921139730018000,
       "pause_reason": "",
       "power": 0.0,
       "shares": {
         "accepted": 2,
         "acceptedstale": 1,
         "invalid": 1,
         "lastupdate": 134,
         "rejected": 0
       "temp": 56

If values not set (eg --tstart) or the underlaying function returns an error expect null as returned value!


With this method you expect back a collection of statistical data. To issue a request:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_getstat1"

and expect back a response like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
    "ethminer-0.16.0.dev0+commit.41639944", // Running ethminer's version
    "48",                                   // Total running time in minutes
    "87221;54;0",                           // ETH hashrate in KH/s, submitted shares, rejected shares
    "14683;14508;14508;14508;14508;14508",  // Detailed ETH hashrate in KH/s per GPU
    "0;0;0",                                // DCR hashrate in KH/s, submitted shares, rejected shares (not used)
    "off;off;off;off;off;off",              // Detailed DCR hashrate in KH/s per GPU (not used)
    "53;90;50;90;56;90;58;90;61;90;60;90",  // Temp and fan speed pairs per GPU
    "",               // Mining pool currently active
    "0;0;0;0"                               // ETH invalid shares, ETH pool switches, DCR invalid shares, DCR pool switches

Some of the arguments here expressed have been set for compatibility with other miners so their values are not set. For instance, ethminer does not support dual (ETH/DCR) mining.


With this method you expect back a collection of statistical data. To issue a request:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_getstathr"

and expect back a response like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "ethhashrate": 73056881,            // Overall HashRate in H/s
    "ethhashrates": [                   // Hashrate per GPU in H/S
    "ethinvalid": 0,                    // Total number of invalid shares
    "ethpoolsw": 0,                     // Total number of pool switches
    "ethrejected": 0,                   // Total number of rejected shares
    "ethshares": 64,                    // Total number of found and submitted shares
    "fanpercentages": [                 // Fan percentages per GPU
    "pooladdrs": "",  // Mining pool currently active
    "powerusages": [                        // Power draw (in W) per GPU
    "runtime": "59",                    // Total runtime in minutes
    "temperatures": [                   // Temperatures per GPU
    "ispaused": [                       // Is mining paused per GPU
    "version": "ethminer-0.16.0.dev0+commit.41639944" // Running ethminer's version

This format does not honor any compliance with other miners' format and does not express values from dual mining, which, we reiterate, is not supported by ethminer.


With this method you instruct ethminer to restart mining. Restarting means:

  • Stop actual mining work
  • Unload generated DAG files
  • Reset devices (GPU)
  • Regenerate DAG files
  • Restart mining

The invocation of this method may be useful if you detect one or more GPUs are in error, but in a recoverable state (eg. no hashrate but the GPU has not fallen off the bus). In other words, this method works like stopping ethminer and restarting it but without loosing connection to the pool.

To invoke the action:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_restart"

and expect back a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true

which confirms the action has been performed.

Note: This method is not available if the API interface is in read-only mode (see above).


With this method you instruct ethminer to execute reboot.bat (on Windows) or (on Linux) script which must exists and being executable in the ethminer directory. As ethminer has no idea what's going on in the script, ethminer continues with it's normal work. If you invoke this function api_miner_reboot is passed to the script as first parameter.

To invoke the action:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_reboot"

and expect back a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true

which confirms an executable file was found and ethminer tried to start it.

Note: This method is not available if the API interface is in read-only mode (see above).


The mining process is nothing more that finding the right number (nonce) which, applied to an algorithm (ethash) and some data, gives a result which is below or equal to a given target. This is very very (very) short! The range of nonces to be searched is a huge number: 2^64 = 18446744073709600000~ possible values. Each one has the same probability to be the right one.

Every time ethminer receives a job from a pool you'd expect the miner to begin searching from the first, but that would be boring. So the concept of scramble nonce has been introduced to achieve these goals:

  • Start the searching from a random point within the range
  • Ensure all GPUs do not search the same data, or, in other words, ensure each GPU searches its own range of numbers without overlapping with the same numbers of the other GPUs

All miner_shuffle method does is to re-initialize a new random scramble nonce to start from in next jobs.

To invoke the action:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_shuffle"

and expect back a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true

which confirms the action has been performed.


When you launch ethminer you provide a list of connections specified by the -P argument. If you want to remotely check which is the list of connections ethminer is using, you can issue this method:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_getconnections"

and expect back a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": [
      "active": false,
      "index": 0,
      "uri": "stratum+tcp://<omitted-ethereum-address>[email protected]:4444"
      "active": true,
      "index": 1,
      "uri": "stratum+tcp://<omitted-ethereum-address>[email protected]:14444"
      "active": false,
      "index": 2,
      "uri": "stratum+tcp://<omitted-ethereum-classic-address>[email protected]:4444"

The result member contains an array of objects, each one with the definition of the connection (in the form of the URI entered with the -P argument), its ordinal index and the indication if it's the currently active connetion.


Given the example above for the method miner_getconnections you see there is only one active connection at a time. If you want to control remotely your mining facility and want to force the switch from one connection to another you can issue this method:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_setactiveconnection",
  "params": {
    "index": 0

You have to pass the params member as an object which has member index valued to the ordinal index of the connection you want to activate. As a result you expect one of the following:

  • Nothing happens if the provided index is already bound to an active connection
  • If the selected index is not of an active connection then ethminer will disconnect from currently active connection and reconnect immediately to the newly selected connection
  • An error result if the index is out of bounds or the request is not properly formatted

Please note that this method changes the runtime behavior only. If you restart ethminer from a batch file the active connection will become again the first one of the -P arguments list.


If you want to remotely add a new connection to the running instance of ethminer you can use this this method by sending a message like this

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_addconnection",
  "params": {
    "uri": "stratum+tcp://<ethaddress>.<workername>"

You have to pass the params member as an object which has member uri valued exactly the same way you'd add a connection using the -P argument. As a result you expect one of the following:

  • An error if the uri is not properly formatted
  • An error if you try to mix stratum mode with getwork mode (which begins with http://)
  • A success message if the newly defined connection has been properly added

Eventually you may want to issue miner_getconnections method to identify which is the ordinal position assigned to the newly added connection and make use of miner_setactiveconnection method to instruct ethminer to use it immediately.

Please note that this method changes the runtime behavior only. If you restart ethminer from a batch file the added connection won't be available if not present in the -P arguments list.


Recall once again the example for the method miner_getconnections. If you wish to remove the third connection (the Ethereum classic one) from the list of connections (so it won't be used in case of failover) you can send this method:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_removeconnection",
  "params": {
    "index": 2

You have to pass the params member as an object which has member index valued to the ordinal index (zero based) of the connection you want to remove. As a result you expect one of the following:

  • An error if the index is out of bounds or if the index corresponds to the currently active connection
  • A success message. In such case you can later reissue miner_getconnections method to check the connection has been effectively removed.

Please note that this method changes the runtime behavior only. If you restart ethminer from a batch file the removed connection will become again again available if provided in the -P arguments list.


When searching for a valid nonce the miner has to find (at least) 1 of possible 2^64 solutions. This would mean that a miner who claims to guarantee to find a solution in the time of 1 block (15 seconds for Ethereum) should produce 1230 PH/s (Peta hashes) which, at the time of writing, is more than 4 thousands times the whole hashing power allocated worldwide for Ethereum. This gives you an idea of numbers in play. Luckily a couple of factors come in our help: difficulty and time. We can imagine difficulty as a sort of judge who determines how many of those possible solutions are valid. And the block time which allows the miner to stay longer on a sequence of numbers to find the solution. This all said it's however impossible for any miner (no matter if CPU or GPU or even ASIC) to cover the most part of this huge range in reasonable amount of time. So we need to resign to examine and test only a small fraction of this range.

Ethminer, at start, randomly chooses a scramble_nonce, a random number picked in the 2^64 range to start checking nonces from. In addition ethminer gives each GPU a unique, non overlapping, range of nonces called segment. Segments ensure no GPU does the same job of another GPU thus avoiding two GPU find the same result. To accomplish this each segment has a range 2^40 nonces by default. If you want to check which is the scramble_nonce and which are the segments assigned to each GPU you can issue this method:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_getscramblerinfo"

and expect a result like this:

  "id": 0,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "noncescrambler": 16704043538687679721,
    "segments": [
        "gpu": 0,
        "start": 16704043538687679721,
        "stop": 16704044638199307497
        "gpu": 1,
        "start": 16704044638199307497,
        "stop": 16704046837222563049
        "gpu": 2,
        "start": 16704045737710935273,
        "stop": 16704049036245818601
        "gpu": 3,
        "start": 16704046837222563049,
        "stop": 16704051235269074153
        "gpu": 4,
        "start": 16704047936734190825,
        "stop": 16704053434292329705
        "gpu": 5,
        "start": 16704049036245818601,
        "stop": 16704055633315585257
    "segmentwidth": 40

Note that segment width is the exponent in the expression pow(2, segment). The information hereby exposed may be used in large mining operations to check whether or not two (or more) rigs may result having overlapping segments. The possibility is very remote ... but is there.


To approach this method you have to read carefully the method miner_getscrambleinfo and what it reports. By the use of this method you can set a new scramble_nonce and/or set a new segment width:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_setscramblerinfo",
  "params": {
    "noncescrambler": 16704043538687679721,      // At least one of these two members
    "segmentwidth": 38                           // or both.

This will adjust nonce scrambler and segment width assigned to each GPU. This method is intended only for highly skilled people who do a great job in math to determine the optimal values for large mining operations. Use at your own risk


Pause or (restart) mining on specific GPU. This ONLY (re)starts mining if GPU was paused via a previous API call and not if GPU pauses for other reasons.

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_pausegpu",
  "params": {
    "index": 0,
    "pause": true

and expect a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true

which confirms the action has been performed. Again: This ONLY (re)starts mining if GPU was paused via a previous API call and not if GPU pauses for other reasons.


Set the verbosity level of ethminer.

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "miner_setverbosity",
  "params": {
    "verbosity": 9

and expect a result like this:

  "id": 1,
  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": true