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base repository: emscripten-core/emscripten
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base: d30159dbdf4a066a0f439dc00e452fc90a9eabc3
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head repository: emscripten-core/emscripten
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compare: fdac20f39e2cac2f790af4d8e25cb7fa1309ffed
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  • 1 commit
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 12, 2019

  1. Portability workaround for wasi/api.h errno constants

    Uses UINT16_C for backing of errno constants (EPERM etc) as in
    previous versions, rather than casting them to __wasm_errno_t.
    This fixes some portable codebases that use the C preprocessor
    to compare the constant values like this:
        #if EPERM > 0
        #define DAV1D_ERR(e) (-(e))
        #define DAV1D_ERR(e) (e)
    Adds a test case to catch regressions.
    Fixes #9996
    bvibber committed Dec 12, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    fdac20f View commit details
Showing with 94 additions and 81 deletions.
  1. +81 −81 system/include/wasi/api.h
  2. +13 −0 tests/
162 changes: 81 additions & 81 deletions system/include/wasi/api.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -65,25 +65,25 @@ typedef uint32_t __wasi_clockid_t;
* The clock measuring real time. Time value zero corresponds with
* 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z.
#define __WASI_CLOCKID_REALTIME ((__wasi_clockid_t)0)

* The store-wide monotonic clock, which is defined as a clock measuring
* real time, whose value cannot be adjusted and which cannot have negative
* clock jumps. The epoch of this clock is undefined. The absolute time
* value of this clock therefore has no meaning.
#define __WASI_CLOCKID_MONOTONIC ((__wasi_clockid_t)1)

* The CPU-time clock associated with the current process.
#define __WASI_CLOCKID_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID ((__wasi_clockid_t)2)

* The CPU-time clock associated with the current thread.
#define __WASI_CLOCKID_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID ((__wasi_clockid_t)3)

* Error codes returned by functions.
@@ -96,387 +96,387 @@ typedef uint16_t __wasi_errno_t;
* No error occurred. System call completed successfully.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS ((__wasi_errno_t)0)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_SUCCESS (UINT16_C(0))

* Argument list too long.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_2BIG ((__wasi_errno_t)1)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_2BIG (UINT16_C(1))

* Permission denied.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ACCES ((__wasi_errno_t)2)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ACCES (UINT16_C(2))

* Address in use.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ADDRINUSE ((__wasi_errno_t)3)

* Address not available.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ADDRNOTAVAIL ((__wasi_errno_t)4)

* Address family not supported.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_AFNOSUPPORT ((__wasi_errno_t)5)

* Resource unavailable, or operation would block.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_AGAIN ((__wasi_errno_t)6)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_AGAIN (UINT16_C(6))

* Connection already in progress.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ALREADY ((__wasi_errno_t)7)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ALREADY (UINT16_C(7))

* Bad file descriptor.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_BADF ((__wasi_errno_t)8)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_BADF (UINT16_C(8))

* Bad message.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_BADMSG ((__wasi_errno_t)9)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_BADMSG (UINT16_C(9))

* Device or resource busy.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_BUSY ((__wasi_errno_t)10)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_BUSY (UINT16_C(10))

* Operation canceled.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CANCELED ((__wasi_errno_t)11)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CANCELED (UINT16_C(11))

* No child processes.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CHILD ((__wasi_errno_t)12)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CHILD (UINT16_C(12))

* Connection aborted.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CONNABORTED ((__wasi_errno_t)13)

* Connection refused.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CONNREFUSED ((__wasi_errno_t)14)

* Connection reset.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_CONNRESET ((__wasi_errno_t)15)

* Resource deadlock would occur.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DEADLK ((__wasi_errno_t)16)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DEADLK (UINT16_C(16))

* Destination address required.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DESTADDRREQ ((__wasi_errno_t)17)

* Mathematics argument out of domain of function.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DOM ((__wasi_errno_t)18)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DOM (UINT16_C(18))

* Reserved.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DQUOT ((__wasi_errno_t)19)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_DQUOT (UINT16_C(19))

* File exists.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_EXIST ((__wasi_errno_t)20)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_EXIST (UINT16_C(20))

* Bad address.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_FAULT ((__wasi_errno_t)21)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_FAULT (UINT16_C(21))

* File too large.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_FBIG ((__wasi_errno_t)22)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_FBIG (UINT16_C(22))

* Host is unreachable.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_HOSTUNREACH ((__wasi_errno_t)23)

* Identifier removed.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_IDRM ((__wasi_errno_t)24)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_IDRM (UINT16_C(24))

* Illegal byte sequence.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ILSEQ ((__wasi_errno_t)25)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ILSEQ (UINT16_C(25))

* Operation in progress.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_INPROGRESS ((__wasi_errno_t)26)

* Interrupted function.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_INTR ((__wasi_errno_t)27)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_INTR (UINT16_C(27))

* Invalid argument.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_INVAL ((__wasi_errno_t)28)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_INVAL (UINT16_C(28))

* I/O error.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_IO ((__wasi_errno_t)29)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_IO (UINT16_C(29))

* Socket is connected.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ISCONN ((__wasi_errno_t)30)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ISCONN (UINT16_C(30))

* Is a directory.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ISDIR ((__wasi_errno_t)31)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ISDIR (UINT16_C(31))

* Too many levels of symbolic links.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_LOOP ((__wasi_errno_t)32)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_LOOP (UINT16_C(32))

* File descriptor value too large.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MFILE ((__wasi_errno_t)33)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MFILE (UINT16_C(33))

* Too many links.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MLINK ((__wasi_errno_t)34)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MLINK (UINT16_C(34))

* Message too large.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MSGSIZE ((__wasi_errno_t)35)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MSGSIZE (UINT16_C(35))

* Reserved.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MULTIHOP ((__wasi_errno_t)36)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_MULTIHOP (UINT16_C(36))

* Filename too long.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NAMETOOLONG ((__wasi_errno_t)37)

* Network is down.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NETDOWN ((__wasi_errno_t)38)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NETDOWN (UINT16_C(38))

* Connection aborted by network.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NETRESET ((__wasi_errno_t)39)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NETRESET (UINT16_C(39))

* Network unreachable.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NETUNREACH ((__wasi_errno_t)40)

* Too many files open in system.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NFILE ((__wasi_errno_t)41)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NFILE (UINT16_C(41))

* No buffer space available.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOBUFS ((__wasi_errno_t)42)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOBUFS (UINT16_C(42))

* No such device.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NODEV ((__wasi_errno_t)43)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NODEV (UINT16_C(43))

* No such file or directory.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOENT ((__wasi_errno_t)44)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOENT (UINT16_C(44))

* Executable file format error.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOEXEC ((__wasi_errno_t)45)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOEXEC (UINT16_C(45))

* No locks available.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOLCK ((__wasi_errno_t)46)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOLCK (UINT16_C(46))

* Reserved.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOLINK ((__wasi_errno_t)47)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOLINK (UINT16_C(47))

* Not enough space.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOMEM ((__wasi_errno_t)48)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOMEM (UINT16_C(48))

* No message of the desired type.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOMSG ((__wasi_errno_t)49)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOMSG (UINT16_C(49))

* Protocol not available.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOPROTOOPT ((__wasi_errno_t)50)

* No space left on device.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOSPC ((__wasi_errno_t)51)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOSPC (UINT16_C(51))

* Function not supported.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOSYS ((__wasi_errno_t)52)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOSYS (UINT16_C(52))

* The socket is not connected.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTCONN ((__wasi_errno_t)53)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTCONN (UINT16_C(53))

* Not a directory or a symbolic link to a directory.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTDIR ((__wasi_errno_t)54)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTDIR (UINT16_C(54))

* Directory not empty.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTEMPTY ((__wasi_errno_t)55)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTEMPTY (UINT16_C(55))

* State not recoverable.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTRECOVERABLE ((__wasi_errno_t)56)

* Not a socket.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTSOCK ((__wasi_errno_t)57)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTSOCK (UINT16_C(57))

* Not supported, or operation not supported on socket.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTSUP ((__wasi_errno_t)58)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTSUP (UINT16_C(58))

* Inappropriate I/O control operation.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTTY ((__wasi_errno_t)59)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTTY (UINT16_C(59))

* No such device or address.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NXIO ((__wasi_errno_t)60)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NXIO (UINT16_C(60))

* Value too large to be stored in data type.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_OVERFLOW ((__wasi_errno_t)61)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_OVERFLOW (UINT16_C(61))

* Previous owner died.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_OWNERDEAD ((__wasi_errno_t)62)

* Operation not permitted.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PERM ((__wasi_errno_t)63)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PERM (UINT16_C(63))

* Broken pipe.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PIPE ((__wasi_errno_t)64)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PIPE (UINT16_C(64))

* Protocol error.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PROTO ((__wasi_errno_t)65)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PROTO (UINT16_C(65))

* Protocol not supported.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PROTONOSUPPORT ((__wasi_errno_t)66)

* Protocol wrong type for socket.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_PROTOTYPE ((__wasi_errno_t)67)

* Result too large.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_RANGE ((__wasi_errno_t)68)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_RANGE (UINT16_C(68))

* Read-only file system.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ROFS ((__wasi_errno_t)69)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_ROFS (UINT16_C(69))

* Invalid seek.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_SPIPE ((__wasi_errno_t)70)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_SPIPE (UINT16_C(70))

* No such process.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_SRCH ((__wasi_errno_t)71)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_SRCH (UINT16_C(71))

* Reserved.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_STALE ((__wasi_errno_t)72)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_STALE (UINT16_C(72))

* Connection timed out.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_TIMEDOUT ((__wasi_errno_t)73)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_TIMEDOUT (UINT16_C(73))

* Text file busy.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_TXTBSY ((__wasi_errno_t)74)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_TXTBSY (UINT16_C(74))

* Cross-device link.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_XDEV ((__wasi_errno_t)75)
#define __WASI_ERRNO_XDEV (UINT16_C(75))

* Extension: Capabilities insufficient.
#define __WASI_ERRNO_NOTCAPABLE ((__wasi_errno_t)76)

* File descriptor rights, determining which actions may be performed.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10161,3 +10161,16 @@ def test_drop_support_for_browser(self):
run_process([PYTHON, EMCC, path_from_root('tests', 'test_html5.c'), '-s', 'MIN_IE_VERSION=-1'])
self.assertContained('allowsDeferredCalls: true', open('a.out.js').read())
self.assertNotContained('allowsDeferredCalls: JSEvents.isInternetExplorer()', open('a.out.js').read())

def test_errno_type(self):
create_test_file('errno_type.c', '''
#include <errno.h>
// Use of these constants in C preprocessor comparisons should work.
#if EPERM > 0
#define DAV1D_ERR(e) (-(e))
#define DAV1D_ERR(e) (e)
run_process([PYTHON, EMCC, 'errno_type.c'])