- You need to have rustup installed, and when you run
cargo build
orcargo test
it will use the nightly rust version that is defined inrust-toolchain
in the root of the repo. - You need to run
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
to download this target for your system - You need to install wasm-pack https://rustwasm.github.io/wasm-pack/
cargo run ./sample/component.gjs
cargo test
Build the package:
npm install
npm run build
which will output your wasm package in ./pkg
In Cargo.toml, replace all of git = "https://github.com/ef4/swc.git", branch = "content-tag"
with path = "../swc/crates/the_crate_name
In VSCode, you can search:
([a-z_]+) = \{ git = "https://github.com/ef4/swc.git", branch = "content-tag"
and replace:
$1 = { path = "../swc/crates/$1"