diff --git a/active/0000-improved-actions.md b/active/0000-improved-actions.md
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+++ b/active/0000-improved-actions.md
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+- Start Date: 2014-05-06
+- RFC PR: (leave this empty)
+- Ember Issue: (leave this empty)
+# Summary
+The `{{action` helper should be improved to allow for the creation of
+closed over functions that can be passed between components and passed
+the action handlers.
+See [this example JSBin from @rwjblue](http://emberjs.jsbin.com/rwjblue/223/edit?html,js,output)
+for a demonstration of some of these ideas.
+# Motivation
+Block params allow data to be passed from one component to a downstream
+component, however there is currently no way to pass a callback to a downstream
+# Detailed design
+First, the existing uses of `{{action` will be maintained. An action can be attached to an
+element by using the helper in element space:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{! submit action will hit immediate parent }}
+An action can be passed to a component as a string:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-button on-click="submit"}}
+// app/components/my-button/component.js
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.sendAction('on-click');
+ }
+Or a default action can be passed:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-button action="submit"}}
+// app/components/my-button/component.js
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.sendAction();
+ }
+In all these cases, `submit` is called on the parent context relative to the scope `action` is
+attached in. The value `"submit"` is attached to the component in the last two as
+`this.attrs.on-click` or `this.attrs.action`, although it is not directly used.
+### Creating closure actions
+Closure actions are created in a template and may be used in all places a string
+action name can be used. For example, this current functionality:
+Would be written using a closure action as:
+The functionality is exactly the same as the string-based action example.
+How does that happen?
+* `(action "submit")` reads the `submit` function off the current scope's
+ `actions.submit` property.
+* It then creates a closure to call that function.
+* `{{action` receives that function as a param. It registers a listener (in
+ this case on click) and when fired calls the closure function.
+Consider usage on the calling side. With the current string-based actions:
+{{my-component action="submit"}}
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.sendAction(); // submit action
+ // this.attrs.action is a string
+ this.attrs.action; // => "submit"
+ }
+With closure actions, the action is available to call directly. The `(action` helper
+wraps the action in the current context and returns a function:
+{{my-component action=(action "submit")}}
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.sendAction(); // submit action
+ // this.attrs.action is a function
+ this.attrs.action(); // submit action, new style
+ }
+A more complete example follows, with a controller for context:
+// app/index/controller.js
+export default Ember.Controller.extend({
+ actions: {
+ submit: function(){
+ // some submission task
+ }
+ }
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-button save=(action 'submit')}}
+// app/components/my-button/component.js
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.attrs.save();
+ // for enhanced backwards compat, you may also this.sendAction('save');
+ }
+### Hole punching with a closure-based action
+The current system of action bubbling falls down quickly when you want to pass a message through multiple
+levels of components. A closure based action system helps address this.
+Instead of relying on bubbling, a closure action wraps an action from the current context's
+`actions` hash in a function that will call it on that context. For example:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-form submit=(action 'submit')}}
+{{! app/components/my-form/template.hbs }}
+{{my-button on-click=attrs.submit}}
+{{! app/components/my-button/template.hbs }}
+// app/components/my-button/component.js
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.attrs['on-click']();
+ // for enhanced backwards compat, you may also this.sendAction();
+ }
+A closure action can also be called by an action handler:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-form submit=(action 'submit')}}
+{{! app/components/my-form/template.hbs }}
+{{my-button on-click=submit}}
+{{! app/components/my-button/template.hbs }}
+Lastly, closure actions allow for yielding an action to a block. For example:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-form save=(action 'submit') as |submit reset}}}
+ {{! ^ goes to my-form's save attr property, which
+ is the submit action on the outer scope }}
+ {{! ^ goes to my-form }}
+ {{! ^ goes to outer scope }}
+{{! app/components/my-form/template.hbs }}
+{{yield attrs.save (action 'reset')}}
+// app/components/my-form/component.js
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ actions: {
+ reset: function(){
+ // rollback
+ }
+ }
+### Currying arguments with a closure-based action
+With string-based actions, an argument can be passed to the called function. For
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ actions: {
+ save: function(model) {
+ model.save();
+ }
+ }
+Closure actions allow for another opportunity to curry arguments. Arguments
+set by an element action helper simply add to the end of the arguments list:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-component save=(action "save" model)}}
+{{! app/components/my-component/template.hbs }}
+// app/index/controller.js
+export default Ember.Controller.extend({
+ actions: {
+ save: function(model, prefs) {
+ model.set('prefs', prefs);
+ model.save();
+ }
+ }
+Multiple arguments can be curried or set at any level. If an action is called ala
+`this.attrs.save(additionalPrefs)`, that final argument is added
+to the end of the arguments list.
+### Re-targeting the scope of a closure action
+The `target` option may be provided to specify what scope the closure is called
+with. For example:
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+More often than another component, it is expected that this will be used to
+point at a function on a service, model, or other object with methods exposed
+on the current scope. Much like with the `{{action` helper, passing both a
+target and a bound argument will throw.
+The default target for a closure is always the current scope.
+* When routable components land, the current component will be the default target.
+* If a controller is the current scope, that controller will also be a default target.
+* A route will *never* be a closure action target. String actions will continue
+ to have their current behavior of bubbling to the route.
+A later proposal will determine how actions on a route are passed to a routable
+### Return values of a closure action
+Closure actions return the returned value of their called function. For example:
+// app/index/controller.js
+export default Ember.Controller.extend({
+ actions: {
+ submit: function(){
+ return 'great success';
+ }
+ }
+{{! app/index/template.hbs }}
+{{my-button save=(action 'submit')}}
+// app/components/my-button/component.js
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ var result = this.attrs.save();
+ // for enhanced backwards compat, you may also this.sendAction('save') but
+ // in that case you do not have access to the return value.
+ result; // => 'great success'
+ }
+# Drawbacks
+Currently `{{action` is only used in an element space:
+The closure usage is a new, perhaps `action` is not the right word. However the two
+behaviors are pretty similar in their conceptual behavior.
+* `{{action` in element space attaches an event listener that fires a bubbling
+ action.
+* `(action` closes over an action from the current scope so it can be attached
+ via `{{action` or passed around and called later.
+This confusion should go away as we move to an `on-click` event listener pattern,
+ala `