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228 lines (178 loc) · 8.33 KB

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228 lines (178 loc) · 8.33 KB
stage start-date release-date release-versions teams prs project-link meta
2019-03-21 00:00:00 UTC
2019-06-24 00:00:00 UTC

{{on}} Modifier


Add an {{on}} modifier for adding event listeners to elements.


Currently, there are two ways to bind event listeners to elements in Ember templates with built-in, official Ember APIs:

  1. Use the {{action}} element modifier
  2. Use the on*= property bindings

Both of these solutions are problematic for a number of reasons.

The {{action}} modifier:

  • Uses a non-standard AST transform to pass this in order to bind the context of the template (the component) to the function (typically a component method). This is problematic behavior, not just because of the transform, but because of the implicit state that is being passed to the modifier in the first place, and the fact that the modifier is "magical" in the sense that it can do things that no other modifier or helper can do.
  • Binds to the click event by default, which requires a bit of knowledge to understand on first glance, and requires a bit of extra knowledge to figure out how to bind to other events. Compared to onclick=, this is less explicit, and requires more knowledge of the framework out of the box.
  • Is confusing when used with the @action decorator to bind the function, and the {{action}} helper. The term "action" is highly overloaded here, and it is unclear what it concretely means without context.

The on* properties, by contrast, may seem to be a better approach overall to the problem, but they have their own issues:

  • The require the ability to bind to element properties. Properties are not attributes, and the distinction is subtle, but important. Most importantly, props are not rendered, and thus are not SSR/rehydration friendly, since it is difficult to assign during rehydration. By constrast, modifiers are specifically designed around SSR. They do not trigger at all during server side render, and then are run specifically during rehydration.
  • Not all events are bindable via on* properties, and some events such as focus have different behavior than when assigned with addEventListener directly. This behavior has been a pain point in other frontend frameworks, and requires workarounds in most cases.
  • They do not work on certain elements at all, such as <svg>.
  • They are not compatible at all with standard web components. Web components don't send events in the same way as standard elements for properties, and instead rely on event listeners added via addEventListener. While web components are not currently used in the Ember ecosystem, they are advancing and may eventually be useful for smaller, self-contained components, especially for users that want to share code between framework ecosystems.

Neither of these solutions is perfect for solving the problem of adding event listeners. This RFC proposes adding a new modifier to Ember: the {{on}} modifier. This modifier will explicitly add event listeners using the addEventListener API.


The design of this modifier is based on ember-on-modifier by Jan Buschtöns, which is an excellent addon that has allowed us to test this design in real apps and get feedback about the design.

Detailed design

The {{on}} modifier will recieve:

  1. The event name as a string as the first positional parameter
  2. The event listener function as the second positional parameter
  3. Named parameters as options

The following usages are equivalent:

<div {{on "click" this.handleClick passive=true}}></div>
element.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick, { passive: true });

Multiple event listeners can be added to an element by adding the modifier more than once:

  {{on "click" this.handleClick}}
  {{on "mouseenter" this.handleMouseEnter}}

Extra positional parameters will be ignored. In order to pass values to a function, users should use a helper such as the fn helper:

<div {{on "click" (fn this.addNumber 123)}}></div>

The event will also be passed as a parameter to the function, so it can be used directly.

{{on}} does not bind context. Context binding must be handled via a helper, or in the component definition via the @action decorator, which will be the recommended path:

class ClickComponent extends Component {
  handleClick() {
    // ...

Named Parameters

The following named parameters will be accepted as options to {{on}}:

  • capture
  • once
  • passive

These will be passed forward to addEventListener as options in modern browsers, and will be polyfilled in older browsers. Other options will be ignored.

How we teach this

{{on}} itself can be taught in conjuction with event listeners. We can give users an overview of event listeners and the addEventListener API, and then relate the modifier directly to it. We should provide lots of examples of usage throughout the guides for how users can use it, including some examples of how to apply multiple event listeners to an element.

{{on}} also does not bind context, and we should make it clear that the @action decorator is the recommended way to bind methods to their components.

Other than that, most examples in the guides can be translated directly from the {{action}} modifier to the {{on}} modifier. Documentation work would include:

  • revising Handling Events or the corresponding Octane article in entirety
  • revising Triggering Changes with Actions or the corresponding Octane article
  • Updating 50+ uses of {{action}} in the guides
  • Adding {{on}} as a new API docs entry
  • Update examples within the API docs to show all uses of actions that are supported in the API docs - {{on}}, {{action}}, onclick={{action}}

{{action}} is used 130+ times in the API docs. Not all examples would need to be updated, however an audit would be needed to figure out which need to be added to/changed.


  • This API is somewhat more verbose than the {{action}} modifier since it requires a helper for passing additional values to the function. However, this explicitness makes it much more clear what the separation of concerns is, and allows users to fine tune their event handling.
  • The {{on}} modifier requires another helper to pass values. Currently, the ideal companion helper is the {{fn}} helper, which is still in RFC.
  • The onclick= style at first looks like a native browser API, and is sometimes easier to teach because of this. However, it is not the same as the onclick attribute, which only receives strings, and the differences are often confusing. In addition, the fact that there are many use cases that aren't covered by these properties, and the fact that they are hostile to SSR, makes them less than ideal.


One option would be to allow the {{on}} modifier to receive event listeners as named parameters instead:


One downside of this style of API is that there is no clear way to pass additional options to the individual event listeners. We could pass them as a positional parameter, but they would apply to all listeners, which would require multiple invocations.

We could also allow the {{on}} modifier to bind context. This opens up a question: Should helpers and modifiers by able to use the context of the template implicitly? Since helpers are analogous to functions in JavaScript, this would be an equivalent API choice in JS:

function foo() { = 123;

class Foo {
  doSomething() {

let foo = new Foo();

console.log(; // 123

Arbitrary functions being able to access this when used within a class like so seems problematic from a language design standpoint, and we believe an API like this in Ember's templates would be very problematic, and easy to misuse.