diff --git a/packages/ember-routing-views/lib/components/link-to.js b/packages/ember-routing-views/lib/components/link-to.js
index 43700e202ba..96f69529fbe 100644
--- a/packages/ember-routing-views/lib/components/link-to.js
+++ b/packages/ember-routing-views/lib/components/link-to.js
@@ -745,22 +745,10 @@ let LinkComponent = EmberComponent.extend({
assert('You must provide one or more parameters to the link-to component.', params.length);
- if (attrs.disabledClass) {
- this.set('disabledClass', attrs.disabledClass);
- }
- if (attrs.activeClass) {
- this.set('activeClass', attrs.activeClass);
- }
if (attrs.disabledWhen) {
this.set('disabled', attrs.disabledWhen);
- if (attrs.loadingClass) {
- this.set('loadingClass', attrs.loadingClass);
- }
// Process the positional arguments, in order.
// 1. Inline link title comes first, if present.
if (!this[HAS_BLOCK]) {
diff --git a/packages/ember/tests/helpers/link_to_test.js b/packages/ember/tests/helpers/link_to_test.js
index 97ff9534dab..6ee80acccb8 100644
--- a/packages/ember/tests/helpers/link_to_test.js
+++ b/packages/ember/tests/helpers/link_to_test.js
@@ -245,6 +245,26 @@ QUnit.test('the {{link-to}} helper supports a custom disabledClass', function ()
equal(Ember.$('#about-link.do-not-want', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The link can apply a custom disabled class');
+QUnit.test('the {{link-to}} helper supports a custom disabledClass set via bound param', function () {
+ Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('{{#link-to "about" id="about-link" disabledWhen=true disabledClass=disabledClass}}About{{/link-to}}');
+ Router.map(function() {
+ this.route('about');
+ });
+ App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ disabledClass: 'do-not-want'
+ });
+ bootApplication();
+ Ember.run(function() {
+ router.handleURL('/');
+ });
+ equal(Ember.$('#about-link.do-not-want', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The link can apply a custom disabled class via bound param');
QUnit.test('the {{link-to}} helper does not respond to clicks when disabled', function () {
Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('{{#link-to "about" id="about-link" disabledWhen=true}}About{{/link-to}}');
@@ -265,6 +285,30 @@ QUnit.test('the {{link-to}} helper does not respond to clicks when disabled', fu
equal(Ember.$('h3:contains(About)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 0, 'Transitioning did not occur');
+QUnit.test('the {{link-to}} helper does not respond to clicks when disabled via a bound param', function () {
+ Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('{{#link-to "about" id="about-link" disabledWhen=disabledWhen}}About{{/link-to}}');
+ Router.map(function() {
+ this.route('about');
+ });
+ App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ disabledWhen: true
+ });
+ bootApplication();
+ Ember.run(function() {
+ router.handleURL('/');
+ });
+ Ember.run(function() {
+ Ember.$('#about-link', '#qunit-fixture').click();
+ });
+ equal(Ember.$('h3:contains(About)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 0, 'Transitioning did not occur');
QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper supports a custom activeClass', function() {
Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('
{{#link-to \'about\' id=\'about-link\'}}About{{/link-to}}{{#link-to \'index\' id=\'self-link\' activeClass=\'zomg-active\'}}Self{{/link-to}}');
@@ -283,6 +327,28 @@ QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper supports a custom activeClass', function() {
equal(Ember.$('#about-link:not(.active)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The other link was rendered without active class');
+QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper supports a custom activeClass from a bound param', function() {
+ Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('Home
{{#link-to \'about\' id=\'about-link\'}}About{{/link-to}}{{#link-to \'index\' id=\'self-link\' activeClass=activeClass}}Self{{/link-to}}');
+ Router.map(function() {
+ this.route('about');
+ });
+ App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ activeClass: 'zomg-active'
+ });
+ bootApplication();
+ Ember.run(function() {
+ router.handleURL('/');
+ });
+ equal(Ember.$('h3:contains(Home)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The home template was rendered');
+ equal(Ember.$('#self-link.zomg-active', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The self-link was rendered with active class');
+ equal(Ember.$('#about-link:not(.active)', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The other link was rendered without active class');
QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper supports \'classNameBindings\' with custom values [GH #11699]', function() {
Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('Home
{{#link-to \'about\' id=\'about-link\' classNameBindings=\'foo:foo-is-true:foo-is-false\'}}About{{/link-to}}');
@@ -395,6 +461,33 @@ QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper does not disregard current-when when it is gi
equal(Ember.$('#other-link.active', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The link is active when current-when is given for explicitly for a route');
+QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper does not disregard current-when when it is set via a bound param', function() {
+ Router.map(function(match) {
+ this.route('index', { path: '/' }, function() {
+ this.route('about');
+ });
+ this.route('items', function() {
+ this.route('item');
+ });
+ });
+ App.IndexAboutController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ currentWhen: 'index'
+ });
+ Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('Home
+ Ember.TEMPLATES['index/about'] = compile('{{#link-to \'items\' id=\'other-link\' current-when=currentWhen}}ITEM{{/link-to}}');
+ bootApplication();
+ Ember.run(function() {
+ router.handleURL('/about');
+ });
+ equal(Ember.$('#other-link.active', '#qunit-fixture').length, 1, 'The link is active when current-when is given for explicitly for a route');
QUnit.test('The {{link-to}} helper supports multiple current-when routes', function() {
Router.map(function(match) {
this.route('index', { path: '/' }, function() {
@@ -781,13 +874,14 @@ QUnit.test('link-to with null/undefined dynamic parameters are put in a loading
var oldWarn = Ember.Logger.warn;
var warnCalled = false;
Ember.Logger.warn = function() { warnCalled = true; };
- Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('{{#link-to destinationRoute routeContext loadingClass=\'i-am-loading\' id=\'context-link\'}}string{{/link-to}}{{#link-to secondRoute loadingClass=\'i-am-loading\' id=\'static-link\'}}string{{/link-to}}');
+ Ember.TEMPLATES.index = compile('{{#link-to destinationRoute routeContext loadingClass=\'i-am-loading\' id=\'context-link\'}}string{{/link-to}}{{#link-to secondRoute loadingClass=loadingClass id=\'static-link\'}}string{{/link-to}}');
var thing = Ember.Object.create({ id: 123 });
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
destinationRoute: null,
- routeContext: null
+ routeContext: null,
+ loadingClass: 'i-am-loading'
App.AboutRoute = Ember.Route.extend({