diff --git a/packages/ember-glimmer/lib/syntax/mount.js b/packages/ember-glimmer/lib/syntax/mount.js
index 95cc7553dda..438b1a2530c 100644
--- a/packages/ember-glimmer/lib/syntax/mount.js
+++ b/packages/ember-glimmer/lib/syntax/mount.js
@@ -27,10 +27,32 @@ function dynamicEngineFor(vm, args, meta) {
{{mount "ember-chat"}}
- Currently, the engine name is the only argument that can be passed to
- `{{mount}}`.
+ Additionally, you can also pass in a `model` argument that will be
+ set as the engines model. This can be an existing object:
+ ```
+ {{mount 'admin' model=userSettings}}
+ ```
+ Or an inline `hash`, and you can even pass components:
+ ```
Application template!
+ {{mount 'admin' model=(hash
+ title='Secret Admin'
+ signInButton=(component 'sign-in-button')
+ )}}
+ ```
@method mount
+ @param {String} name Name of the engine to mount.
+ @param {Object} [model] Object that will be set as
+ the model of the engine.
@for Ember.Templates.helpers
@category ember-application-engines
diff --git a/packages/ember-routing/lib/services/router.js b/packages/ember-routing/lib/services/router.js
index 3b415b3dc20..653cbf21a4f 100644
--- a/packages/ember-routing/lib/services/router.js
+++ b/packages/ember-routing/lib/services/router.js
@@ -18,9 +18,107 @@ import { shallowEqual } from '../utils';
@category ember-routing-router-service
const RouterService = Service.extend({
+ /**
+ Name of the current route.
+ This property represent the logical name of the route,
+ which is comma separated.
+ For the following router:
+ ```app/router.js
+ Router.map(function() {
+ this.route('about);
+ this.route('blog', function () {
+ this.route('post', { path: ':post_id' });
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ It will return:
+ * `index` when you visit `/`
+ * `about` when you visit `/about`
+ * `blog.index` when you visit `/blog`
+ * `blog.post` when you visit `/blog/some-post-id`
+ @property currentRouteName
+ @type String
+ @public
+ */
currentRouteName: readOnly('_router.currentRouteName'),
+ /**
+ Current URL for the application.
+ This property represent the URL path for this route.
+ For the following router:
+ ```app/router.js
+ Router.map(function() {
+ this.route('about);
+ this.route('blog', function () {
+ this.route('post', { path: ':post_id' });
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ It will return:
+ * `/` when you visit `/`
+ * `/about` when you visit `/about`
+ * `/blog/index` when you visit `/blog`
+ * `/blog/post` when you visit `/blog/some-post-id`
+ @property currentURL
+ @type String
+ @public
+ */
currentURL: readOnly('_router.currentURL'),
+ /**
+ The `location` property determines the type of URL's that your
+ application will use.
+ The following location types are currently available:
+ * `auto`
+ * `hash`
+ * `history`
+ * `none`
+ @property location
+ @default 'hash'
+ @see {Ember.Location}
+ @public
+ */
location: readOnly('_router.location'),
+ /**
+ The `rootURL` property represents the URL of the root of
+ the application, '/' by default.
+ This prefix is assumed on all routes defined on this app.
+ IF you change the `rootURL` in your environment configuration
+ like so:
+ ```config/environment.js
+ 'use strict';
+ module.exports = function(environment) {
+ let ENV = {
+ modulePrefix: 'router-service',
+ environment,
+ rootURL: '/my-root',
+ …
+ }
+ ]
+ ```
+ This property will return `/my-root`.
+ @property rootURL
+ @default '/'
+ @public
+ */
rootURL: readOnly('_router.rootURL'),
_router: null,
diff --git a/packages/ember-routing/lib/system/router.js b/packages/ember-routing/lib/system/router.js
index bc5b63a0c18..bda821d3c0f 100644
--- a/packages/ember-routing/lib/system/router.js
+++ b/packages/ember-routing/lib/system/router.js
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ const EmberRouter = EmberObject.extend(Evented, {
* `none` - do not store the Ember URL in the actual browser URL (mainly used for testing)
* `auto` - use the best option based on browser capabilities: `history` if possible, then `hash` if possible, otherwise `none`
- Note: If using ember-cli, this value is defaulted to `auto` by the `locationType` setting of `/config/environment.js`
+ This value is defaulted to `auto` by the `locationType` setting of `/config/environment.js`
@property location
@default 'hash'