- Objects
- Array
- Strings
- Variables
- Whitespace
- Commas
- Semicolons
- Block Statements
- Conditional Statements
- Properties
- Functions
- Arrow Functions
- Function Arguments
- Rest Parameters
- Destructuring
- Comments
- Use literal form for object creation.
var foo = {};
- Pad single-line objects with white-space.
var bar = { color: 'orange' };
- Use literal form for array creation (unless you know the exact length).
var foo = [];
- If you know the exact length and know that array is not going to grow, use
var foo = new Array(16);
- Use
to add an item to an array.
var foo = [];
- Use
'single quotes'
- Put all non-assigning declarations on one line.
var a, b;
- Use a single
declaration for each assignment.
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
- Declare variables at the top of their scope.
function foo() {
var bar;
console.log('foo bar!');
bar = getBar();
- Use soft tabs set to 2 spaces.
function() {
∙∙var name;
- Place 1 space before the leading brace.
obj.set('foo', {
foo: 'bar',
test('foo-bar', function () {});
- No spaces before semicolons.
var foo = {};
- Keep parenthesis adjacent to the function name when declared or called.
function foo() {}
- Spaces are required around binary operators.
// assignments
var foo = bar + 'a';
// conditionals
if (foo === 'bara') {
// parameters
function(test, foo) {
- Skip trailing commas.
var foo = [1, 2, 3];
var bar = { a: 'a' };
- Skip leading commas.
var foo = [1, 2, 3];
- Use semicolons.
- Use spaces.
// conditional
if (notFound) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
switch (condition) {
case 'yes':
// code
// loops
for (var key in keys) {
// code
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
// code
while (true) {
// code
try {
// code that throws an error
} catch (e) {
// code that handles an error
- Opening curly brace should be on the same line as the beginning of a statement or declaration.
function foo() {
var obj = {
val: 'test',
return {
data: obj,
if (foo === 1) {
for (var key in keys) {
while (true) {
- Keep
and its accompanying braces on the same line.
if (foo === 1) {
bar = 2;
} else {
bar = '2';
if (foo === 1) {
bar = 2;
} else if (foo === 2) {
bar = 1;
} else {
bar = 3;
- Use
. - Use curly braces.
if (notFound) {
- Use explicit conditions.
if (arr.length > 0) {
// code
if (foo !== '') {
// code
- Use dot-notation when accessing properties.
var foo = {
bar: 'bar',
- Use
when accessing properties with a variable.
var propertyName = 'bar';
var foo = {
bar: 'bar',
- Make sure to name functions when you define them.
function fooBar() {}
- Make sure arrow functions are done on multiple lines.
var foo = [1, 2, 3, 4].map((item) => {
return item * 2;
object must not be passed or leaked anywhere.
See the reference.
- Use a
loop witharguments
(instead ofslice
function fooBar() {
var args = new Array(arguments.length);
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
args[i] = arguments[i];
return args;
- Don't re-assign the arguments.
function fooBar() {
arguments = 3;
function fooBar(opt) {
opt = 3;
- Use a new variable if you need to re-assign an argument.
function fooBar(opt) {
var options = opt;
options = 3;
Since Babel implements Rest parameters in a non-leaking matter you should use them whenever applicable.
function foo(...args) {
args.forEach((item) => {
When decomposing simple arrays or objects, prefer destructuring.
// array destructuring
var fullName = 'component:foo-bar';
var [first, last] = fullName.split(':');
// object destructuring
var person = {
firstName: 'Stefan',
lastName: 'Penner',
var { firstName, lastName } = person;
- Use YUIDoc comments for documenting functions.
- Use
for single line comments.
function foo() {
var bar = 5;
// multiplies `bar` by 2.