Normally Elastio automatically cleans up all resources after a successful or failed operation. However there's a very specific case in which the temporary EBS volume we ingest can't be deleted due to an EBS limitation. In such a case this Lambda can provide an automated back-stop to clean up left-over EBS volumes no matter what.
To deploy this Lambda function, check out this repository locally, and from a terminal cd
into the directory to which
you checked out the contrib
repo and run the following AWS CLI command in the account and region where Elastio is deployed:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file cleanup-leftover-volumes/cleanup-elastio-ebs-vols.yaml \
--stack-name elastio-ebs-volume-cleanup-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
--region us-east-1
Be sure to replace us-east-1
with the region you want, or remove the --region
argument entirely to use the default
region in your AWS config.