Whether you want to contribute to Aspire, or just use the latest build of Aspire, these are the common pieces you need to install.
On Windows, Visual Studio contains special tooling support for .NET Aspire that you will want to have.
Visual Studio 2022 version 17.12 or later
When you install, ensure that both:
ASP.NET and web development
Workload is checked..NET Aspire SDK
component inIndividual components
is checked.
On Windows you could also use VS Code with the DevContainers extension. This requires that you have installed a container engine. Currently it's only tested with Docker Desktop.
⚠️ This will use around 16GB of RAM, after you loaded the solution.
Just start the Codespaces in your fork. The initialization of the code space takes around 5 mins. After that you can open the solution. This will take on the free version of Codespace around 10 mins.
⚠️ With the free version of Codespaces the development experience can be less than ideal. We recommend using at least a Codespace with 16GB of RAM or use your local VS Code / DevContainers instance.