Manage your gists from the command-line. You can even manage your gists using your favorite editor.
$ brew tap dutchcoders/homebrew-gister
$ brew install gister
- GITHUB_TOKEN: your github access token
- EDITOR: your favorite editor
usage: gister --editor="vim" --token="GITHUB_TOKEN"
[<flags>] <command> [<flags>] [<args> ...]
--help Show help.
--debug enable debug mode
--editor="EDITOR" editor to use
github token
--public public gist
help [<command>]
Show help for a command.
list [<flags>]
list gists
search [<flags>] <keyword>
search gists
download --gist=GIST [<flags>] [<files>]
download gist
cat --gist=GIST [<files>]
cat gist to stdout
create [<files>]
create new gist with specified files
info --gist=GIST
show info gist
edit --gist=GIST
edit gist using editor
delete --gist=GIST
delete specified gist
Create a new gist
$ gister create
$ cat /tmp/test.txt | gister create
List gists
$ gister list
nl5887/f74a0a0837f609af9552 test
nl5887/0f70d642f6c91f33535e Slack invite by email
from another github user:
$ gister list --user=msoap
Search gists
$ gister search test
nl5887/f74a0a0837f609af9552 test
$ gister edit f74a0a0837f609af9552
nl5887/f74a0a0837f609af9552 test
Delete a gist
$ gister delete --gist 960473f0df6f8e98d220
Cat a gist to stdout
$ gister cat --gist 960473f0df6f8e98d220 | grep '...'
Contributions are welcome.
Special thanks goes to:
- Sergey Mudrik for adding cat support
Remco Verhoef
Code and documentation copyright 2011-2015 Remco Verhoef.
Code released under the MIT license.