An Emacs Lisp package to automatically insert NumPy style docstrings in Python function definitions.
Calling numpydoc-generate
parses the function at point (the cursor
can be anywhere in the function body). The parsing detects argument
names, type hints, exceptions, and the return type hint. This
information is used to generate a docstring.
The default behavior is to prompt the user (in the minibuffer) for a short & long description of the function, a description for each function argument, a description for each possible exception, and a description for the return. It's also possible to either disable the minibuffer prompt or use yasnippet insertion. See customization for more information. You'll also find a few examples below. See the NEWS file to see recent changes.
Pick your favorite method of Emacs Lisp package setup:
;; use-package with :ensure t to intall from MELPA.
(use-package numpydoc
:ensure t)
;; use the straight.el package manager.
(straight-use-package 'numpydoc)
;; clone the git respository and require
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/numpydoc.el")
(require 'numpydoc)
;; or point use-package to the local clone
(use-package numpydoc
:load-path "/path/to/numpydoc.el")
The C-c C-n
binding is vacant (not used in python.el
, as of
writing this), so you may want to give yourself a convenient shortcut:
;; with use-package
(use-package numpydoc
:ensure t
:bind (:map python-mode-map
("C-c C-n" . numpydoc-generate)))
;; without
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/numpydoc.el")
(require 'numpydoc)
(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-n") #'numpydoc-generate)
View customizations without leaving Emacs via M-x customize-group RET numpydoc
- numpydoc-insertion-style
The method used to insert components of the docstring (default is
will trigger a request for each description in the minibuffer. -
to be installed) will generate a template and callyas-expand-snippet
, providing an insertion method familiar toyasnippet
users. -
will disable any interactive insertion (template text will be inserted).
- numpydoc-quote-char
Quote character to use (the default is a double quote,
, used throughout the numpydoc docstring guide and the black formatting tool). - numpydoc-insert-examples-block
(the default) an Examples block will be added to the docstring. - numpydoc-insert-parameter-types
(the default) type hints from the function signature will be used to add a type to each argument in the Parameters block of the docstring. - numpydoc-insert-raises-block
(the default) a Raises bock will be added to the docstring if exceptions are detected in the function body. - numpydoc-insert-return-without-typehint
a Returns block will be inserted in the absence of a return type hint. - numpydoc-template-short
Template text that will be used as the short description if
. - numpydoc-template-long
Template text that will be used as the long description if
. - numpydoc-template-arg-desc
Template text that will be used for each function argument
description if
. - numpydoc-template-type-desc
Template text that will be used for each function argument type
description if
. - numpydoc-ignored-params
- All function parameters with names listed here will be ignored when generating a docstring.
M-x numpydoc-generate with the default configuration,
set to 'prompt
(notice how long text is
automatically paragraph-filled):
Using yasnippet
set to 'yas
With numpydoc-insertion-style
set to nil
; before:
def plot_histogram(
x: np.ndarray,
bins: int = 10,
range: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
weights: np.ndarray | None = None,
flow: bool = False,
ax: plt.Axes | None = None,
) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
if weights is not None:
if weights.shape != np.shape:
raise ValueError("x and weights must have same shape.")
After M-x numpydoc-generate:
def plot_histogram(
x: np.ndarray,
bins: int = 10,
range: tuple[float, float] | None = None,
weights: np.ndarray | None = None,
flow: bool = False,
ax: plt.Axes | None = None,
) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
"""FIXME: Short description.
FIXME: Long description.
x : np.ndarray
FIXME: Add docs.
bins : int
FIXME: Add docs.
range : tuple[float, float], optional
FIXME: Add docs.
weights : np.ndarray, optional
FIXME: Add docs.
flow : bool
FIXME: Add docs.
ax : plt.Axes | None
FIXME: Add docs.
tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
FIXME: Add docs.
FIXME: Add docs.
FIXME: Add docs.
if weights is not None:
if weights.shape != np.shape:
raise ValueError("x and weights must have same shape.")
- sphinx-doc.el: Inserts sphinx-compatible docstrings (does not offer customizations or automatically formatted insertions from the minibuffer or yasnippet).
- docstr: Docstring insertion
support for any programming language, including NumPy style Python
(it has a programmable interface but requires a bit more setup to
get the utility provided