- adopt NEP 29 policy for minimum required Python and NumPy versions
- fix bug in save_graph_xml due to roundabout ways
- fix GeoPandas future warning
- make API key properly optional in elevation.add_node_elevations_google function
- rename geometries module as features module and deprecate geometries module
- remove private _polygon_features module and move its data to features module
- make the internal downloader module private
- deprecate interpolate parameter in distance.nearest_edges function
- move save_graph_xml function to io module with deprecation warning in osm_xml module
- migrate from setup.py, setup.cfg, and requirements.txt to pyproject.toml
- pin optional dependencies to minimum required versions
- expand and reorganize the documentation
- verify edge weight attribute values before solving shortest paths
- provide consistent error when no data elements are returned from Overpass
- add route_to_gdf function to utils_graph module to return a GeoDataFrame of the edges in a path
- deprecate the get_route_edge_attributes function in favor of the new route_to_gdf function
- deprecate folium module in favor of using geopandas.GeoDataFrame.explore directly
- deprecate precision parameter in bearing, distance, elevation, and speed modules' functions
- deprecate utils_geo.round_geometry_coords function
- move plot_orientation function from bearing module to plot module
- make matplotlib an optional dependency required only for the plot module
- drop pyproj package dependency
- restore Python 3.8 compatibility
- improve DNS resolution when using proxies or on networks blocking DNS-over-HTTPS
- improve processing of per-lane values when adding edge speeds
- improve file writing in save_graph_xml function
- ensure node coordinates are non-null and convertible to float in the add_edge_lengths function
- ignore ways tagged highway=no or highway=razed in built-in filters
- do not assume an edge with key=0 exists between each node pair when simplifying graph
- drop dateutil package dependency
- fully support Shapely 2.0 and drop support for Shapely 1.x
- drop RTree package dependency
- much faster nearest edges search using STRTree index
- allow using alternative Google Maps compatible elevation APIs, such as Open Topo Data
- optionally track merged_edges as a new edge attribute in simplify_graph function
- fix bug that added unsimplified edge geometry attributes when projecting
- hard code Google DNS IP address
- resolve matplotlib deprecation warning
- deprecate save_graph_shapefile function
- fix compatibility with rasterio 1.3
- fix API version when saving OSM XML
- resolve shapely deprecation warning
- fix rate limit checking and pausing on newest versions of Overpass API
- allow add_edge_lengths function to be run on a subset of edges
- resolve pandas deprecation warning
- add ability to load GraphML string data to the load_graphml function
- add "reversed" edge attribute to support node-order-dependent edge attributes
- add new edge_color and edge_linewidth arguments to plot_footprints function
- fix nearest_edges function selecting arbitrary edge when bounding boxes overlap
- fix get_digraph function's parallel edge handling
- fix pandas and geopandas version compatibility
- fix log output appearing in Jupyter notebooks on Unix-like systems
- remove old functions and arguments previously deprecated in v1.1
- deprecate utils.config function in favor of using settings module directly
- fix geocoding when no geojson is returned
- fix graph simplification to properly handle travel_time edge attributes
- fix streets per node not being calculated when clean_periphery=False
- allow user-defined aggregation function when imputing missing edge speeds
- allow user to configure requests package keyword arguments when connecting to APIs
- faster graph projection by calculating UTM zone number with a computationally cheaper method
- improve efficiency of quadrat-based geometry cutting
- fall back on google dns resolution when necessary if using a proxy
- move count_streets_per_node function to stats module
- resolve shapely and geopandas deprecation warnings
- fix overpass status endpoint checks with explicit IP address resolution
- fix slot management on local overpass instances by optionally disabling rate limiting
- parallelize shortest_path calculation for multiple origins/destinations
- add graph-constrained spatial sampling function
- add add_node_elevations_raster function to add node elevations from local raster file(s)
- add add_node_elevations_google function and deprecate old add_node_elevations function
- add faster streamlined nearest_nodes and nearest_edges functions to distance module
- deprecate old get_nearest_node, get_nearest_nodes, get_nearest_edge, and get_nearest_edges
- add utils_geo.interpolate_points function and deprecate redistribute_vertices in favor of it
- add vectorized calculate_bearing function and deprecate get_bearing in favor of it
- expose individual street network stats functions in stats module
- deprecate the extended_stats function in stats module
- add network orientation and entropy stats functions to bearing module
- add plot_orientation function to bearing module to polar histograms of graph edge bearings
- add route_linewidths parameter to plot_graph_routes function
- handle relations of type "boundary" in geometries module
- multi-index GeoDataFrames returned from geometries module by element type and osmid
- ensure all nodes have integer IDs after graph intersection consolidation
- vectorize add_edge_lengths, add_edge_grades, and add_edge_bearings functions
- improve save_graph_xml speed
- improve geocoder module error messages
- improve handling of node geometry when converting graph to/from GeoDataFrames
- fix network_type filters allowing ways tagged "bus_guideway"
- fix handling of boolean type conversion in load_graphml
- fix truncate_graph_dist retaining unreachable nodes
- fix bug in consolidate_intersections when pygeos is installed
- move add_edge_lengths function from utils_graph to distance module
- remove descartes dependency in line with geopandas
- fix network_type filters allowing ways tagged "planned"
- fix "drive" network_type allowing some alleys
- fix intersection consolidation for compatibility with v1.0 node ids/indexing
- fix python 3.6 compatibility
- deprecate folium polyline styling arguments
- set use_cache=True by default
- add ability to query a place by OSM ID in geocoder.geocode_to_gdf function
- add optional setting for download/cache-only mode
- replace md5 with sha1 for cache filename hashing
- replace streets_per_node graph attribute with equivalent street_count node attribute
- remove redundant osmid node attribute
- make graph_to_gdfs multi-index the edges GeoDataFrame by u, v, key
- refactor consolidate_intersections function for better speed and efficiency
- refactor count_streets_per_node function for better speed and efficiency
- refactor folium module for better speed and efficiency
- refactor get_undirected functionality for better speed and efficiency
- extract all private/internal .osm XML functionality into new osm_xml module
- deprecate io.save_graph_xml with warning (function moved to osm_xml module)
- remove internal _is_simplified function
- remove deprecated pois module
- remove deprecated footprints module
- remove deprecated utils_graph.induce_subgraph function
- remove deprecated node_type parameter from io.load_graphml function
- improve graph_from_gdfs speed and efficiency
- improve plot_route_folium speed and efficiency
- fix remove_isolated_nodes function mutating the passed-in graph
- fix gephi compatibility in save_graphml
- add customizable node/edge attribute data type arguments to load_graphml
- deprecate old node_type argument in load_graphml
- expose bidirectional_network_types via config function
- fix handling graphs with no intersections in consolidate_intersections
- fix consolidate_intersections returning GeoSeries without CRS attribute
- fix response caching to save only when status code is 200
- fix elevation module's grade absolute value calculation when grade is null
- move shortest path functions from utils_graph module to distance module
- new geometries module for creating GeoDataFrames from tag/value queries
- deprecate old pois and footprints modules (replaced by geometries module)
- auto-select first Polygon/MultiPolygon when geocoding with which_result=None
- new k_shortest_paths function to solve k shortest paths from origin to destination
- new shortest_path convenience function
- new get_digraph function to correctly convert MultiDiGraph to DiGraph
- miscellaneous performance improvements and optimizations
- deprecate induce_subgraph function
- remove deprecated boundaries module (replaced by geocoder module in v0.15.0)
- remove deprecated utils_geo.geocode function (replaced by geocoder.geocode function in v0.15.0)
- fix geopandas future warnings
- improve plotting defaults and streamline plot module speed and efficiency
- improve color handling in plot module
- improve route plotting
- plot_graph_routes function now accepts multiple route colors
- allow multiple elevation API providers
- consolidate_intersections replaces update_edge_lengths param with reconnect_edges param
- fix geopackage file saving after consolidating intersections
- add new geocoder module and move utils_geo.geocode function into it
- replace gdf_from_place/s functions with geocoder.geocode_to_gdf
- deprecate boundaries module
- remove deprecated timeout, memory, custom_settings, and max_query_area_size function params
- remove deprecated plotting params and plot_shape function
- fix simplification of graphs with long rural roads
- reduce memory footprint of graph simplification
- remove disconnected self-contained rings from graph by default when simplifying
- improve speed and efficiency of project_graph, graph_to_gdfs, and graph_from_gdfs
- improve attribute value conversion in load_graphml
- expose precision parameter for adding bearings, elevations, speeds, and travel times
- fix config function clobber behavior
- fix graph periphery cleaning when clean_periphery=True but simplify=False
- rename settings useful_tags_path to the more appropriate useful_tags_way
- deprecate the timeout, memory, custom_settings, and max_query_area_size function params
- the params above are now accessible via config function and settings module
- deprecate old plot params and plot_shape function
- remove previously deprecated infrastructure parameter in favor of custom_filter
- better geometry subdividing for huge OSM queries
- better handling of maxspeed list values for simplified graphs
- downloader only retrieves url response from cache if no server remark
- deprecate graph creation infrastructure parameter in favor of flexible custom_filter
- remove deprecated functions: graph_from_file, clean_intersections, gdfs_to_graph
- major refactor of entire package
- clean up API and namespace
- new consolidate_intersections function with topological option
- new speed module to calculate graph edge speeds and travel times
- generalize POIs module to query with a flexible tags dict
- allow folium functions to accept FeatureGroup and kwargs
- all graph saving functions now take a filepath argument instead of folder/filename
- save shapefiles in single folder containing both nodes and edges
- optionally return distance and/or geometry in nearest edge search
- expose timeout and memory parameters in pois and footprints modules
- define default crs via epsg code instead of proj4 string
- update and simplify logging with timestamps
- graph metadata: add creation date and version, remove name
- replace inconsistent distance parameters with consistent dist parameters
- deprecate old clean_intersections function in favor of new consolidate_intersections
- deprecate old gdfs_to_graph function in favor of graph_from_gdfs
- deprecate old graph_from_file function in favor of graph_from_xml
- rename save_as_osm function -> save_graph_xml for consistency
- rename save_load module -> io
- remove old save_gdf_shapefile function
- drop support for python 3.5 and lower
- fix handling relations with missing type tag
- fix save_graph_geopackage handling numeric attributes
- fix load_graphml handling elevation and grade attributes
- improve edge finding algorithms to return edge key
- more informative graph_from_file data load error message
- refactor url-in-cache checking
- add timestamp helper function
- documentation improvements
- add ability to save graph as geopackage file
- add truncate_by_edge implementation in truncate_graph_polygon
- allow flexible overpass settings (e.g., to query by date)
- better handling of invalid footprint geometries
- geocode function now uses nominatim_request function
- improve .osm xml output
- improve one-way street handling
- fix graph projection overwriting original lat/lng
- fix redistribute_vertices function for MultiLineStrings
- fix .osm xml output
- fix for pandas 1.0
- fix errant print statement
- fix .osm xml output
- fix geopandas future compatibility
- fix get_nearest_edges search when not using a spatial index
- drop formal python 2 support
- refactor all modules for cleaner package organization
- make stats betweenness centrality compatible with networkx>=2.4
- allow configurable overpass and nominatim endpoints
- allow gdf_from_places to take a which_result list argument
- handle zero-division in street grade calculation
- better footprint relation handling
- improve network type queries for better filtering
- fix pois_from_polygon returning points outside polygon
- remove deprecated buildings module
- filter steps ways out of bike queries
- convert CRS-handling to proj4 strings
- save graph to xml-formatted .osm file
- minor refactoring
- deprecate buildings module and replace with generalized footprints module
- improve handling of multipolygon footprints
- new function to find nearest edge(s), given coordinates
- add "search," "reverse," and "lookup" nominatim queries
- use unprojected graphs for figure-ground plotting functions
- allow non-integer osmid values for custom data
- improve get_route_edge_attributes function
- improve color mapping by node/edge attribute value
- make bidirectional network types explicit
- networkx compatibility fixes to resolve warnings
- add python 3.7 compatibility
- add convenience function to plot several routes over the same map
- optimize graph truncation to bounding box
- give self-loops a null bearing when calculating edge bearings
- make accept-language http header explicit and configurable
- add citation function
- refactor POI module
- add Gephi compatibility argument for saving GraphML
- handle square bracket encapsulated strings when loading GraphML
- add ability to retrieve points of interest
- improve performance for retrieving huge geographies' street networks
- fix building footprint retrieval query syntax
- minor bug fixes
- add fast nearest-nodes search
- allow custom network query filters
- allow create_graph to return graph with no edges
- improve figure_ground joint smoothing
- fix handling of parallel edges when making multidigraph undirected
- generalize same-geometry checker
- improve detection of prior topology simplification
- custom error types for finer-grained handling
- turn off x- and y-axes to improve plotting appearance
- make floating-point precision and rounding more sensible
- improve OS path handling cross-platform
- replace great-circle distance calculator with haversine
- add access filter as configurable setting
- improve performance of inducing subgraphs
- fix utils.get_largest_component for networkx 2.2 compatibility
- fix config settings namespacing
- compatibility with networkx 2.1
- fix documentation build
- ignore ways marked access=no
- ability to load a graph from a .osm file
- change datum from NAD83 to WGS84
- make roundabouts one-way
- conformal plotting for unprojected graphs
- fix folium web maps rendering
- migrate to the networkx 2.0 API
- add optional cleaned intersections count to basic stats
- allow circuity to be calculated for projected or unprojected networks
- various code clean-up and refactoring
- add requirements files to distribution
- add ability to download other infrastructures besides just roads/paths (e.g., rail lines, power lines, etc.)
- calculate graph edges' bearings
- add ability to get nearest node by great circle or euclidean distance
- move examples/demo notebooks to new repo: osmnx-examples
- fix docstrings
- fix building footprint downloads that require multiple calls for large areas
- fix missing MultiPolygon import in buildings module
- functionality to clean-up and consolidate complex intersections
- let save_gdf_shapefile save building footprint GeoDataFrames
- set node color correctly in figure-ground diagrams
- add elevation module to get node elevations and street grades
- new color sequence creation and conversion functions in plot module
- new function to get a path's edge attribute values
- gracefully handle subpolygons that are invalid or have zero area
- make truncate_graph_polygon work on projected graphs
- plot_shape accepts a color or a list of colors
- make all requests to Overpass API set custom user-agent and referer
- rewrite algorithms to convert multidigraphs to multigraphs
- fix load_graphml so we can save a graph again after loading it
- fix load_graphml so edge oneway attribute is not always set to True
- buildings module gets buildings stored in OSM as relations as well as ways
- fix figure-ground diagram saving to make perfect square and smooth joints
- add optional graph argument to plot_figure_ground
- suppress jupyter notebook deprecation warnings
- plot entire networks with folium
- plot routes on top of networks with folium
- vectorize all great circle calculations
- new geocode function in utils
- remove geopy dependency
- refactor modules
- simplify before truncating by distance when getting graph by point and network distance
- project geometries, GeoDataFrames, and graphs to a passed-in CRS
- clean up docstrings throughout
- remove network code vestiges from buildings.py
- add route plotting with folium
- add downloading and visualization of building footprints
- updates for compatibility with matplotlib 2.0
- fixes for compatibility with networkx 2.0's new API
- make png default image save format
- figure-ground plots collect street network from a wider area
- add license file to dist package
- refactor modules
- add graph to GDF and GDF to graph functions
- add encoding argument to save_graph_shapefile
- add unit tests and continuous integration
- add street width attribute for ways from OSM
- make simplification error messages explicit
- process land use and area tags from OSM
- make intersection error messages clear
- first pre-release