Eine Erweiterung ist schlicht eine Funktion, welche hook
als Argument nimmt. hook unterstützt dabei das Verwalten von asynchrononen Tasks.
window.$docsify = {
plugins: [
function (hook, vm) {
hook.init(function() {
// Called when the script starts running, only trigger once, no arguments,
hook.beforeEach(function(content) {
// Invoked each time before parsing the Markdown file.
// ...
return content
hook.afterEach(function(html, next) {
// Invoked each time after the Markdown file is parsed.
// beforeEach and afterEach support asynchronous。
// ...
// call `next(html)` when task is done.
hook.doneEach(function() {
// Invoked each time after the data is fully loaded, no arguments,
// ...
hook.mounted(function() {
// Called after initial completion. Only trigger once, no arguments.
hook.ready(function() {
// Called after initial completion, no arguments.
!> Du kannst auf interne Methoden über window.Docsify
zugreifen. Greife auf die aktuelle Instanz über das zweite Argument zu.
Füge jeder Seite eine footer Komponente hinzu:
window.$docsify = {
plugins: [
function (hook) {
var footer = [
'<span><a href="https://github.com/QingWei-Li">cinwell</a> ©2017.</span>',
'<span>Proudly published with <a href="https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify" target="_blank">docsify</a>.</span>',
hook.afterEach(function (html) {
return html + footer
window.$docsify = {
plugins: [
function(hook, vm) {
hook.beforeEach(function (html) {
var url = 'https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/blob/master/docs' + vm.route.file
var editHtml = '[📝 EDIT DOCUMENT](' + url + ')\n'
return editHtml
+ html
+ '\n----\n'
+ 'Last modified {docsify-updated} '
+ editHtml