# Articulation Points (or Cut Vertices) A vertex in an undirected connected graph is an articulation point (or cut vertex) if removing it (and edges through it) disconnects the graph. Articulation points represent vulnerabilities in a connected network – single points whose failure would split the network into 2 or more disconnected components. They are useful for designing reliable networks. For a disconnected undirected graph, an articulation point is a vertex removing which increases number of connected components.    ## References - [GeeksForGeeks](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/articulation-points-or-cut-vertices-in-a-graph/) - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kREIkF9UAs&list=PLLXdhg_r2hKA7DPDsunoDZ-Z769jWn4R8)