sfMelodyPlugin brings:
- Easy connection between other service supports OAuth like Facebook, Yahoo, Google
- For example you can use facebook api without fbml or javascript Api. It's can be an easy way to use facebook connect
For Doctrine, install:
For Propel:
$ symfony plugin:install sfMelodyPlugin
Clear cache
$ symfony cc
Enable the sfMelody module in settings.yml:
all: .settings: ... enabled_modules: - sfMelody - ...
Override the user in apps/my-app/lib/myUser.class.php:
class myUser extends sfMelodyUser
At this time sfMelody has 8 melodies :) :
- Yahoo
- MySpace
- Neutral1 #A base class to support OAuth1
- Neutral2 #A base class to support OAuth2
Available options in app.yml :
create_user: false # create a new user if not logged when you connect to a service
redirect_register: false # you can redirect to a register form or anything else by specify
# a valid route like "@user_register"
key: my_service_key
secret: my_secret_key
callback: @mymodule_index # or absolute url
#needed for google or facebook
api: [contacts, ...] # only for google - easy way to set scopes
scope: [permission_1, ...] # for google and facebook to set permissions - for google prefere api parameter
user: # to create an user
call: xx
call_parameters: [x, x, x]
path: xx.xy.zz
prefix: xx_
suffix: _xx
key: false
provider: provider #like google, facebook -optional if 'name' config key is the name of the provider
request_token_url: url # override the url - for OAuth 1 implementation only
request_auth_url: url
access_token_url: url
namespaces: # namespaces are used to make some api calls - see namespace Section
ns1: http://my.name.space
aliases: # Alias is an easy way to simplify api calls
me: my/alias
param1: value
param1: value
param1: value
output_format: json
create_user: true
redirect_register: false
#optional only for OAuth 1
param1: value
request_token_url: url
In an action:
This action redirects to the callback specified in the app.yml
In an other action when you have the autorization:
$this->getUser()->getMelody('name')->getMe(); #see section Api for more informations
We try a sample with facebook, Register an application (see section Register application to have url to register apps). Then put the config in app.yml:
create_user: true # to create a user for all melodies
key: my_api_key
secret: application_secret
callback: @mymodule_facebook
scope: [email] #optionnal - http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions
# needed to create an user based on his email_address
username: # the name of a field of sfGuardUser
call: me # api call
path: id # path could be user.object.email for example to retrieve the right inforamtion
prefix: Facebook_
call: me
path: first_name
call: me
path: last_name
call: me
path: email
key: true # it's a key to retrieve user from other services based on this information
# if no field is a key all are keys by default.
facebook_plus: # you can manage more than one config for a service
provider: facebook # to manage permissions for example
For example we put a link:
<?php echo link_to('Connect to facebook', '@mymodule_connect') ?>
In the action.class.php :
public function executeConnect(sfWebRequest $request)
public function executeFacebook(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->me = $this->getUser()->getMelody('facebook')->getMe();
The user creation is a security point because for example if you create user based on email addresses. If a user create an account by a classic way and if the email specified is not validated he can retrieve rights on the user which have the email.
So you have to specified the user creation by put some informations in the config file (app.yml).
The informations under the user key in config allow to create a user with theses informations. The keys (key:true) allow to retrieve existing user to make links between services or to signin a user according his created account.
If an user is authenticated and request acces to a service. The rights are attached to him.
There is an event (melody.filter_user) to filter an user if auticanted. This event has params melody and conflict. melody is the current melody and conflict represents if the user match the key rules (app.yml). So in this filter you can change the user or do anything you want in this situation.
If the user is not authenticated, it try to retrieve the user by the token then it try to retrieve the user by the keys(config). And then create the user if needeed.
Before saving the user, if you specify redirect_register with a valid routing rule, you can redirect the workflow to your action.
In this case, you can retrieve the user created but not saved :
- unserialize($this->getUser()->getAttribute('melody_user'))
And the melody :
- unserialize($this->getUser()->getAttribute('melody'))
When you call:
In fact it's use the default namespace of facebook : https://graph.facebook.com
It calls the method sfOAuth->get($action, $aliases, $params, $method = 'GET')
getMe means get('me')
getMeFriends -> get('me/friends')
an alias is a way to have simpliest call for example :
$fb_melody->getFriends(array('friends' => 'me/friends'));
you can put your own aliases in the app.yml to have simplier calls.
To make api calls, you have to know api for each service provider :
- Google : http://code.google.com/intl/fr/apis/gdata/docs/directory.html
- Facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/
- Yahoo! : http://developer.yahoo.com/everything.html#apis
- ...
- Google: https://www.google.com/accounts/ManageDomains
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/developers/apps.php
- Yahoo! : https://developer.apps.yahoo.com/projects
To change the namesapce in use just use:
- default : https://graph.facebook.com
- default: http://www.google.com
- analytics: http://www.google.com/analytics/feeds/
- google_base: http://www.google.com/base/feeds/
- book: http://www.google.com/books/feeds/
- blogger: http://www.blogger.com/feeds/
- calendar: http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/
- contacts: http://www.google.com/m8/feeds/
- chrome: http://www.googleapis.com/auth/chromewebstore.readonly
- documents: http://docs.google.com/feeds/
- finance: http://finance.google.com/finance/feeds/
- gmail: http://mail.google.com/mail/feed/atom
- health: http://www.google.com/health/feeds/
- h9: http://www.google.com/h9/feeds/
- maps: http://maps.google.com/maps/feeds/
- moderator: tag:google.com,2010:auth/moderator
- open_social: http://www-opensocial.googleusercontent.com/api/people/
- orkut: http://www.orkut.com/social/rest
- picasa: http://picasaweb.google.com/data/
- sidewiki: http://www.google.com/sidewiki/feeds/
- sites: http://sites.google.com/feeds/
- spreadsheets: http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/
- wave: http://wave.googleusercontent.com/api/rpc
- webmaster_tools: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/feeds/
- youtube: http://gdata.youtube.com
You can use all these namespaces in the api config to have permissions to use them.
- default: http://api.twitter.com
Yahoo !
- default: http://social.yahooapis.com/v1
- default: https://api.linkedin.com/v1
- default: http://api.myspace.com/v1
Default aliases :
- contacts: m8/feeds/contacts
- me: default/full
Yahoo !
- uid: [userid]
- me: user/[userid]
- me: people/~
- me: user.json
If you want more providers or more default aliases. Feel free to ask or contribute on Github : http://github.com/chok/sfMelodyPlugin
- Better management of tokens (refresh, etc...)
- ...