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  • VSCodium with extensions and executables for Haskell.
  • A sample Haskell project.
  • Several ways to run a Haskell app.



Quick start

  1. Install Nix - see how.

  2. In a new terminal, start a devshell and run the app.

    nix flake new my-project -t github:deemp/flakes#codium-haskell
    cd my-project
    git init && git add
    nix develop
    cabal run
  3. Write settings.json and start VSCodium.

    nix run .#writeSettings
    nix run .#codium .
  4. Open a Haskell file app/Main.hs and hover over a function.

  5. Wait until Haskell Language Server (HLS) starts giving you type info.

Default devshell

The devShells.default here is similar to the cabal shell.

The nix-managed package (package in this flake) has several non-Haskell dependencies.

First, as nix-managed uses an lzma package, it needs a C library liblzma. This library is delivered via Nix as pkgs.lzma.

Second, nix-managed calls the hello command at runtime (see someFunc in src/Lib.hs). This command comes from a hello executable which is delivered via Nix as pkgs.hello.

cabal from devShells.default has on its PATH that hello executable.

Let's inspect what's available.

  1. Enter the devShell.

    nix develop
  2. Run the app.

    cabal run
  3. Next, access the hello executable in a repl.

    cabal repl
    ghci> :?
    :!<command> run the shell command <command>
    ghci> :! hello
    Hello, world!
  4. ghcid uses the cabal repl command. That's why, when running ghcid, hello will be available to the app.

  5. ghcid will run not only the main function, but also the code in magic comments (See app/Main.hs).

  6. Sometimes, cabal doesn't use the Nix-supplied packages (issue). In this case, use cabal v1-* - commands.

Run a Haskell app

Below is the comparison of ways to run a Haskell app. I prefer to use anything but stack.


Advantages - incremental builds, can pass the build dependencies to devshell (See the PR)

Make a shell with all deps available and build incrementally via cabal.

nix develop .#shellFor


Advantages - can build incrementally

Disadvantages - not that reproducible builds

Incremental builds via cabal + Nix-provided packages. A devshell will run the app via cabal run.

nix develop .#cabal


Advantages - reproducible build, make an executable binary app from a Haskell executable.

Disadvantages - no incremental builds (rebuilds the whole project from scratch on slight code changes)

Nix provides necessary packages, binaries and libraries to the app. A devshell will run the app

nix develop .#binary


Advantages - reproducible lightweight container from a package

Disadvantage - no incremental builds

Put an executable into a Docker image and run it:

nix develop .#docker


Advantage - uses stack for incremental builds, very easy setup

Disadvantage - doesn't use Nix caches and takes packages from Stackage

nix develop .#stack


Suppose you'd like Nix to supply a C library liblzma to stack using this integration. You'd create a stack-shell (more on that below) in flake.nix and provide there a Nix package pkgs.lzma. Then, stack will create an isolated environment, where this library is present, and run your program in this environment. In such an environment, your program won't have an access to other libraries and programs like rm or git. But what if your program needs to call the rm command? In this case, your stack-shell should contain the relevant package, pkgs.coreutils. This package will be turned into executables. Then, rm and some other commands will become available in that isolated environment.

Stack guide

This sample Haskell project demonstrates Stack + Nix integration.

It has a Haskell lzma package as a dependency (see package.yaml). This package depends on a C library liblzma. Nix delivers this library as a package pkgs.lzma in stack-shell.

There's also a pkgs.hello package in stack-shell. This allows someFunc from src/Lib.hs to call the hello as a shell command.

nix develop .#stack
stack run

This hello executable will also be available in ghci as a shell command:

stack ghci
ghci> :?
:!<command> run the shell command <command>
ghci> :! hello
Hello, world!

Furthermore, as ghcid uses a stack ghci command, you can run ghcid as follows:


Additionally, ghcid will run the code in magic comments (See app/Main.hs).


Necessary components of Stack + Nix integration:

  • flake-compat in inputs of flake.nix
    • This is to turn stack-shell in flake.nix into a valid stack shell in stack.nix
    • repo
  • Nix enabled in stack.yaml
  • stack.nix
    • The file should have the same name as the value of shell-file in stack.yaml
  • stack-shell with necessary derivations in flake.nix
    • The name stack-shell is chosen arbitrarily
    • The name should be the same as the one used in stack.nix


Available versions

This flake uses GHC of a specific version (ghcVersion).

nixpkgs provides other GHC versions. Explore them in a repl:

nix repl
:lf .
-- use your system

Change version

To switch to a specific GHC version (let's call it <ghc>):

  1. In flake.nix, change the ghcVersion value to <ghc>.
  2. If you're using stack, in stack.yaml, change the resolver to match the <ghc> version.
