(venv) @brabster ➜ /workspaces/dbt-athena-external-tables/example_project (main) $ dbt run-operation stage_external_sources --vars "ext_full_refresh: true" --target athena
22:14:07 Running with dbt=1.7.13
22:14:08 Registered adapter: athena=1.7.2
22:14:08 Found 2 sources, 0 exposures, 0 metrics, 478 macros, 0 groups, 0 semantic models
22:14:08 1 of 2 START external source dbt_athena_external_tables_example.hrsl
22:14:08 1 of 2 (1) drop table if exists `AwsDataCatalog`.`dbt_athena_external_tables_example`.`hrsl...
22:14:10 1 of 2 (1) OK -1
22:14:10 1 of 2 (2) create external table `AwsDataCatalog`.`dbt_athena_external_tables_example`.`hrs...
22:14:11 1 of 2 (2) OK -1
22:14:11 1 of 2 (3) msck repair table `AwsDataCatalog`.`dbt_athena_external_tables_example`.`hrsl`
22:14:28 1 of 2 (3) OK -1
22:14:28 2 of 2 START external source dbt_athena_external_tables_example.planet_history
22:14:28 2 of 2 (1) drop table if exists `AwsDataCatalog`.`dbt_athena_external_tables_example`.`plan...
22:14:29 2 of 2 (1) OK -1
22:14:29 2 of 2 (2) create external table `AwsDataCatalog`.`dbt_athena_external_tables_example`.`pla...
22:14:31 2 of 2 (2) OK -1