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File metadata and controls

210 lines (136 loc) · 6.97 KB


Pijemont is a system for generating an HTML form and markdown documentation from a JSON dictionary specifying the desired arguments.

Generating a form:

The Pijemont constructor is:

Pijemont(container_form, api_dict, name, target, submit_callback, function_name)

  • container_form is an empty form Element object on the page that will be populated with the form contents
  • api_dict is either the actual API dictionary or else a url that will provide this dictionary in response to a GET request
  • name is any identifier for the form, and should be unique among all Pijemont instances on the page
  • target is the url to which the form data should be POSTed
  • submit_callback is a function that will be passed the response data of the submit POST request
  • function_name is the name of the API function from the provided API that should be used to generate the form

So, for example:

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="demo"></form>
  new Pijemont(document.getElementById("demo"), "/api", "example_form", "/submit_url", function(data){console.log(data);}, "function_name");

will make a GET request to /api for the API dictionary, will place it into the empty form object supplied in the first argument.

Of course, one can replace "/api" with an actual dictionary and generate the form that way.

Generating documentation

To generate Markdown documentation, simply run:

python2 http://url_of_api_dict

and this will output Markdown documentation to stdout. Note that this script assumes Python 2.7.

API dictionary format:

The API dictionary is assumed to have its keys being the names of the various API functions, and values being "type specification" dictionaries, which we will define now.

A type specification in Pijemont is a dictionary, which may look slightly different depending on the type of argument desired. It may contain the following keys:

  • type: This key is required. Its value is a string that specifies what type of object the argument is. It can be any of those types listed below.

  • description: A string that describes what the argument is. Used for documentation generation and annotating the form. This key is optional.

  • optional: This is either true or false (default is false), and indicates whether this argument may be omitted

  • default: This is the value that will be used for the argument if it is not supplied (even if it is optional, so having both optional: true and a default value is redundant).

  • values: If the type is a container for other types (e.g. a list or dictionary), then this will be a further type specification of the contained values. If the type is a non-container (such as a string or number), then

Some of these keys have type-specific behaviour, which we shall describe in each case when we specify the types below.

Allowed types

number | num | float

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: May be a specification of conditions that the numbers must satisfy, such as values: "(>2 & <3) | <=-1 | (>100 & !=108.6)" to say that the number must satisfy one of the conditions "between 2 and 3", "at most -1", and "bigger than 100 but not equal to 108.6". All symbols can be replaced with letter versions, gt for >, etc, so this condition could equally have been expressed: values: "(gt 2 and lt 3) or lteq -1 or (gt 100 and noteq 108.6)".

HTML form

The form input for this argument will be a numeric input text field.

string | str | multiline

Corresponds to a string input.

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: May be absent or may be a list of strings.

HTML form

If type is str or string, then if the values key is absent, arbitrary strings are allowed and the corresponding form input will be a text field. If values is a list of strings, then the input will be a select with each of the list items as options.

, the HTML form will be a textfield. If multiline, it will be a textarea.

boolean | bool

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: Should be omitted.

  • default: A default boolean value, true or false.

HTML form

In the HTML form, this will show up as a checkbox.


This corresponds to an list argument where all elements are of a fixed, specified type.

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: Should be a type specifier dictionary describing the type of each list element.

  • default: A list of objects that are valid defaults for the type of the list element. May be omitted.

HTML form

This will generate the appropriate form for the given type specifier dictionary and will allow the user to add or remove these objects from the list at will.

dict | dictionary | map

This corresponds to an dictionary argument with specified keys where each corresponding value has a specified type.

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: Should be a dictionary whose keys are strings and whose values are type specifier dictionaries.

  • default: A dictionary of objects whose keys are a subset of the keys in values and whose values are valid default values for the corresponding type specifiers. May be omitted.

HTML form

This will generate, for each key, the appropriate form for the corresponding type specifier dictionary.


This corresponds to a list argument with a fixed number of values, each of which is of a specified type (and the types for the different values may differ).

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: Should be a dictionary whose keys are increasing integers starting from 0, and whose values are type specifier dictionaries.

  • default: A dictionary of objects whose keys are a subset of the keys in values and whose values are valid default values for the corresponding type specifiers. May be omitted.

HTML form

This will generate, for each key, the appropriate form for the corresponding type specifier dictionary.


This specified multiple named arguments where exactly one of them should be present

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: Should be a dictionary whose keys are strings and whose values are type specifier dictionaries.
  • default: A dictionary of objects whose keys are a subset of the keys in values and whose values are valid default values for the corresponding type specifiers. May be omitted.

HTML form

This will generate, for each key, the appropriate form for the corresponding type specifier dictionary, and a radio button allowing the user to select which single one of the inputs they wish to provide.

any | stuff | file

This corresponds to an input that can be any object and whose value is unchecked

Notes on type specifier keys:

  • values: Should be omitted
  • default: May be any object

HTML form

For any or stuff types, this will generate a textarea form element. For file types, this will generate a file upload widget in the HTML form that will send the base64-encoded file contents.