File tree
2,617 files changed
lines changed- .github
- actions
- check_create_redwood_app
- check_test_project_fixture
- detect-changes
- cases
- only_doc_changes
- require-milestone
- set-up-job
- set-up-rsa-project
- set-up-rsc-external-packages-project
- set-up-rsc-project
- set-up-test-project
- set-up-yarn-cache
- setup_test_project
- telemetry_check
- update_all_contributors
- scripts
- workflows
- .vscode
- .yarn
- plugins/@yarnpkg
- releases
- __fixtures__
- empty-project
- scripts
- example-todo-main
- api
- src/lib
- web
- src
- graphql
- types
- example-todo-main-with-errors
- fragment-test-project
- .redwood
- api
- db
- src
- directives
- requireAuth
- skipAuth
- functions
- graphql
- lib
- services
- scripts
- web
- src
- components
- Card
- graphql
- layouts
- pages
- FatalErrorPage
- GroceriesPage
- NotFoundPage
- types
- test-project
- .redwood
- .vscode
- .yarn/releases
- api
- db
- migrations
- 20220101120000_create_post_user
- 20220102120000_create_contact
- src
- __tests__
- directives/requireAuth
- functions
- scripts
- web
- public
- src
- components
- Author
- AuthorCell
- BlogPost
- BlogPostCell
- BlogPostsCell
- WaterfallBlogPostCell
- layouts/BlogLayout
- pages
- AboutPage
- BlogPostPage
- ContactUsPage
- DoublePage
- FatalErrorPage
- ForgotPasswordPage
- HomePage
- LoginPage
- ProfilePage
- ResetPasswordPage
- SignupPage
- WaterfallPage
- test-project-rsa
- .redwood
- .vscode
- .yarn/patches
- api
- db
- src
- directives
- requireAuth
- skipAuth
- functions
- graphql
- lib
- services
- scripts
- web
- public
- src
- components
- Counter
- layouts
- pages
- AboutPage
- FatalErrorPage
- HomePage
- NotFoundPage
- test-project-rsc-external-packages
- .redwood
- .vscode
- api
- db
- src
- directives
- requireAuth
- skipAuth
- functions
- graphql
- lib
- services
- scripts
- web
- public
- src
- components
- Counter
- layouts
- pages
- AboutPage
- FatalErrorPage
- HomePage
- NotFoundPage
- docs
- docs
- auth
- deploy
- graphql
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter0
- chapter1
- chapter2
- chapter3
- chapter4
- chapter5
- chapter6
- chapter7
- typescript
- src/remark
- static/img
- mailer
- router
- versioned_docs
- version-1.x
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter1
- chapter5
- version-2.x
- auth
- deploy
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter1
- chapter5
- version-3.x
- auth
- deploy
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter1
- chapter5
- chapter7
- typescript
- version-4.0
- auth
- deploy
- tutorial
- chapter1
- chapter3
- chapter5
- chapter6
- chapter7
- typescript
- version-4.x
- auth
- deploy
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter1
- chapter2
- chapter3
- chapter4
- chapter5
- chapter6
- chapter7
- typescript
- version-5.x
- auth
- deploy
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter0
- chapter1
- chapter2
- chapter3
- chapter4
- chapter5
- chapter6
- chapter7
- typescript
- version-6.0
- auth
- deploy
- how-to
- tutorial
- chapter0
- chapter1
- chapter2
- chapter3
- chapter4
- chapter5
- chapter6
- chapter7
- typescript
- versioned_sidebars
- packages
- api
- src
- auth
- __tests__
- verifiers
- cache
- __tests__
- logger
- webhooks
- api-server
- src
- __tests__
- fixtures
- redwood-app
- api
- dist/functions
- deeplyNested/nestedDir
- nested
- web/dist
- assets
- contacts
- nested
- redwood-app-fallback
- web/dist
- redwood-app-number-functions
- api/dist/functions
- 1
- logFormatter
- plugins
- auth
- src
- AuthProvider
- __tests__
- auth-providers
- auth0
- api
- src
- setup
- src
- web
- src
- __tests__
- azureActiveDirectory
- api
- src
- setup
- src
- web
- src
- __tests__
- clerk
- api
- src
- __tests__
- setup
- src
- templates/api/lib
- web
- src
- __tests__
- custom/setup
- src
- dbAuth
- api
- src
- __tests__
- setup
- src
- templates/api
- functions
- lib
- web
- src
- __tests__
- firebase
- api
- src
- setup
- src
- templates/api/lib
- web
- src
- __tests__
- netlify
- api
- src
- setup
- src
- web
- src
- __tests__
- supabase
- api
- src
- setup
- src
- templates/api/lib
- web
- src
- __tests__
- supertokens
- api
- src
- setup
- src
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- templates
- api/lib
- web
- web
- src
- __tests__
- babel-config
- src
- __tests__
- __fixtures__/redwood-app
- api
- src/lib
- plugins
- __tests__
- __fixtures__
- cell
- cell-with-commented-exports
- cell-with-default-and-other-named-export
- cell-with-default-export
- cell-with-required-exports
- context-wrapping
- auth
- custom
- graphql
- dev-fatal-error-page/test
- directory-named-imports
- Module
- TS
- TSWithIndex
- indexModule
- import-dir
- __fixtures__
- nested
- import-dir-default
- mock-cell-data
- otel-wrapping
- directive-skipAuth
- function-auth
- function-graphql
- lib-auth
- lib-db
- service-basic
- service-custom
- service-instrumented
- route-auto-loader/failure
- web/src
- pages/HomePage
- cli
- __mocks__
- src
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- commands
- __tests__
- dataMigrate
- deploy
- __tests__
- packing
- destroy
- cell/__tests__
- component/__tests__
- directive/__tests__
- function/__tests__
- graphiql
- layout/__tests__
- page
- __tests__
- scaffold
- __tests__
- sdl
- __tests__
- service/__tests__
- experimental
- __tests__
- templates
- docker
- rsc
- streamingSsr
- generate
- __tests__
- cell
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- templates
- component
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- templates
- dataMigration
- dbAuth
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- templates
- directive
- function
- layout
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- templates
- model
- page
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- templates
- realtime
- templates
- liveQueries
- blank
- subscriptions
- blank
- scaffold
- __tests__
- fixtures
- templates
- components
- pages
- script
- sdl
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- fixtures
- templates
- secret
- __tests__
- service
- templates
- record
- setup
- auth
- cache
- custom-web-index
- deploy
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- helpers
- providers
- templates
- serverless
- generator
- graphiql
- __tests__
- i18n
- templates
- mailer
- templates
- package
- __tests__
- realtime
- templates
- defer/fastAndSlowFields
- liveQueries
- auctions
- stream/alphabet
- subscriptions
- countdown
- newMessage
- tsconfig
- ui
- libraries
- templates
- vite
- templates
- webpack
- lib
- __tests__
- fixtures/merge/i18nIntoBase
- merge
- templates
- middleware
- telemetry
- cli-helpers
- src
- auth
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- fixtures
- dbAuthSetup/templates/api
- functions
- lib
- supertokensSetup/templates/api/lib
- lib
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- telemetry
- cli-packages
- dataMigrate
- src
- __tests__
- commands
- lib
- storybook
- src
- commands
- lib
- codemods
- src
- codemods
- v0.37.x
- addDirectives
- updateApiImports
- updateForms
- updateScenarios
- v0.38.x
- renameApiProxyPath
- updateScaffoldStyles
- updateSeedScript
- v0.39.x
- updateBabelConfig
- updateCellMocks
- updateRouterParamTypes
- v0.44.x/updateJestConfig
- v0.48.x
- renameVerifierTimestamp
- upgradeYarn
- __testfixtures__/default/output
- v0.50.x/updateDevFatalErrorPage
- v2.3.x/tsconfigForRouteHooks
- v2.x.x
- configureFastify
- updateResolverTypes
- v4.2.x/updateClerkGetCurrentUser
- __testfixtures__
- v4.x.x/useArmor
- v5.x.x
- cellQueryResult
- __testfixtures__
- checkReactRoot
- __tests__
- detectEmptyCells
- renameValidateWith
- __testfixtures__
- __tests__
- updateAuth0
- __tests__
- updateAuth0ToV2
- __testfixtures__
- __tests__
- updateNodeEngineTo18
- upgradeToReact18
- __testfixtures__/default
- input/web/src
- output/web/src
- __tests__
- v6.x.x
- changeGlobalToGlobalThis
- __testfixtures__
- __tests__
- convertJsToJsx
- __testfixtures__
- example
- input/web/src
- components
- TestCell
- TestComponent
- layouts/TestLayout
- pages
- FatalErrorPage
- NotFoundPage
- TestPage
- utils
- output/web/src
- components
- TestCell
- TestComponent
- layouts/TestLayout
- pages
- FatalErrorPage
- NotFoundPage
- TestPage
- utils
- withJSX
- input
- output
- withoutJSX
- input
- output
- __tests__
- entryClientNullCheck
- __testfixtures__
- __tests__
- processEnvDotNotation
- __testfixtures__
- __tests__
- replaceComponentSvgs
- __testfixtures__
- complex
- input
- mySvgs
- nested
- output
- mySvgs
- nested
- reExported
- input
- web/src/components
- Icons
- other
- output
- web/src/components
- Icons
- other
- simple
- input
- output
- srcAlias
- input
- web/src
- components
- mySvgs
- output/web/src
- components
- mySvgs
- __tests__
- updateDevFatalErrorPage
- __testfixtures__
- js
- input/web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
- output/web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
- jsx
- input/web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
- output/web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
- tsx
- input/web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
- output/web/src/pages/FatalErrorPage
- __tests__
- updateThemeConfig
- __testfixtures__
- __tests__
- lib
- testUtils
- tasks/generateCodemod
- templates
- code
- structure
- context
- src
- core
- config
- __tests__
- src/bins
- create-redwood-app
- src
- __tests__
- template
- .yarn/releases
- api
- src/directives/requireAuth
- scripts
- web
- public
- templates
- js
- .redwood
- .vscode
- api
- db
- src
- directives
- requireAuth
- skipAuth
- functions
- graphql
- lib
- services
- scripts
- web
- public
- src
- components
- graphql
- layouts
- pages
- FatalErrorPage
- NotFoundPage
- ts
- .redwood
- .vscode
- api
- db
- src
- directives
- requireAuth
- skipAuth
- functions
- graphql
- lib
- services
- scripts
- web
- public
- src
- components
- graphql
- layouts
- pages
- FatalErrorPage
- NotFoundPage
- tests
- eslint-config
- eslint-plugin
- src
- __tests__
- fastify
- src
- lambda
- plugins
- forms
- src
- __tests__
- graphql-server
- src
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- directives
- functions
- __tests__
- fixtures
- makeMergedSchema
- plugins
- __fixtures__
- __tests__
- subscriptions
- internal
- src
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- fixtures
- graphqlCodeGen/realtime
- api
- db
- src
- directives
- requireAuth
- skipAuth
- graphql
- lib
- services/todos
- nestedPages/web/src
- layouts/MainLayout
- pages
- FatalErrorPage
- ForgotPasswordPage
- HomePage
- Jobs
- AllJobProfilesPage
- AllJobsPage
- JobPage
- JobProfilePage
- JobsPage
- NewJobPage
- NewJobProfilePage
- LoginPage
- web/src
- build
- babel
- babelPlugins
- __tests__
- __fixtures__/import-dir/import-dir-default
- generate
- plugins/rw-typescript-resolvers
- templates
- webpackPlugins
- mailer
- core
- src
- __tests__
- handlers
- in-memory
- src
- nodemailer
- src
- resend
- src
- studio
- src
- renderers
- mjml-react
- src
- react-email
- src
- prerender
- src
- babelPlugins
- __tests__
- __fixtures__
- viteDistDir
- webpackDistDir
- detection
- graphql
- project-config
- src
- __tests__
- fixtures
- realtime
- src
- graphql
- plugins
- __fixtures__
- __tests__
- __snapshots__
- record
- src/tasks
- router
- src
- __tests__
- __typetests__
- structure
- src
- interactive_cli
- language_server
- model
- __tests__
- util
- outline
- x
- __tests__
- studio
- api
- fastify
- plugins
- graphql
- lib
- authProviderEncoders
- mail
- services
- explore
- web
- src
- BarLists
- Charts
- Components
- Event
- Feature
- Mail
- Panels
- RedwoodGraphiQL
- Span
- Trace
- Tracing
- Context
- Layouts
- Pages
- Explore
- Mail
- assets
- util
- telemetry
- src
- testing
- config
- jest
- api
- web
- storybook
- src
- api
- __tests__
- web
- __tests__
- tui
- src
- __tests__
- vite
- bins
- inject
- src
- __tests__
- fixtures/nestedPages
- web/src
- layouts
- AdminLayout
- MainLayout
- ShowcaseLayout
- pages
- Admin/User
- EditUserPage
- NewUserPage
- UserPage
- UsersPage
- FatalErrorPage
- ForgotPasswordPage
- HomePage
- Jobs
- AllJobProfilesPage
- AllJobsPage
- EditJobPage
- EditJobProfilePage
- JobPage
- JobProfilePage
- JobsPage
- NewJobPage
- NewJobProfilePage
- LoginPage
- NotFoundPage
- fully-react
- lib
- plugins
- __tests__
- react-server-dom-webpack
- rsc
- streaming
- transforms
- web
- src
- __typetests__
- apollo
- bins
- components
- cell
- streamUtils
- web-server
- src
- tasks
- all-contributors
- check
- e2e/cypress/e2e/01-tutorial
- framework-tools
- lib
- k6-test
- setups
- context_magic_number
- templates
- scalable_graphql_schema
- templates
- tests
- util
- nmHoisting
- release
- compare
- data
- tests
- __snapshots__
- triage
- server-tests
- fixtures/redwood-app
- api
- dist/functions
- deeplyNested/nestedDir
- nested
- web/dist
- assets
- contacts
- nested
- smoke-test
- playwright-fixtures
- tests
- smoke-tests
- auth
- tests
- dev
- tests
- prerender
- tests
- rsa
- tests
- rsc
- tests
- rsc-external-packages
- tests
- serve
- tests
- storybook
- tests
- streaming-ssr-dev
- tests
- streaming-ssr-prod
- tests
- test-project
- codemods
- templates/api
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,617 files changed
lines changedLarge diffs are not rendered by default.
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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9 | 9 |
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10 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 |
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23 | 23 |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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170 | 173 |
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173 | 205 |
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174 | 206 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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| 55 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
| 1 | + | |
| 2 | + | |
| 3 | + | |
| 4 | + | |
| 5 | + | |
| 6 | + | |
| 7 | + | |
| 8 | + | |
| 9 | + | |
| 10 | + | |
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| 40 | + | |
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| 61 | + | |
| 62 | + | |
| 63 | + | |
| 64 | + | |
| 65 | + | |
| 66 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 |
| - | |
| 4 | + | |
5 | 5 |
| |
6 | 6 |
| |
7 | 7 |
| |
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