Examples help you to understand how to test TerraCost.
Cloud Provider pricing data need to be ingested in a Mysql server. For testing purpose, local docker can be used
docker run -p 3306:3306 -d --privileged -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=terracost mysql:8.4.3
Once Mysql started, create the terracost database
mysql -h -uroot -pterracost -e "CREATE DATABASE terracost_test"
To start prices ingestion you need to first decide which cloud provider to ingest. In the example aws
or azurerm
are availables with -ingest -provider
go run terracost.go -ingest -provider aws -ingest-region eu-west-1
go run terracost.go -ingest -provider azurerm -ingest-region francecentral
Note Before to ingest datas, the database migrations are needed. In order to correctly run migrations, we need
param on DB connectorsql.Open("mysql", "root:terracost@tcp(")
To estimate a terraform plan, you need to first generate it as json format
terraform init
terraform plan -out update.tfplan
terraform show -json update.tfplan > terraform-plan.json
Then run the estimation by specifying your json plan file path.
go run terracost.go -estimate-plan ./terraform-plan.json
To estimate terraform code, define the terraform provider to use and the path of your terraform hcl code.
go run terracost.go -provider aws -estimate-hcl ../testdata/aws/stack-aws
mysql -h -uroot -pterracost terracost_test
mysql>select * from pricing_products where service="$SERVICE" and family=""$FAMILY"" and JSON_EXTRACT(attributes, "$.skuName") = "$SKUNAME" and JSON_EXTRACT(attributes, "$.meterName") = "$METERNAME";
id | provider | sku | location | service | family | attributes
01 | azurem | sku | location | service | family | {...}
Remember that the query above correspond to the query to the billing API like this
curl -s "https://prices.azure.com/api/retail/prices?\$filter=serviceName eq '$SERVICE'" and serviceFamily eq '$FAMILY' and skuName eq 'SKUNAME' and meterName eq 'METERNAME'| jq .