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Report Showcase

A showcase of built-in reports designed to provide detailed insights into test execution.

Table of Contents

Summary Report


Provides a quick summary of the test results, displayed in a concise table format. Use it to get an overview of test statuses, including passed, failed, skipped, pending, flaky and other categories.


Set the summary-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    summary-report: true
  if: always()

Tests 📝 Passed ✅ Failed ❌ Skipped ⏭️ Pending ⏳ Other ❓ Flaky 🍂 Duration ⏱️
10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s

GitHub Report


Provides a test report that meets the GitHub Design System. Specifically, it uses the GitHub icons and color scheme to acheive a native GitHub look and feel.

The report includes a summary of the test results and an expandable section for failed, flaky, skipped, and pending tests.

it also includes context like git and action information.


Set the github-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    github-report: true
  if: always()

GitHub Report GitHub Report

Test Report


Provides a detailed test report of all executed test cases, including their status, whether they are marked as flaky, and their execution duration. Use this table to identify test cases that passed, failed, are skipped, pending, or marked with other statuses. It also highlights tests that require attention due to potential flakiness.


Set the test-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    test-report: true
  if: always()

Test Name Status Flaky Duration
should be able to login 1.2s
should display title 800ms
should be able to update profile 🍂 1.2s
should be able to logout ⏭️ 1ms
should validate user settings 1.1s
should fail to update profile on network failure 900ms
should fail to update profile on network failure 900ms
should load user data 1ms
should handle session timeouts 🍂 950ms
should clean up user session on logout 1.1s
should allow user to change password 🍂 1.3s

Test List Report


Provides a detailed, line-by-line breakdown of all executed test cases, their statuses, and associated error messages or additional context for failures. This report is particularly useful for quickly identifying failed tests, understanding why they failed, and tracking the overall progress of test execution. Each test case includes its status (e.g., passed, failed, skipped, etc.) along with any relevant failure details


Set the test-list-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    test-list-report: true
  if: always()

  • ✅ should be able to login
  • ❌ should display title
    • Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toHaveTitle(expected)
    • Locator: locator(':root')
    • Expected pattern: /Playwrc cight/
    • Received string: "Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright"
    • Call log:
      • expect.toHaveTitle with timeout 5000ms
      • Waiting for locator(':root')
      • Locator resolved to <html lang="en" dir="ltr" data-theme="light" data-has-…>…</html>
      • Unexpected value: "Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright"
  • ✅ should be able to update profile
  • ⏭️ should be able to logout
  • ✅ should validate user settings
  • ❌ should fail to update profile on network failure
    • Network Timeout
  • ❌ should fail to update profile on network failure
    • No failure message
  • ⏳ should load user data
  • ✅ should handle session timeouts
  • ❓ should clean up user session on logout
  • ✅ should allow user to change password

Failed Report


Focuses exclusively on failed test cases, providing a clear and concise summary of each failure. For every failed test, the report includes the test name, the failure message. This report is designed to help developers quickly diagnose and address issues.


Set the failed-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    failed-report: true
  if: always()

Failed Tests ❌ Fail Message
❌ should display title Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toHaveTitle(expected)

Locator: locator(':root')
Expected pattern: /Playwrc cight/
Received string: "Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright"
Call log:
- expect.toHaveTitle with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator(':root')
- locator resolved to …
- unexpected value "Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright"
❌ should fail to update profile on network failure Network Timeout
❌ should fail to update profile on network failure No failure message

Fail Rate Report


Provides a detailed analysis of the fail rates for tests that are currently live and were executed in the latest run. By incorporating both the current run and historical data, it provides a comprehensive view of test stability over time. This report highlights the fail rate for each individual test as well as the overall fail rate for the entire test execution, helping teams evaluate the reliability of their test suite and focus on areas that require attention.

The fail rate reflects how often tests fail based on their final outcomes, excluding any retries. This metric identifies tests with consistent failures, enabling teams to prioritize fixes and improve overall test reliability.

Use the previous-results-max input to state how many previous results to include in the calculation. The default is 10.

This report goes nicely with the insights-report, flaky-rate-report, and slowest-report to provide a comprehensive view of the performance of your tests over time.

Test case fail rate is calculated by dividing the fail count by the total runs and multiplying by 100:

Fail Rate (%) = (Fail Count ÷ Total Runs) × 100

Overall fail rate across all tests is calculated by summing the fail counts and total runs of all tests:

Overall Fail Rate (%) = (Total Fail Counts of All Tests ÷ Total Runs of All Tests) × 100


Set the fail-rate-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    fail-rate-report: true
    previous-results-max: 100
  if: always()

Overall Fail Rate: 13.56%

Test 📝 Runs 🎯 Pass ✅ Fail ❌ Fail Rate %
should fail to update profile on network failure 12 8 4 33.33
should load user data 9 6 3 33.33
should clean up user session on logout 6 4 2 33.33
should display title 10 7 3 30
should be able to logout 8 6 2 25

Measured over 6 runs.

Flaky Report


Highlights flaky tests from the current run and lists the number of retries each test required to achieve a stable outcome. By focusing on these tests, teams can address potential issues in test reliability.


Set the flaky-rate-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    flaky-rate-report: true
  if: always()

Flaky Tests 🍂 Retries
🍂 should be able to update profile 2
🍂 should handle session timeouts 1
🍂 should allow user to change password 3

Flaky Rate Report


Offers a detailed analysis of flaky rates for tests that are currently live and were executed in the latest run. By considering both the current run and historical data, it provides a comprehensive view of test stability over time. The report calculates flaky rates by factoring in both pass and fail outcomes across all attempts. It highlights the flaky rate for each test and includes an overall flaky rate for the entire test execution, helping teams identify and address unreliable tests effectively.

The flaky rate reflects how often tests exhibit flaky behavior—tests that fail initially but pass upon retry. Using test retries is essential for detecting flaky tests within CTRF.

Use the previous-results-max input to state how many previous results to include in the calculation. The default is 10.

This report goes fits nicely with the insights-report, fail-rate-report, and slowest-report to provide a comprehensive view of the performance of your tests over time.

Test flaky rate (%) is calculated by dividing the number of flaky occurrences by the total number of test attempts (including retries) and multiplying by 100:

Flaky Rate (%) = (Flaky Occurrences ÷ Total Attempts) × 100

Overall flaky rate across all tests is calculated by summing the flaky occurrences and total attempts of all tests:

Overall Flaky Rate (%) = (Total Flaky Occurrences of All Tests ÷ Total Attempts of All Tests) × 100


Set the flaky-rate-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    flaky-rate-report: true
    previous-results-max: 100
  if: always()

Overall Flaky Rate: 35.29%

Test 📝 Attempts 🎯 Pass ✅ Fail ❌ Flaky Rate % 🍂
should allow user to change password 28 7 21 75.00
should be able to update profile 21 7 14 66.67
should handle session timeouts 14 7 7 50.00

Measured over 7 runs.

Failed Folded Report


Provides a compact and interactive view of failed tests by using collapsible sections for each failure. Each section includes the test name, failure details, and trace information to help developers quickly identify and address issues. This format is particularly useful for organizing extensive failure logs, as it minimizes visual clutter while still offering access to all the necessary information. By expanding the collapsible sections, developers can drill down into specific failure details and traces to diagnose problems efficiently.


Set the failed-folded-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    failed-folded-report: true
  if: always()

Failed Tests
❌ should display title
Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toHaveTitle(expected)
Locator: locator(':root')
Expected pattern: /Playwrc cight/
Received string:  "Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright"
Call log:
  - expect.toHaveTitle with timeout 5000ms
  - waiting for locator(':root')
  -   locator resolved to <html lang="en" dir="ltr" data-theme="light" data-has-…>…</html>
  -   unexpected value "Fast and reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps | Playwright"


❌ should fail to update profile on network failure
Network Timeout


❌ should fail to update profile on network failure
No message available


No trace available

Previous Results Report


Provides a historical view of test execution results across recent builds. This report includes key metrics such as the total number of tests, their statuses (passed, failed, skipped, pending, and other), flaky test counts, and overall duration for each build. By linking directly to build summaries, it allows developers to track trends in test outcomes over time and identify patterns or recurring issues. This insight helps teams monitor the stability of their test suite and prioritize areas for improvement based on historical performance.

Use the previous-results-max input to state how many previous results to include in the calculation. The default is 10.


Set the previous-results-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    previous-results-report: true
  if: always()

Build 🏗️ Result 🧪 Tests 📝 Passed ✅ Failed ❌ Skipped ⏭️ Pending ⏳ Other ❓ Flaky 🍂 Duration ⏱️
#7 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s
#6 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s
#5 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s
#4 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s
#3 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s
#2 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s
#1 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 11.0s

Insights Report


Provides insights about the latest builds. This report includes key metrics includes key metrics average tests per run, total flaky tests, total failed, and slowest test (p95). It helps teams to optimise their test suite and improve the overall test reliability.

Use the previous-results-max input to state how many previous results to include in the calculation. The default is 10.

This report goes fits nicely with the flaky-rate-report, fail-rate-report, and slowest-report to provide a comprehensive view of the performance of your test suite overtime.


Set the insights-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    insights-report: true
  if: always()

Average Tests per Run Total Flaky Tests Total Failed Slowest Test (p95)
17 0 0 12ms

Measured over 2 runs.

Slowest Report


Provides a detailed view of the slowest tests from the current and previous results. This report includes the test name, number of runs, number of failures, failure rate, and average duration. It helps teams identify and address performance issues in their test suite.

Use the previous-results-max input to state how many previous results to include in the calculation. The default is 10.

This report fits nicely with the insights-report, fail-rate-report, and flaky-rate-report to provide a comprehensive view of the performance of your tests over time.


Set the slowest-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    slowest-report: true
  if: always()

Slowest Tests

Test 📝 Runs 🎯 Fail ❌ Fail Rate % Average Duration (p95) ⏱️
helpers.test.ts > stripAnsi - stripAnsi throws a TypeError if the input is not a string 1 0 0% 12ms
handler.test.ts > createStatusCheck - createStatusCheck should create a successful check run when no tests failed 1 0 0% 5ms
helpers.test.ts > getEmoji - getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "passed" 1 0 0% 4ms
helpers.test.ts > getEmoji - getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "duration" 1 0 0% 1ms
helpers.test.ts > getEmoji - getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "tests" 1 0 0% 1ms
helpers.test.ts > stripAnsi - stripAnsi removes ANSI escape codes from a string 1 0 0% 1ms
handler.test.ts > createStatusCheck - createStatusCheck should truncate summary if it exceeds 65000 characters 1 0 0% 1ms

Measured over 2 runs.

AI Report

Leverages AI-generated insights to provide detailed summaries for failed tests. For each failure, the report includes an AI-powered explanation of potential causes and suggested solutions to help developers quickly identify and resolve issues. If no AI summary is available for a particular test, the report indicates this clearly. This report is especially useful for streamlining debugging processes and enhancing test reliability by offering actionable insights directly within the test report.


Set the ai-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    ai-report: true
  if: always()

Failed Tests AI Summary ✨
❌ should display title The test failed because the page title didn't match the expected value within the given timeout period.

To resolve this issue, you should first check if the title of the page is correct in your application. It seems there might be a typo or a misunderstanding about what the actual title should be. If 'Common Test Report Format' is indeed the correct title, you'll need to update your test expectations. On the other hand, if 'Uncommon Test Report Format' is the intended title, you'll need to fix the title in your application code.

Another possibility is that the page might be taking longer to load than expected, causing the title to not appear within the 5-second timeout. In this case, you could try increasing the timeout duration in your test to give the page more time to load completely.
❌ should fail to update profile on network failure No AI summary available
❌ should fail to update profile on network failure No AI summary available

Skipped Report


Provides a summary of tests that were not executed during the current test run. It includes tests marked as skipped, pending, or categorized as other. This report helps teams identify tests that are not actively contributing to the test suite results, allowing for a review of their relevance, implementation status, or any issues preventing their execution.


Set the skipped-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    skipped-report: true
  if: always()

Tests Status
should be able to logout skipped ⏭️
should load user data pending ⏳
should clean up user session on logout other ❓

Suite Folded Report


Organizes test results by suite, providing a structured and interactive view of test execution. Each suite is displayed in a collapsible section that summarizes the number of tests that passed, failed, or were marked as other statuses such as skipped or pending. This format allows developers to quickly navigate large test suites, focusing on specific areas of interest. Detailed results for each test are available within the collapsible sections, including execution times and statuses.

This report is particularly useful for identifying problematic suites, understanding test distribution, and prioritizing fixes to improve the reliability of specific areas in the codebase. The concise summary at the top provides a quick snapshot of the overall test outcomes.


Set the suite-folded-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    suite-folded-report: true
  if: always()

5 passed, 3 failed, and 3 other

Suite Passed Failed Other Duration
✅ login.test.ts > login
        ✅ should be able to login
        ⏭️ should be able to logout
✅ 1 ❌ 0 ⏭️ 1 1.2s
❌ login.test.ts > profile
        ❌ should display title
        ✅ should be able to update profile
✅ 1 ❌ 1 ⏭️ 0 2.0s
✅ settings.test.ts > settings
        ✅ should validate user settings
✅ 1 ❌ 0 ⏭️ 0 1.1s
❌ network.test.ts > network
        ❌ should fail to update profile on network failure
        ❌ should fail to update profile on network failure
        ✅ should handle session timeouts
        ❓ should clean up user session on logout
        ✅ should allow user to change password
✅ 2 ❌ 2 ⏭️ 1 5.1s
✅ ungrouped
        ⏳ should load user data
✅ 0 ❌ 0 ⏭️ 1 1ms

Suite List Report


Provides a detailed, flat list of all executed tests grouped by their respective suites. Each suite displays the total number of tests, along with their results (e.g., passed, failed, or other statuses). This report allows developers to quickly review all tests within each suite and verify their outcomes.

The Suite List Report is especially useful for confirming comprehensive test coverage across specific areas of the codebase and ensuring that all tests within a suite are passing as expected. The inclusion of detailed test names and their statuses helps teams identify specific areas for further investigation or improvement.


Set the suite-list-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    suite-list-report: true
  if: always()

14 passed, 0 failed, and 0 other


  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "passed"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "failed"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "skipped"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "pending"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "other"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "build"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "duration"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "flaky"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "tests"
  • ✅ getEmoji returns the correct emoji for "result"
  • ✅ stripAnsi removes ANSI escape codes from a string
  • ✅ stripAnsi returns the same string if no ANSI codes are present
  • ✅ stripAnsi handles empty strings correctly
  • ✅ stripAnsi throws a TypeError if the input is not a string

Commit Report


Provides a detailed summary of test results and associated commits for an execution. It helps teams trace test outcomes back to specific changes in the codebase


Set the commit-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    commit-report: true
  if: always()

14 passed, 0 failed, and 0 other

Timestamp Hash Author Message
Jan 19, 25, 16:49 2eac572 @Ma11hewThomas third commit
Jan 19, 25, 16:48 2ed8310 @Ma11hewThomas second commit
Jan 19, 25, 16:48 23c693e @Ma11hewThomas first commit

Compare before f9aecf1 and after 2eac572

Pull Request Report


The Pull Request Report provides a summary of test results for the latest build associated with a pull request. This report is designed to be included directly in PR comments, offering a concise and accessible overview of the test outcomes. It highlights key metrics such as the total number of tests, their statuses (passed, failed, skipped, pending, etc.), and the total execution duration.

If all tests pass, the report celebrates the success with a clear "All tests passed!" message. In the case of failures, the report includes a detailed table of failed tests, making it easy for reviewers to identify and address issues directly within the pull request context. This report helps streamline the review process by integrating critical testing insights into the development workflow.


Set the pull-request-report input to true in your workflow configuration:

- name: Publish Test Report
  uses: ctrf-io/github-test-reporter@v1
    report-path: './ctrf/*.json'
    pull-request-report: true
  if: always()

testing: Run #88

Tests 📝 Passed ✅ Failed ❌ Skipped ⏭️ Pending ⏳ Other ❓ Flaky 🍂 Duration ⏱️
14 14 0 0 0 0 0 4.7s

🎉 All tests passed!