Distributed database benchmark tester: etcd, Zookeeper, Consul, zetcd, cetcd
It includes github.com/golang/freetype, which is based in part on the work of the FreeType Team.
- Latest test results can be found at https://github.com/etcd-io/dbtester/tree/master/test-results
- Exploring Performance of etcd, Zookeeper and Consul Consistent Key-value Datastores (February 17, 2017)
- Database Agent
- Database Client
- System Metrics
- Test Data Analysis
For etcd, we recommend etcd benchmark tool.
All logs and results can be found at https://github.com/etcd-io/dbtester/tree/master/test-results or https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/dbtester-results/?authuser=0&project=etcd-development.
Snapshot, when writing 1-million entries (256-byte key, 1KB value value), with 500 concurrent clients
# snapshot warnings
cd 2017Q1-00-etcd-zookeeper-consul/02-write-1M-keys-best-throughput
grep -r -i fsync-ing\ the zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-* | less
2017-02-10 18:55:38,997 [myid:3] - WARN [SyncThread:3:SyncRequestProcessor@148] - Too busy to snap, skipping
2017-02-10 18:55:38,998 [myid:3] - INFO [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@203] - Creating new log file: log.1000c0c51
2017-02-10 18:55:40,855 [myid:3] - INFO [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@203] - Creating new log file: log.1000cd2e6
2017-02-10 18:55:40,855 [myid:3] - INFO [Snapshot Thread:FileTxnSnapLog@240] - Snapshotting: 0x1000cd1ca to /home/gyuho/zookeeper/zookeeper.data/version-2/snapshot.1000cd1ca
2017-02-10 18:55:46,382 [myid:3] - WARN [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@338] - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:3 took 1062ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
2017-02-10 18:55:47,471 [myid:3] - WARN [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@338] - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:3 took 1084ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
2017-02-10 18:55:49,425 [myid:3] - WARN [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@338] - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:3 took 1142ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
2017-02-10 18:55:51,188 [myid:3] - WARN [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@338] - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:3 took 1201ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
2017-02-10 18:55:52,292 [myid:3] - WARN [SyncThread:3:FileTxnLog@338] - fsync-ing the write ahead log in SyncThread:3 took 1102ms which will adversely effect operation latency. See the ZooKeeper troubleshooting guide
When writing more than 2-million entries (256-byte key, 1KB value value) with 500 concurrent clients
# leader election
cd 2017Q1-00-etcd-zookeeper-consul/04-write-too-many-keys
grep -r -i election\ took zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-* | less
# leader election is taking more than 10 seconds...
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:22:16,549 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Follower@61] - FOLLOWING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 22978
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:23:02,279 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 10210
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:23:14,498 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 203
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:23:36,303 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 9791
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:23:52,151 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 3836
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:24:13,849 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 9686
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:24:29,694 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 3573
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:24:51,392 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 8686
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:25:07,231 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 3827
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:25:28,940 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 9697
zookeeper-r3.4.9-java8-2-database.log:2017-02-10 19:25:44,772 [myid:2] - INFO [QuorumPeer[myid=2]/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2181:Leader@361] - LEADING - LEADER ELECTION TOOK - 3820
Snapshot, when writing 1-million entries (256-byte key, 1KB value value), with 500 concurrent clients
# snapshot warnings
cd 2017Q1-00-etcd-zookeeper-consul/02-write-1M-keys-best-throughput
grep -r -i installed\ remote consul-v0.7.4-go1.7.5-* | less
2017/02/10 18:58:43 [INFO] snapshot: Creating new snapshot at /home/gyuho/consul.data/raft/snapshots/2-900345-1486753123478.tmp
2017/02/10 18:58:45 [INFO] snapshot: reaping snapshot /home/gyuho/consul.data/raft/snapshots/2-849399-1486753096972
2017/02/10 18:58:46 [INFO] raft: Copied 1223270573 bytes to local snapshot
2017/02/10 18:58:55 [INFO] raft: Compacting logs from 868354 to 868801
2017/02/10 18:58:56 [INFO] raft: Installed remote snapshot
2017/02/10 18:58:57 [INFO] snapshot: Creating new snapshot at /home/gyuho/consul.data/raft/snapshots/2-911546-1486753137827.tmp
2017/02/10 18:58:59 [INFO] consul.fsm: snapshot created in 32.255µs
2017/02/10 18:59:01 [INFO] snapshot: reaping snapshot /home/gyuho/consul.data/raft/snapshots/2-873921-1486753116619
2017/02/10 18:59:02 [INFO] raft: Copied 1238491373 bytes to local snapshot
2017/02/10 18:59:11 [INFO] raft: Compacting logs from 868802 to 868801
2017/02/10 18:59:11 [INFO] raft: Installed remote snapshot
Logs do not tell much but average latency spikes (e.g. from 70.27517 ms to 10407.900082 ms)
Write 1M keys, 256-byte key, 1KB value, Best Throughput (etcd 1K clients with 100 conns, Zookeeper 700, Consul 500 clients)
- Google Cloud Compute Engine
- 4 machines of 16 vCPUs + 60 GB Memory + 300 GB SSD (1 for client)
- Ubuntu 17.10 (GNU/Linux kernel 4.13.0-25-generic)
ulimit -n
is 120000- etcd v3.3.0 (Go 1.9.2)
- Zookeeper r3.5.3-beta
- Java 8
- javac 1.8.0_151
- Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_151-b12)
- Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.151-b12, mixed mode)
/usr/bin/java -Djute.maxbuffer=33554432 -Xms50G -Xmx50G
- Consul v1.0.2 (Go 1.9.2)
| | etcd-v3.3.0-go1.9.2 | zookeeper-r3.5.3-beta-java8 | consul-v1.0.2-go1.9.2 |
| TOTAL-SECONDS | 28.3623 sec | 59.2167 sec | 178.9443 sec |
| TOTAL-REQUEST-NUMBER | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 | 1,000,000 |
| MAX-THROUGHPUT | 37,330 req/sec | 25,124 req/sec | 15,865 req/sec |
| AVG-THROUGHPUT | 35,258 req/sec | 16,842 req/sec | 5,588 req/sec |
| MIN-THROUGHPUT | 13,505 req/sec | 20 req/sec | 0 req/sec |
| FASTEST-LATENCY | 4.6073 ms | 2.9094 ms | 11.6604 ms |
| AVG-LATENCY | 28.2625 ms | 30.9499 ms | 89.4351 ms |
| SLOWEST-LATENCY | 117.4918 ms | 4564.6788 ms | 4616.2947 ms |
| Latency p10 | 13.508626 ms | 9.068163 ms | 30.408863 ms |
| Latency p25 | 16.869586 ms | 9.351597 ms | 34.224021 ms |
| Latency p50 | 22.167478 ms | 10.093377 ms | 39.881181 ms |
| Latency p75 | 34.855941 ms | 14.951189 ms | 52.644787 ms |
| Latency p90 | 54.613394 ms | 28.497256 ms | 118.340402 ms |
| Latency p95 | 59.785127 ms | 72.671788 ms | 229.129526 ms |
| Latency p99 | 74.139638 ms | 273.218523 ms | 1495.660763 ms |
| Latency p99.9 | 97.385495 ms | 2526.873285 ms | 3499.225138 ms |
| CLIENT-TOTAL-NETWORK-RX-SUM | 252 MB | 357 MB | 206 MB |
| CLIENT-TOTAL-NETWORK-TX-SUM | 1.5 GB | 1.4 GB | 1.5 GB |
| SERVER-MAX-CPU-USAGE | 446.83 % | 1122.00 % | 426.33 % |
| SERVER-MAX-MEMORY-USAGE | 1.1 GB | 15 GB | 4.6 GB |
| CLIENT-MAX-CPU-USAGE | 606.00 % | 314.00 % | 215.00 % |
| CLIENT-MAX-MEMORY-USAGE | 96 MB | 2.4 GB | 86 MB |
| CLIENT-ERROR-COUNT | 0 | 2,652 | 0 |
| SERVER-AVG-WRITES-COMPLETED-DELTA-SUM | 108,067 | 157,034 | 675,072 |
| SERVER-AVG-SECTORS-WRITTEN-DELTA-SUM | 20,449,360 | 16,480,488 | 106,836,768 |
| SERVER-AVG-DISK-SPACE-USAGE | 2.6 GB | 6.9 GB | 2.9 GB |
zookeeper__r3_5_3_beta errors:
"zk: connection closed" (count 2,264)
"zk: could not connect to a server" (count 388)