- Codeforces (including gyms)
- Codechef
- Spoj
- Hackerrank
- AtCoder
- C
- C++
- Python
- Java
- Ruby
- Haskell
- python3.5
- coreutils (macOS only)
git clone https://github.com/coderick14/ACedIt
cd ACedIt
python setup.py install
pip install --user ACedIt
usage: acedit [-h] [-s {codeforces,codechef,hackerrank,spoj}] [-c CONTEST]
[-p PROBLEM] [-f] [--run SOURCE_FILE]
[--set-default-site {codeforces,codechef,hackerrank,spoj}]
[--set-default-contest DEFAULT_CONTEST] [--clear-cache]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s {codeforces,codechef,hackerrank,spoj}, --site {codeforces,codechef,hackerrank,spoj}
The competitive programming platform, e.g. codeforces,
codechef etc
-c CONTEST, --contest CONTEST
The name of the contest, e.g. JUNE17, LTIME49, COOK83
-p PROBLEM, --problem PROBLEM
The problem code, e.g. OAK, PRMQ etc
-f, --force Force download the test cases, even if they are cached
--run SOURCE_FILE Name of source file to be run
--set-default-site {codeforces,codechef,hackerrank,spoj}
Name of default site to be used when -s flag is not
--set-default-contest DEFAULT_CONTEST
Name of default contest to be used when -c flag is not
--clear-cache Clear cached test cases for a given site. Takes
default site if -s flag is omitted
During installation, the default site is set to codeforces
. You can change it anytime using the above mentioned flags.
- Fetch test cases for a single problem
acedit -s codechef -c AUG17 -p CHEFFA
- Fetch test cases for all problems in a contest
acedit -s codechef -c AUG17
- Force download test cases, even when they are cached
acedit -s codeforces -c 86 -p D -f
- Test your code (when default-site and default-contest is set and filename is same as problem_code)
acedit --run D.cpp
acedit --run CHEFFA.py
Since your filename is same as problem code, there's no need for the -p
- Test your code (specifying contest and problem codes explicitly)
acedit --run solve.cpp -c 835 -p D
acedit --run test.py -s codechef -c AUG17 -p CHEFFA
The working directory structure mentioned in the previous versions is no longer required and supported.
There might be some issues with Spoj, as they have widely varying DOM trees for different problems. Feel free to contribute on this. Or anything else that you can come up with :)