A linear gauge chart type extension for Chart.js originally conceptualized by A. Scott McCulloch, PhD and coded by Alexander V.
This project is compatible only with Chart.js 1.x.
If you're interested in compatibility with newer versions of Chart.js, please see A. Scott McCulloch's repo https://github.com/scottmcculloch/Chart.LinearGauge.js
If you're simply looking for examples of creating new chart types, please see https://github.com/chartjs/awesome
All options extend any existing default chart.js settings
geometry: 'horizontal', // ('horizontal' or 'vertical') orientation of the chart
range: { //range of chart
startValue: 0,
endValue: 100
axisColor: '',
axisWidth: '',
majorTicks: {
interval: 100, // if interval is 0 then ticks do not display
customValues: [], // array of custom values
width: 6,
height: 2,
offset: 0, // offset from center of the chart
color: '#fff'
minorTicks {}, // see majorTicks above
tickLabels: { // font style and size you may adjust according chart.js settings
units: '%', // will displayed after each label and in tooltips
interval: 100,
customValues: [],
offset: -9,
color: '#777b80'
scaleColorRanges: [{
start: -20,
end: 0,
color: '#fe5066' // adds color segments to the axis
}, {
start: 30,
end: 50,
color: '#1224fc'
padding: { // padding of chart
top: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0
multiTooltipTitles: 'Total' // titles which will displayed on top of multitooltip popup
All options extend any existing default chart.js settings
value: '', // indicator value
indicator: '' // ('range' | 'point') - indicator type
shape: '' // ('circle' | 'rect' | 'triangle' | 'inverted-triangle' | 'bowtie' | 'diamond') - shape for point indicator
width: ''
height: ''
offset: ''
color: ''
highlightFill: '' // mouse hover change color
colorRanges: [{ // change color of indicator according to it's value
startpoint: 0,
breakpoint: 20,
color: '#6154ab'
}, {
startpoint: 20,
breakpoint: 70,
color: '#74f40b'
}, {
startpoint: 70,
breakpoint: 100,
color: '#fd0902'
tooltipRanges: [{ // change tooltip of indicator according to it's value
startpoint: 0,
breakpoint: 20,
tooltip: 'low'
}, {
startpoint: 20,
breakpoint: 70,
tooltip: 'normal'
}, {
startpoint: 70,
breakpoint: 100,
tooltip: 'high'
img: '' // custom image for point indicator
label: '' // shows before value in tooltips