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base repository: celestiaorg/celestia-core
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 5a2e0b2dc7120a908297f607a84167246033c570
Choose a base ref
head repository: celestiaorg/celestia-core
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: 0d15df4ec80d7decbe17193426004558c45c4332
Choose a head ref
Showing with 282 additions and 179 deletions.
  1. +1 −2 types/block.go
  2. +106 −141 types/shares.go
  3. +175 −36 types/shares_test.go
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions types/block.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1637,8 +1637,7 @@ func (data *EvidenceData) splitIntoShares() NamespacedShares {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("evidence included in evidence pool that can not be encoded %#v, err: %v", ev, err))
delimetedRawData := append(append(make([]byte, 0, len(rawData)+1), byte(0)), rawData...)
rawDatas = append(rawDatas, delimetedRawData)
rawDatas = append(rawDatas, rawData)
shares := splitContiguous(EvidenceNamespaceID, rawDatas)
return shares
247 changes: 106 additions & 141 deletions types/shares.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ func (tx Tx) MarshalDelimited() ([]byte, error) {
lenBuf := make([]byte, binary.MaxVarintLen64)
length := uint64(len(tx))
n := binary.PutUvarint(lenBuf, length)
out := append(lenBuf[:n], tx...)

return out, nil
return append(lenBuf[:n], tx...), nil

// MarshalDelimited marshals the raw data (excluding the namespace) of this
@@ -88,10 +86,12 @@ func splitContiguous(nid namespace.ID, rawDatas [][]byte) []NamespacedShare {
innerIndex := 0
for outerIndex < len(rawDatas) {
var rawData []byte
rawData, outerIndex, innerIndex, _ = getNextChunk(rawDatas, outerIndex, innerIndex, MsgShareSize)
rawShare := append(append(
make([]byte, 0, MsgShareSize),
startIndex := 0
rawData, outerIndex, innerIndex, startIndex = getNextChunk(rawDatas, outerIndex, innerIndex, MsgShareSize)
rawShare := append(append(append(
make([]byte, 0, len(nid)+1+len(rawData)),
paddedShare := zeroPadIfNecessary(rawShare, ShareSize)
share := NamespacedShare{paddedShare, nid}
@@ -211,16 +211,16 @@ func DataFromSquare(eds *rsmt2d.ExtendedDataSquare) (Data, error) {
share := eds.Cell(x, y)
nid := share[:NamespaceSize]
switch {
case bytes.Compare(TxNamespaceID, nid) == 0:
case bytes.Equal(TxNamespaceID, nid):
txsShares = append(txsShares, share)

case bytes.Compare(IntermediateStateRootsNamespaceID, nid) == 0:
case bytes.Equal(IntermediateStateRootsNamespaceID, nid):
isrShares = append(isrShares, share)

case bytes.Compare(EvidenceNamespaceID, nid) == 0:
case bytes.Equal(EvidenceNamespaceID, nid):
evdShares = append(evdShares, share)

case bytes.Compare(TailPaddingNamespaceID, nid) == 0:
case bytes.Equal(TailPaddingNamespaceID, nid):

// every other namespaceID should be a message
@@ -231,9 +231,15 @@ func DataFromSquare(eds *rsmt2d.ExtendedDataSquare) (Data, error) {

// pass the raw share data to their respective parsers
txs := parseTxs(txsShares)
txs, err := parseTxs(txsShares)
if err != nil {
return Data{}, err

isrs := parseIsrs(isrShares)
isrs, err := parseIsrs(isrShares)
if err != nil {
return Data{}, err

evd, err := parseEvd(evdShares)
if err != nil {
@@ -253,33 +259,44 @@ func DataFromSquare(eds *rsmt2d.ExtendedDataSquare) (Data, error) {
}, nil

func parseTxs(shares [][]byte) Txs {
// parseTxs collects all of the transactions from the shares provided
func parseTxs(shares [][]byte) (Txs, error) {
// parse the sharse
rawTxs := parseShares(shares)
rawTxs, err := processContiguousShares(shares)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

// convert to the Tx type
txs := make(Txs, len(rawTxs))
for i := 0; i < len(txs); i++ {
txs[i] = Tx(rawTxs[i])

return txs
return txs, nil

func parseIsrs(shares [][]byte) IntermediateStateRoots {
rawISRs := parseShares(shares)
// parseIsrs collects all the intermediate state roots from the shares provided
func parseIsrs(shares [][]byte) (IntermediateStateRoots, error) {
rawISRs, err := processContiguousShares(shares)
if err != nil {
return IntermediateStateRoots{}, err

ISRs := make([]tmbytes.HexBytes, len(rawISRs))
for i := 0; i < len(ISRs); i++ {
ISRs[i] = rawISRs[i]

return IntermediateStateRoots{RawRootsList: ISRs}
return IntermediateStateRoots{RawRootsList: ISRs}, nil

// parseMsgs collects all messages from the shares provided
// parseMsgs collects all evidence from the shares provided
func parseEvd(shares [][]byte) (EvidenceData, error) {
rawEvd := parseShares(shares)
rawEvd, err := processContiguousShares(shares)
if err != nil {
return EvidenceData{}, err

evdList := make(EvidenceList, len(rawEvd))

@@ -315,90 +332,59 @@ func parseMsgs(shares [][]byte) (Messages, error) {
}, nil

// parseShares iterates through raw shares and separates the contiguous chunks
// of data. we use this for transactions, evidence, and intermediate state roots
func parseShares(shares [][]byte) [][]byte {
currentShare := shares[0][NamespaceSize+ShareReservedBytes:]
txLen := uint8(shares[0][NamespaceSize])
var parsed [][]byte
for cursor := 0; cursor < len(shares); {
var p []byte

currentShare, cursor, txLen, p = next(shares, currentShare, cursor, txLen)
if p != nil {
parsed = append(parsed, p)
func processContiguousShares(shares [][]byte) (txs [][]byte, err error) {
share := shares[0][NamespaceSize+ShareReservedBytes:]
share, txLen, err := parseDelimiter(share)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

return parsed

// next returns the next chunk of a contiguous share. Used for parsing
// transaction, evidence, and intermediate state root block data.
func next(shares [][]byte, current []byte, cursor int, l uint8) ([]byte, int, uint8, []byte) {
switch {
// the rest of the shares should be tail padding
case l == 0:

if len(shares) != cursor {
panic("contiguous share of length zero")
for i := 0; i < len(shares); i++ {
var newTxs [][]byte
newTxs, share, txLen, err = collectTxFromShare(share, txLen)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return nil, cursor, 0, nil

// the tx is contained in the current share
case int(l) < len(current):

tx := append(make([]byte, 0, l), current[:l]...)
txs = append(txs, newTxs...)

// set the next txLen and update the next share
txLen := current[l]

// make sure that nothing panics if txLen is at the end of the share
if len(current) < int(l)+ShareReservedBytes+1 {
return shares[cursor][NamespaceSize:], cursor, txLen, tx
// if there is no next share
if len(shares) <= i+1 {

current := current[l+ShareReservedBytes:]
// try printing current everytime instead

return current, cursor, txLen, tx
nextShare := shares[i+1][NamespaceSize+ShareReservedBytes:]

// the tx requires some portion of the following share
case int(l) > len(current):


// merge the current and the next share

current := append(current, shares[cursor][NamespaceSize:]...)

// try again using the next share
return next(shares, current, cursor, l)

// the tx is exactly the same size of the current share
case int(l) == len(current):
// if there is no current share, process the next share
if len(share) == 0 {
share, txLen, err = parseDelimiter(nextShare)

tx := make([]byte, l)
copy(tx, current)
// create the next share by merging the next share with the extra
share = append(share, shares[i+1][NamespaceSize+ShareReservedBytes:]...)

return txs, nil

// if this is the end of shares only return the tx
if cursor == len(shares) {
return []byte{}, cursor, 0, tx
func collectTxFromShare(share []byte, txLen uint64) (txs [][]byte, extra []byte, l uint64, err error) {
for uint64(len(share)) >= txLen {
tx := share[:txLen]
if len(tx) == 0 {
share = nil

// set the next txLen and next share
next := shares[cursor][NamespaceSize+ShareReservedBytes:]
nextTxLen := shares[cursor][NamespaceSize]
txs = append(txs, tx)
share = share[txLen:]

return next, cursor, nextTxLen, tx
share, txLen, err = parseDelimiter(share)
if txLen == 0 {

// this code is unreachable but the compiler doesn't know that
return nil, 0, 0, nil
return txs, share, txLen, nil

// parseMessages iterates through raw shares and separates the contiguous chunks
@@ -409,15 +395,15 @@ func parseMsgShares(shares [][]byte) ([]Message, error) {
currentShare := shares[0][NamespaceSize:]

// find and remove the msg len delimiter
currentShare, msgLen, err := tailorMsg(currentShare)
currentShare, msgLen, err := parseDelimiter(currentShare)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

var msgs []Message
for cursor := 0; cursor < len(shares); {
for cursor := uint64(0); cursor < uint64(len(shares)); {
var msg Message
currentShare, cursor, msgLen, msg, err = nextMsg(
currentShare, nid, cursor, msgLen, msg, err = nextMsg(
@@ -435,69 +421,48 @@ func parseMsgShares(shares [][]byte) ([]Message, error) {
return msgs, nil

// next returns the next chunk of a contiguous share. Used for parsing
// transaction, evidence, and intermediate state root block data.
func nextMsg(shares [][]byte, current, nid []byte, cursor int, l uint64) ([]byte, int, uint64, Message, error) {
func nextMsg(shares [][]byte, current, nid []byte, cursor, l uint64) ([]byte, []byte, uint64, uint64, Message, error) {
switch {
// the rest of the share should be tail padding
case l == 0:
// the message uses all of the current share data and at least some of the
// next share
case l > uint64(len(current)):
// add the next share to the current one and try again
if len(shares) != cursor {
panic("message of length zero")
return nil, cursor, 0, MessageEmpty, nil

// the msg is contained in the current share
case int(l) < len(current):
msg := Message{NamespaceID: nid, Data: current[:l]}

// set the next msgLen and update the next share
next, msgLen, err := tailorMsg(current[l:])
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, MessageEmpty, err

return next, cursor, msgLen, msg, nil

// the msg requires some portion of the following share
case int(l) > len(current):

// merge the current and the next share
current := append(current, shares[cursor][NamespaceSize:]...)

// try again using the next share
return nextMsg(shares, current, nid, cursor, l)

// the msg is exactly the same size of the current share
case l == uint64(len(current)):
msg := Message{NamespaceID: nid, Data: current}

// the msg we're looking for is contained in the current share
case l <= uint64(len(current)):
msg := Message{nid, current[:l]}

// if this is the end of shares only return the msg
if cursor == len(shares) {
return []byte{}, cursor, 0, msg, nil
// call it a day if the work is done
if cursor >= uint64(len(shares)) {
return nil, nil, cursor, 0, msg, nil

// set the next msgLen and next share
next, nextMsgLen, err := tailorMsg(shares[cursor][NamespaceSize:])
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, MessageEmpty, err

return next, cursor, nextMsgLen, msg, nil
nextNid := shares[cursor][:NamespaceSize]
next, msgLen, err := parseDelimiter(shares[cursor][NamespaceSize:])
return next, nextNid, cursor, msgLen, msg, err

// this code is unreachable but the compiler doesn't know that
return nil, 0, 0, MessageEmpty, nil
return nil, nil, 0, 0, MessageEmpty, nil

// tailorMsg finds and returns the length delimiter of the message provided
// parseDelimiter finds and returns the length delimiter of the message provided
// while also removing the delimiter bytes from the input
func tailorMsg(input []byte) ([]byte, uint64, error) {
func parseDelimiter(input []byte) ([]byte, uint64, error) {
if len(input) == 0 {
return input, 0, nil

l := binary.MaxVarintLen64
if len(input) < binary.MaxVarintLen64 {
l = len(input)

// read the length of the message
r := bytes.NewBuffer(input[:binary.MaxVarintLen64])
r := bytes.NewBuffer(input[:l])
msgLen, err := binary.ReadUvarint(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
@@ -508,5 +473,5 @@ func tailorMsg(input []byte) ([]byte, uint64, error) {
n := binary.PutUvarint(lenBuf, msgLen)

// return the input without the length delimiter
return input[n+1:], msgLen, nil
return input[n:], msgLen, nil