HML, CSS, JavaScript, and JSON
Async/await, shadow DOM, web-accessible resource, etc,...
- Restrict Focus/Break minutes time select to two digits only
- Allow importing / exporting data
- For production branch download and combine all files needed for popup.js into one file
Toggle whether user wants an alert
Pause pomodoro button
Alert when a focus / break session ended
Implement calculating progress. For example: Today's Usage: (↑30%)
Do unit test
Whitelist mode
Make["key"]) specific to each function to improve performance
Add title / alt to buttons
Look for best small cap fonts
Be able to change font
Calculate the percent increase from last week's daily average (↑30%)
Refactor code
Hover mode for my button similar to my Etch-a-sketch project
Password protection before disabling
Game-like experience system
Today's average, daily's average, weekly's average
Customizable quote
Customizable time-extension
Scheduling system
Customizable background's option
Customizable icon option
Check this out
Look up block website chrome extension
Lotus icon is from, dangerous icon is from google material, and icon.png is self-made
For more free icon sites without attribution look up on Twitter and similar
Set Custom Time, Disable/Enable Focus Mode, Options