Springerle are a kind of German prestamped cookie. Springerle is a command line tool for creating simple prestamped project files with the txtar format and Go templates. Inspired by Cookiecutter and JTree Stamp.
First install Go.
If you just want to install the binary to your current directory and don't care about the source code, run
GOBIN=$(pwd) go install github.com/carlmjohnson/springerle@latest
$ springerle -h
springerle v0.21.4 - create simple projects with the txtar format and Go templates.
springerle [options] <project file or URL>
Project files are Go templates processed as txtar files. The preamble to the
txtar file is used as a series of prompts for creating the template context.
Each line should be formated as "key: User prompt question? default value" with
colon and question mark used as delimiters. Lines beginning with # or without a
colon are ignored. If the default value is "y" or "n", the prompt will be
treated as a boolean. Prompt lines may use templates directives, e.g. to
transform a prior prompt value into a default or skip irrelevant prompts, but
premable template directives must be valid at the line level. That is, there
can be no multiline blocks in the preamble.
To templatize files that contain other templates, set -left-delim and
-right-delim options to something not used in the template.
In addition to the default Go template functions, templates can use the
functions listed below. In order to avoid name clashes, the added function
names follow a specific pattern: they combine their original package and
function names using no punctuation and only lowercase letters. E.g.,
strings.LastIndexByte becomes stringslastindexbyte.
From package strings:
stringscompare stringscontains stringscontainsany stringscontainsrune
stringscount stringsequalfold stringsfields stringsfieldsfunc stringshasprefix
stringshassuffix stringsindex stringsindexany stringsindexbyte
stringsindexfunc stringsindexrune stringsjoin stringslastindex
stringslastindexany stringslastindexbyte stringslastindexfunc stringsmap
stringsrepeat stringsreplace stringsreplaceall stringssplit stringssplitafter
stringssplitaftern stringssplitn stringstitle stringstolower
stringstolowerspecial stringstotitle stringstotitlespecial stringstoupper
stringstoupperspecial stringstovalidutf8 stringstrim stringstrimfunc
stringstrimleft stringstrimleftfunc stringstrimprefix stringstrimright
stringstrimrightfunc stringstrimspace stringstrimsuffix
From package path/filepath:
filepathabs filepathbase filepathclean filepathdir filepathext
filepathfromslash filepathisabs filepathjoin filepathmatch filepathrel
filepathsplit filepathsplitlist filepathtoslash filepathvolumename
From package time:
timedate timenow timeparse timeparseduration
From github.com/huandu/xstrings:
xstringscenter xstringscount xstringsdelete xstringsexpandtabs
xstringsfirstrunetolower xstringsfirstrunetoupper xstringsinsert
xstringslastpartition xstringsleftjustify xstringslen xstringspartition
xstringsreverse xstringsrightjustify xstringsrunewidth xstringsscrub
xstringsshuffle xstringsshufflesource xstringsslice xstringssqueeze
xstringssuccessor xstringsswapcase xstringstocamelcase xstringstokebabcase
xstringstosnakecase xstringstranslate xstringswidth xstringswordcount
From github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap
wordwrapwrapstring wrapstring
The 'wordwrap' package is a slight exception to the rules for added function
names. Both 'wordwrapwrapstring' and 'wrapstring' are aliases to the same
-context JSON
JSON object to use as template context
-dest path
destination path (default ".")
dry run output only (output txtar to stdout)
-dump-context path
path to load/save context produced by user input
-left-delim delimiter
left delimiter to use when parsing template (default "{{")
-right-delim delimiter
right delimiter to use when parsing template (default "}}")
log debug output (default silent)