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jenkins.vim - CI

Do you use Jenkins? Do you use vim? Do you like cute features?


You need to be using Jenkinsfiles for any of this to work. If you don't already use them, stop clawing your eyes out by typing and clicking around in your CI system and put your build plan configurations into source control for crying out loud.

After you install via the instructions below, in your .vimrc, configure your jenkins url and some credentials that can get you in there:

let g:jenkins_url = ''
let g:jenkins_username = 'ci'
let g:jenkins_password = 'ci'


Find current build status

In your Jenkinfile, add a comment like this:

// BUILD_PLAN_PATH: /view/Sweetapps/job/hot-app/job/master

Then, call JenkinsShowLastBuildResult by using the "jenkins build" shortcut:


Validate Jenkinsfile

Call JenkinsValidateJenkinsFile by using the "run Jenkinsfile" shortcut:


Major props to the Jenkins guys for providing this killer feature via the API.

Thanks to jasquat for collaborating on the initial version of this.


  • Using Pathogen, run the following commands:

      % cd ~/.vim/bundle
      % git clone git://
  • Using Vundle, add the following to your vimrc and then run :PluginInstall

      Plugin 'burnettk/vim-jenkins'

Once help tags have been generated, you can view the manual with :help jenkins.


Like vim-jenkins.vim? Star the repository on GitHub. And if you're feeling especially charitable, follow me on Twitter and GitHub.


burnettk iborovskyi jasquat


Copyright (c) Kevin Burnett. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.