Documents configuration tasks managed by robo-config.
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๐ assorted/@npm-opensource (index
Manage various configuration files for an open source npm package on github.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย .circleci โย ย โโย config.yml โโย .dependabot โย ย โโย config.yml โโย .idea โย ย โโย ${projectName}.iml โโย .c8rc.json โโย .editorconfig โโย eslint.config.js โโย .eslintrc.json โโย .gally.json โโย gardener.js โโย .gitignore โโย LICENSE โโย .mocharc.yml โโย .npmignore โโย package.json โโย โโย .releaserc.json โโย src โย ย โโย index.js โโย test ย ย ย โโย hot.js ย ย ย โโย index.spec.js ย ย ย โโย reg.js |
๐ struct/#npm-default (index
Manage basic project structure for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย eslint.config.js โโย .eslintrc.json โโย gardener.js โโย .mocharc.yml โโย โโย src โย ย โโย index.js โโย test ย ย ย โโย hot.js ย ย ย โโย index.spec.js ย ย ย โโย reg.js |
๐ struct/force-gardener (index
Updating gardener.js using overwrite.
- Manage gardener.js file for js-gardener.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย gardener.js |
๐ struct/#npm-base (index
Manage basic project structure for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย eslint.config.js โโย .eslintrc.json โโย .mocharc.yml โโย โโย src โย ย โโย index.js โโย test ย ย ย โโย hot.js ย ย ย โโย index.spec.js ย ย ย โโย reg.js |
๐ struct/test-reg (index
Updating test/reg.js using overwrite.
- Create register file.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย test ย ย ย โโย reg.js |
๐ struct/test-hot (index
Updating test/hot.js using overwrite.
- Create loader file.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย test ย ย ย โโย hot.js |
๐ struct/template-readme (index
Updating using create-only.
- Create template file.
Targets | Variables |
project โโย |
๐ struct/template-mocharc (index
Updating .mocharc.yml using create-only.
- Create options file for mocha tests.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .mocharc.yml |
๐ struct/template-index-test (index
Updating test/index.spec.js using create-only.
- Create package template index.spec.js test file.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย test ย ย ย โโย index.spec.js |
๐ struct/template-index (index
Updating src/index.js using create-only.
- Create package template index.js file.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย src ย ย ย โโย index.js |
๐ struct/template-eslintrc (index
Updating .eslintrc.json using overwrite.
- Create configuration file for eslint enforcing opinionated, best practices.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .eslintrc.json |
Updating eslint.config.js using overwrite.
- Create configuration file for eslint enforcing opinionated, best practices.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย eslint.config.js |
Manage semantic-release configuration for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .releaserc.json |
Updating .releaserc.json using overwrite.
- Slightly extended release commit convention for semantic-release.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .releaserc.json |
๐ package/#npm-default (index
Manage package.json for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย package.json |
Updating package.json using merge-shallow.
- Set various entries.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย package.json |
Updating package.json using merge-deep.
- Set various entries.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย package.json |
Updating package.json using default-shallow.
- Set defaults for various entries.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย package.json |
Updating package.json using default-deep.
- Set defaults for various entries.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย package.json |
๐ npm/#npm-default (index
Manage npm configuration for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .npmignore |
๐ npm/npmignore (index
Updating .npmignore using unique-top.
- Inject comment into .npmignore explaining when to use it.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .npmignore |
๐ license/#opensource (index
Manage license configuration for open source project.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย LICENSE โโย package.json |
๐ license/MIT-package (index
Updating package.json using merge-shallow.
- Link MIT license file into npm configuration.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย package.json |
๐ license/MIT-file (index
Updating LICENSE using overwrite.
- Generate MIT license file.
Targets | Variables |
project โโย LICENSE |
๐ jetbrains/#default (index
Manage WebStorm configuration.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย .idea ย ย ย โโย ${projectName}.iml |
Updating .idea/${projectName}.iml (if exists) using xml-merge.
- Mark
Folder as excluded in Jetbrains.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย .idea ย ย ย โโย ${projectName}.iml |
๐ gitignore/#npm-default (index
Manage gitignore configuration for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .gitignore |
๐ gitignore/npm-default (index
Updating .gitignore using unique-top.
- Inject recommended entries into gitignore file.
- Default ignores for JetBrains IDE.
- Default ignores for OSX
- Default ignores for NodeJs
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .gitignore |
๐ gally/#npm-default (index
Manage gally configuration for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย .gally.json |
๐ gally/two-branch (index
Updating .gally.json using overwrite.
- Restrictive two-branch config.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย .gally.json |
๐ editor/#default (index
Manage editor configuration for project.
Targets |
project โโย .editorconfig |
๐ editor/two-space (index
Updating .editorconfig using overwrite.
- Two space line indentation.
- Set
line endings. - Set
encoding. - Remove unnecessary whitespaces.
Targets |
project โโย .editorconfig |
๐ dependabot/#npm-default (index
Manage dependabot configuration for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .dependabot ย ย ย โโย config.yml |
๐ dependabot/js-instant (index
Updating .dependabot/config.yml using overwrite.
- Configure dependabot to instantly merge javascript dependency updates into the
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .dependabot ย ย ย โโย config.yml |
๐ circleci/#npm-default (index
Manage circleci configuration for npm package on github.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .circleci ย ย ย โโย config.yml |
๐ circleci/two-branch (index
Updating .circleci/config.yml using overwrite.
- Restrictive two-branch circleci config.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .circleci ย ย ย โโย config.yml |
๐ c8/#default (index
Manage .c8rc.json for c8 coverage testing.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .c8rc.json |
๐ c8/default_merge-shallow (index
Updating .c8rc.json using merge-shallow.
- Set various entries.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .c8rc.json |
๐ c8/default_merge-deep (index
Updating .c8rc.json using merge-deep.
- Set various entries.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .c8rc.json |
๐ c8/default_default-shallow (index
Updating .c8rc.json using default-shallow.
- Set defaults for various entries.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .c8rc.json |
๐ c8/default_default-deep (index
Updating .c8rc.json using default-deep.
- Set defaults for various entries.
Targets | Requires |
project โโย .c8rc.json |
๐ badges/#npm-opensource (index
Add badged for npm open source package on github.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย |
๐ badges/npm-status (index
Updating using merge-below-title.
- Display npm status badge in README.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย |
๐ badges/npm-downloads (index
Updating using merge-below-title.
- Display npm downloads badge in README.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย |
๐ badges/circleci (index
Updating using merge-below-title.
- Display circleci badge in README.
Targets | Requires | Variables |
project โโย |
Programming Language.
JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. It is characterized as dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based and multi-paradigm.
NodeJs Project Management.
Enforces and helps setting up best practices around NodeJs projects. Enforces highest code quality and minimizes package setup and maintenance complexity - so you can focus on writing code. Highly recommended if you are getting started with a new package and extremely useful if you are maintaining multiple packages.
JavaScript test framework.
Mocha is a JavaScript test framework for Node.js programs, featuring browser support, asynchronous testing, test coverage reports, and use of any assertion library.
JavaScript assertion library.
Chai is a BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be paired with any javascript testing framework.
Linting for JavaScript.
JSLint is a static code analysis tool used in software development for checking if JavaScript source code complies with coding rules.
Automates npm package release workflow.
Automates the package release workflow including:
- determining the next version number
- generating the release notes
- publishing the package
Javascript package repository.
Requires the project to be conform with the npm standard, i.e. contain a package.json file. Does not require the project to be published to npm.
Javascript package repository published.
Requires the project to be published to npm either as a private or public package.
Collection of various IDEs.
Collection of various IDEs. There exists one for every major programming language and they are all very similar (i.e. shortcuts, layout), which makes them great when switching languages.
Coverage testing for javascript projects.
A major coverage testing framework for javascript. Comes with all the bells and whistles.
Version control system.
The most used version control system. Not to be confused with github (which uses git).
Run automated jobs using docker containers.
Allows set up for ci/cd using docker containers. Automates development process quickly, safely, and at scale.
Automation around Repository Management
Allows management of repositories through configuration. Very powerful when you need to synchronize settings across multiple repositories.
Major development platform powered by git.
GitHub is a code hosting platform for collaboration and version control. Lets you and others work together on projects.
Automatic dependency updates.
Makes dependency updates very easy by automatically creating pull requests in your repo. All major programming languages are supported or work is done towards supporting them.
Dependency management similar to npm.
Very similar functionality to npm cli.
packageName : string
Name of the package on npm.
The name of the project as published to npm. Note that for scoped packages the name can differ significantly from the repo name.
nccExclude : array
Default: ``
Exclude packages from ncc compilation.
nccEnabled : boolean
Enable ncc for service.
Uses NCC to compile service. Please ensure that the service still works after ncc compilation.
nodeVersion : string
The minimum node version targeted.
The minimum nodejs version that the project targets.
repoKey : string
Repository key.
The repository key contains the owner or organization of the project and the repository name itself, separated by a slash.
ownerName : string
Name of the owner of this project.
The owner name of the project is the name of the person or organization publishing the project under their license.
projectName : string
Name of the project.
The project name is in most cases identical to the repository name.
owner : string
The owner of the code on github.
The code owner is the gatekeeper of the project, ultimately responsible for all changes.
mergeBot : string
The github name of the bot used for automatic merging.
๐บ js-gardener, javascript
๐น other
Runner for js-gardener.
Execute all configured js-gardener tasks.
๐น other
Registration hook to load custom loader.
๐น other
Loader to allow hot reloading of files for testing.
๐น nostruct
Project readme file.
Contains lots of information about the project itself.
๐บ mocha, javascript
๐น list
Mocha test configuration file.
๐บ javascript
๐น other
Main project test file.
Main test file for the project. At the very least tests signature of what is exposed.
๐บ javascript
๐น other
Main project file.
Main file for the project. Exposes functionality for libraries.
๐บ eslint
๐น json
Configuration file for eslint.
๐บ eslint
๐น nostruct
Configuration file for eslint.
๐บ semantic-release
๐น json
Configuration for semantic-release.
Configuration file for semantic-release and plugins
๐บ npm
๐น json
Configuration for npm package.
๐บ npm, npm-published
๐น list
Config to exclude files from npm package.
Note that this file is mostly not required. Use whitelisting instead. See here for more information.
๐น nostruct
Project License file.
Specify the license the project is published under. Can be set to unlicensed as well.
๐บ jetbrains
๐น xml
Module Library configuration file for JetBrains IDE.
๐บ git
๐น list
Exclude files from being tracked.
Specifies files intentionally untracked by git.
๐น json
Configuration file for gally.
Includes detailed configuration for github project structure.
๐น other
Defines file formatting.
Defines file formatting that an IDE can pick up and use to format project files.
๐บ dependabot
๐น yml
Configuration file for dependabot.
๐บ circleci
๐น yml
Configuration file for circleci.
๐บ c8
๐น json
Configuration for c8 package.
๐น any
Simply replace the old with the new content.
๐น any
Does nothing when the file is already present, otherwise creates it.
๐น json
, yml
Does a shallow merge aka Object.assign()
Useful when specific keys of the target need to be overwritten.
๐น json
, yml
Does a "smart" deep merge.
This will not work as desired for all object deep merging, but should for many cases.
๐น json
, yml
Similar to merge-shallow
, but keeps existing values instead of overwriting.
Useful to ensure specific keys of the target are present without overwriting existing content.
๐น json
, yml
Similar to merge-deep
, but keeps existing values instead of overwriting.
Useful to ensure specific keys of the target are present without overwriting existing content.
๐น list
Merges content at the top of the file and removes existing, duplicate lines.
Useful for managing e.g. .gitignore
when the original content should be kept.
๐น xml
Does a "smart" deep merge.
This will not work as desired for all xml merging, but should for many cases.
๐น list
, nostruct
Merges content below title.