There's a cat on the floor. Hello little cat. The cat is resting. There is a well outside. Take a walk by the well. Take a look at the sky. Seoul Bitcoin Meetups Phnom Penh Bitcoin Meetups Quantum Physics Talk Cambridge Bitcoin Meetups Nairobi Bitcoin Meetups TELNET SSH CABIN LOGGERS SAW ORANGE HAT FIREPLACE SNOW BRICK RED BRICK PATH FOREST MONKEY TRIBE BROWN CAT PEN OPAL GREEN OPAL ROPE TREE ORANGE KIWI MANGO FARMLAND HOUSE AKIRA PEAR BRANCH CASIO WATCH HAND LASER BEAM FINGERS I like staying in dorms and guesthouses. Sometimes they are similar tocoworking spaces. People working with laptops. I would like to spend more time in dorms and guesthouses. Maybe talk a bit about Bitcoin tech use cases and other things too. Buy 5 Raspberry pis. I am using telnet somewhere. Loggers sitting in a cabin. The snow outside. Maybe I should switch to SSH. The loggers have a saw. I am walking on a path, near the forest. SSH might b e a better option. The cabin itself is made of logs. A house is made of red bricks. The forest is wide. I see a monkey. A tribe nearby. The loggers are talking in the cabin. I like telnet. They have some orange hats. There's a fireplace in the cabin. A saw is hanging on the wall. Telnet is fast. The cabin is solid. It's still snowing outside. I want to eat a cinnamon bunny. Baked in an oven. An oven heated up to umpteenth degrees. An oven in a bakery shop. A bakery shop on a busy street. Visit the cabin. Find a cinnamon bunny. Angus Young is playing polka on a bass tuba. The Vega star is blinking. Sending a cosmic message to Earth. A planet with many taxi cars. Some of which are engraved with the word Pegasus. My fingers are like a comb, trawling the cosmic depths. Pico the green dino is there too. Eat some almond cake. Mike Hearn and Gavin Andresen should be removed entirely from the Bitcoin project together with their XT source code. I see an apple. A line floating through the air. A technical computer. Access point to the Internet. The Internet, a green blob. Green apple on a table. Noone has eaten the apple yet. Michele is standing there. Near the bathroom. Bring Michele home. I am drinking a soda water. Then I realize it is heaavy water. The heavy water is yummy. I turn green. I am green as the hulk now. I have another sip of the soda water. Bring ten more bottles of soda watrer to the table. I am sitting on an island in the mediterranean. A tiger is staring at me. Hello, little tiger. I visit a ravine. A sepia colored picture is hanging on the wall - I paint it with some bright colors to liven things up. Turn the island upside down and look at whats growing on the flipside. Good morning. Balloo is resting nearby. Hello Balloo. How are you? Fine, young dude, he says. Djungle bear. What's a grey bear doing in the djungle anyway? Oh, moved here a while ago, Balloo says. I like the climate. Bogota Bitcoin Meetups A tamagotchi on the floor. I walk by the river. The tamagotchi turns alive. The river is full of water and flows in both directions. It is a quantum river. We are standing on Terra Earth. i think. The Earth is a particle. But it could also be a wave. i guess it is a wave when we think about it as such. The word Terra Earth is definitely a wave, consisting of 10 letters, each one vibrating on its own frequency. Lee Pa Ni is a guy in a yellow dress. Lee Pa Ni goes jogging every morning. Also, he eats broccoli. Today he is vsiting the Masai tribe in East Africa. Hi guys, wow, you are so tall. I mean you, he says and pointson one of the dudes. Yes, says the tall dude. I ate a lot of carrots as a young dude, helped me grow a lot. Oh really, Lee P Ni says, I didn't know you grow carrots here. We don't, the tall dude says. I imported them from Carrottown. EFIGIR TAREM MINAS Megaru is standing in the doorway. Her galactic suit glittering with nanotechnology. Allowing the user to traverset he universe. A suit made of words. Since words are worlds. Hello world. The world is round. Or so they say. Perhaps it's a matter of perception. Let's say I am an individual made of squares. Would I still perceive the world as being round? I sit in my own lap. It's quite a feat. I walk around a street in Jakarta. On my way to a matine. I reach the matine. Twohundredfifty people are watching. I stand up on the stage and tell the cinema owner to close the show. I tell the people to hold hands and sing kumbayah. They do so. Everybody rejoice. Kumbajah, kumbajah. The Etiagar is watching. A distant cousing of the jaguar. Eat a melon. Eat a zucchini. Or not. Maybe tjhe zucchini objects. Zucchinis can talk in some universes. That's the thing about this whole multiverse thing. I live in the sea. Swim in the sea, dude. The sea is there. Don't drink toop much sea water, dude. Unless you're a fish. Fish can drink salt water with their gills. Some pancakes come flying through the air. Where did those pancakes come from? Janina is cleaning the floors. The floors get quite clean. But she missed a spot. I gaze into my own navel. My head gets sucked into my navel. I exit in another universe. Akira is my friend. Hello, little dude. You have great psychic powers, eh? Telekinetic, eh? Not too shabby. Pretend you are Akira today. Some fish are swimming in the ocean. Follow the fish, swim with them under the water. I read that some sea gypsies don't even need goggles to see under water. Apparently it's a matter of adaption. Be a super sea gypsy, swim with the fish, you don't need to breath. Pila is standing in the hallway. There are paintings hanging on the walls. Three or four paintings. Yo Pila, whassup? I am a friend of Attila, she says. Oh, no, I say. The night falls. The moon above. Bring the moon to the Earth. How can we bring the moon tio Earth? And what would we do with it if it were here? It would take up a lot of space. Bigger than the sea? At least bigger than the mediterranean. Quite a lot so, i suppose. Cook a ragu for the moon. Invite it to the dinner. Have a nice ragu dish together with the moon. Kashmir jumper. London street. Nagira. I saw her at a back street. She said hello, I am the Hubba hammer. Oh cool, I said. Yeah, she said. Actually i am an alien from outer space. Cool, I said. Mesagir,. Barytone. A barytone singer standing in the room. I have some new jogging shoes. I bought a kiwi and a banana at the market. Then I strolled down to the river. There's a table nearby where you can get free napkins. Augur Talk. This new decentralized prediction market sounds pretty interesting to me. I think it could be very useful. I do not believe in democracy at all but voting is such a useful tool. From what I have learned, the average majority is usuallyright when it comes to non-complex matters but usually wrong when it comes to complex matters. Example: I show you a box full of beans. Guess how many beans there are in this box? Have 100 people answer that question and the average will most likely be close to the correct answer. HOWEVER I show you a bottle of alcohol. Is it ok to drink a bit of alcohol every once in a while (yes or no?). This question is binary and could deceivingly be seen as more simple to answer. but it is not. the human biological system is a complex matter. Therefore, a majority of the world's population will probably answer yes to the question, which is actually incorrect. The correct answer is no as alcohol is a poison which must be avoided by everyone strictly without exceptions, just like nobody should eat poisionous roots or fungus growing in the forest. "Democracy" is actually based on a trick question, such as which party should rightfully govern this "state". A majority will pick a party but the correct answer is noone should govern the "state" as the state should not exist in the first place as it is based on taxation, which is theft, which is wrong and printing of fiat currencies plus fracvtional banking, which is scamming which is also wrong. But if you have a group of experts, which you can have with prediction markets, the outcome can be very different. If you ask them for example about the correct answer to a programming problem they might come up with the right answer. So, democracy is a scam but voting and especially expert voting is a very very useful tool (look at for example to see how useful and powerful it can be). So therefore we have this Augur Chat room to discuss these matters. Natty is making pancakes out of pears. Hourglass pears. A pear on a block of ice. A mechanical robot is eating a tangerine. A Disney character namely Mickey Mouse is travelling simultaneously from the nearby the tangerine's position in space to the gap of the mechanical robot but is left unharmed as it is something like a mirage. A naguar is standing on the circuit board. A Parisian poodle jumps on top of the circuit board. He's coming straight from Bellevue. He used to sit on the streets of Bellevue and ask for tips to his tip jar. Put something in the Parisian Poodle's tip jar. You are sitting in a chemistry lab. Someone just invented a translucent green blob. You take a funnel and pour something in the mixture. The raven is watching you. Some colored dude comes out of the freeze box. A little dog is watching you. Put a green goblin in your nose. A bass players comes out of the freez box. Do your monkey thing. Play a game of yatzy. You are chewing on some jellybug. You open a door and enter a Nintendo 8-bit game. You are sitting in your saggy pants. You are reading a book. Sail a ship like a pirate but without the stealing and swaring. Like a kindly pirate. Skype Group: