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<title>Bitcoin and Blockchain Technologies Product Lists and Skype Conference Groups</title>
  <meta content="Skype Groups. Bitcoin and Blockchain related. Meet Bitcoiners locally. Huge list of local bitcoin meetups everywhere in the world including New York, Tokyo and perhaps your local city. We have a Skype group for each and every meetup available which you can join for free. Also collaborative open source projects on Github"
  <meta content="Skype, Conference, Video, Voice, Bitcoin, blockchain, ethereum, maidsafe, bitmessage, meetup, localbitcoin, meetup.com, localbitcoins.com, global, worldwide meetups, local meetups, bitcoinmeetups.org, github" name="keywords" />
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<strong><u>Join group</u></strong><br><br>

If this link did not open your e-mail client automatically then please<br>
send an e-mail to the address below with the following information, <br>
including both the questions and your answers:<br>
Welcome to apply here. What made you interested in Blockchain technologies in the first place?<br><br>

Which group would you like to join?<br><br>

Please add user <u>bitscript1</u> as a contact on Skype. Done?<br><br>

Please update the <a href="https://github.com/Entrances/entrances.github.com/edit/master/memberlist.html"><u>memberlist</u></a>. Done?<br><br>

What is your Skype User ID?<br><br>

Have you joined the Facebook group yet? It's at https://www.facebook.com/groups/bitcoinmeetups/<br><br>

Have you joined the Google group for e-mail notifications? It's at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bitcoinmeetupsglobally


This is the e-mail address to which the form above should be sent: <br>
BM-2D8ns75MFTBWZEpziRi8e99mppofbSv2aW [at] bitmessage.ch<br>
<a href="http://www.bitcoinmeetups.org">Back to bitcoinmeetups.org</a>

