List of participants How to participate: the first ten people to add their nick and bitmessage address below will be rewarded with 0.0001 Bitcoin Format NICK BITMESSAGE ADDRESS BITCOIN ADDRESS E. g. Pluto BM-2cUkGGcxWccEE6oN2ZDLmvJNunEejVqCyJ 1FrnouCZ8rKha4k3L6KJTsD7jDyh2Ywf6x test Bern BM-54j6n45kj6n Etc k34j6nk4j67n6j7k657jn657kj65n7jkn Ok, those two above are only examples. Now add your details below please. You need to fork and submit a pull request for this repo in order to add something. ----- NICK BITMESSAGE ADDRESS BITCOIN ADDRESS