Switch to Vite in one-shot!
# cd <YOUR_APP>
npx viject
# and run install command
Now you can start developing!
# dev
npm run dev
# build
npm run build
Happy hacking! 👋
or something went wrong? Ask me https://github.com/bhbs/viject/issues
Recently, maintenance of Create React App has stalled, and there are no plans for active development in the future.
reactjs/react.dev#5487 (comment)
However, I still maintain Create React App-based applications at work. While I have looked at some migration guides, they did not fully meet the needs of my specific application. As a result, I created a migration tool to Vite.
Viject is designed to bridge the gap between Create React App and Vite by using the vite.config file and gradually removing plugins as time allows after the migration.
The "eject" command in Create React App allows react-scripts to be removed with a single command. I have named my tool Viject, which is a play on words combining "Vite" and "eject".
While my requirements have been met, Create React App is a complex tool with many features. If your specific requirements are not met, please let me know by raising an issue. I am interested in resolving any problems you may encounter.
This article will provide a detailed description of the process involved in using Viject.
As with Create React App, dotenv expands are used internally in Vite. Use define to load in the Application.
function envPlugin() {
return {
name: "env-plugin",
config(_, { mode }) {
const env = loadEnv(mode, ".", ["REACT_APP_", "NODE_ENV", "PUBLIC_URL"]);
return {
define: Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(env).map(([key, value]) => [
https://vitejs.dev/config/shared-options.html#define https://create-react-app.dev/docs/adding-custom-environment-variables/#what-other-env-files-can-be-used
Can be configured by setting server
function devServerPlugin() {
return {
name: "dev-server-plugin",
config(_, { mode }) {
const https = HTTPS === "true";
return {
server: {
host: HOST || "",
port: parseInt(PORT || "3000", 10),
open: true,
? {
cert: readFileSync(resolve(SSL_CRT_FILE)),
key: readFileSync(resolve(SSL_KEY_FILE)),
: https,
Can be supported by enabling build.sourcemap
Use GENERATE_SOURCEMAP for Create React App compatibility.
function sourcemapPlugin() {
return {
name: "sourcemap-plugin",
config(_, { mode }) {
const { GENERATE_SOURCEMAP } = loadEnv(mode, ".", ["GENERATE_SOURCEMAP"]);
return {
build: {
sourcemap: GENERATE_SOURCEMAP === "true",
This can be changed by setting build.outDir
Use BUILD_PATH for Create React App compatibility.
function buildPathPlugin() {
return {
name: "build-path-plugin",
config(_, { mode }) {
const { BUILD_PATH } = loadEnv(mode, ".", ["BUILD_PATH"]);
return {
build: {
outDir: BUILD_PATH || "build",
This can be changed by setting the base
Use PUBLIC_URL for Create React App compatibility.
function basePlugin() {
return {
name: "base-plugin",
config(_, { mode }) {
const { PUBLIC_URL } = loadEnv(mode, ".", ["PUBLIC_URL"]);
return {
base: PUBLIC_URL || "",
To resolve modules from node_modules, you can prefix paths with ~ in Create React App. Same functionality can be achieved by setting resolve.alias
function importPrefixPlugin() {
return {
name: "import-prefix-plugin",
config() {
return {
resolve: {
alias: [{ find: /^~([^/])/, replacement: "$1" }],
It can be configured by using configureServer
There is an issue with using the http-proxy module that Vite utilizes for proxying, as it does not support HTTP/2. As a result, Vite falls back to using HTTP/1 when a proxy is configured. Fortunately, this HTTP/1 server still supports HTTPS, so leaving the proxy configuration empty will allow you to use a proxy with HTTPS.
function setupProxyPlugin() {
return {
name: "configure-server",
config() {
return {
server: { proxy: {} },
configureServer(server) {
It can be replaced by using transformIndexHtml Hook.
function htmlPlugin(mode) {
const env = loadEnv(mode, ".", ["REACT_APP_", "NODE_ENV", "PUBLIC_URL"]);
return {
name: "html-transform",
transformIndexHtml: {
enforce: "pre",
transform(html) {
return html.replace(/%(.*?)%/g, (match, p1) => env[p1] ?? match);
Edit package.json
https://www.npmjs.com/package/vite https://www.npmjs.com/package/@vitejs/plugin-react
is all-in-one Vite plugin for React projects.
In Create React App, SVGs can be imported directly as React components. This is achieved by svgr libraries.
gives Vite the ability to resolve imports using path mapping (jsconfig.json / tsconfig.json).
In Vite, the rule is to place index.html in the root as the application entry point. In Create React App, the rule is to place it in public/index.html, so it needs to be moved.
When the eject command in react-scripts is used, react-app.d.ts is created. Add the same.
Checking whether a file with a js extension contains JSX is detrimental to build performance, so Vite requires the extension to be changed if it contains jsx.
In Create React App, the command to build the development server was start
. In Vite, dev