— TODO for IceWM. 2020-12-14
✓ set WM_CLIENT_MACHINE on check window
✓ set WM_NAME and WM_CLASS on check window
✓ add support for _NET_DESKTOP_LAYOUT
✓ add support for WM_ICON_SIZE
✓ add support for icon_pixmap and icon_window field of WM_HINTS property.
✓ add support for WindowMaker dock apps (add a dock).
✓ add support for _NET_REQUEST_FRAME_EXTENTS.
✓ add support for application and global modality with _NET_WM_STATE_MODAL.
❏ add support for _NET_WM_HANDLED_ICONS.
✓ add support for _NET_WM_PING.
❏ add support for startup notification (_NET_STARTUP_INFO{,_BEGIN}).
✓ add support for _NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_VISUAL.
Old to do items:
only set background in icewmbg (with it's own config/theme file) lock focus to active window if possible accept url/file DND on taskbar menu/icons (to launch program) show disabled titlebar buttons make generic border code for all widgets multi-column menus fix xsession annoyance somehow (has workaround in winoptions) WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property support implement application(group)-modal/transient dialogs (Motif - Adobe Acrobat ?) configuration utility (use GTK or java) true-color icons configurable icon sizes dither icons to small set of colors scale icon pixmaps to necessary sizes if missing configure options on the fly super-hotkey to abort grab would be nice (for C-A-D) combine window list and C+A+D? support .ICO (windows,os2) icons and a.xpm&mini/mini-a.xpm format icons modularize (for 2.0) taskbar rewrite: double/dynamic/vertical taskbar modularize taskbar objects (toolbar,workspaces,appicons,applets) taskbar keyboard navigation done? echo I$[$(/bin/echo 'internationalization\c' | wc -c)-2]N windows dockable to edge of screen and other windows minimize/restore transient windows when owner is minimized/restored general: fix -n option not to use any user/system specific settings? pixmaps need to be defined using translated colors (dark,bright,bg,fg) pointer move/size during keyboard move/size -clickFocus,+pointerColormap,xlock -install -nolock -mode swirl colormap switching for popup windows? (key/mouse differs? in gimp) opaque move/size locks up during xkoules fadein/out (xkoules BUG?) fix motif hints handling (decorations/functions - show disabled buttons) ClickToFocus=0 -> switching workspaces back/forth changes focus win !other Xdnd implementations have a bug with workspace switching buttons (drag-over switches)