Thanks for your interest in contributing to AWS JSII! ❤️
This document describes how to set up a development environment and submit your contributions. Please read it carefully and let us know if it's not up-to date (or even better, submit a pull request with your corrections! 😉).
Due to the polyglot nature of jsii
, the toolchain requirements are somewhat
more complicated than for most projects. In order to locally develop jsii
, you
will need a number of tools.
We have built a Docker image with all the required tools, which we are using for our own CI/CD: the "superchain" image from.
Once built locally, you can launch a shell from your root project directory in a self-removing container like so:
# runs the built container, creates a volume mount to /project inside the container
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)":/project -w /project jsii/superchain:local
The following tools need to be installed to develop on JSII locally. We recommend using the docker image from the above section, but if you wish to, you can install in your development environment.
- Node
or later - Yarn
or later - An OpenJDK-8 distribution (e.g: Oracle's OpenJDK8, Amazon Corretto 8)
- .NET
or later- Recommended:
mono >= 6
- Recommended:
- Python
or laterpip
setuptools >= 38.6.0
- Recommended:
- Go
or newer
The project is managed as a monorepo using lerna.
- Check out this respository and change directory to its root.
- Run
yarn install && yarn build
to install lerna, bootstrap the repository and perform an initial build and test cycle.
All packages within this repository have the following scripts:
- builds the package, usually runs the TypeScript compiler,tsc
- watches for file changes and builds them progressively, usually runningtsc --watch
- executes all unit tests for the current package.test:update
- executes all unit tests and overwrites snapshot expectations (those.snap
- emits publishable artifacts todist
- run linter against sourcelint:fix
- lint and auto-correct formatting issues when possible
Each one of these scripts can be executed either from the root of the repo using
npx lerna run <script> --scope <package>
or from individual modules using
yarn <script>
Troubleshooting bugs usually starts with adding a new test that demonstrates the faulty behavior, then modifying implementations until the test passes.
The jsii-calc
and @scope/*
packages are used to test expected behavior from
the compiler (note that the aws/jsii-compiler
repository as a separate copy of these under the fixtures
directory), as well
as downstream tooling (jsii-pacmak
, jsii-rosetta
, etc...). Each language
runtime has its own test suite, within which is a compliance suite that tests
the same behaviors in all languages, and which should contain tests related to
behavior that isn't strictly specific to the given language.
The yarn test:update
script in each package runs all tests and updates
snapshots when necessary. It is usually necessary to run this script at least in
and jsii-reflect
after changing code in the jsii-calc
Cross-language runtime behavior can be challenging to debug, as data is passed
across process boundaries through Inter-Process Communication (IPC) channels.
Further complicating things, the @jsii/runtime
library packaged in the various
language runtimes is bundled (by webpack
), which can make the Javascript
runtime code more complicated to follow.
Setting various environment variables can help understanding what is happening better:
turns on verbose debug logging, which will cause the program to emit extensive IPC tracing information toSTDERR
. This information can help identify where things start to behave in unexpected ways, but can be a little difficult to digest... One may want to refer to the kernel API documentation to make sense of those traces. -
turns on specific timing information from the@jsii/kernel
high level API processing, which can be useful to narrow down the possible causes for performance issues. -
can be set to point to thebin/jsii-runtime
script within the@jsii/runtime
package in order to use a local, non-webpack
ed version of the runtime program. This can be particularly helpful when trying to diagnose a problem within a debugger session. -
can be used to configure specific behaviors of the underlyingnode
runtime, such as specifying--inspect-brk
to cause the node process to wait for a debugger to attach before proceeding. This is useful to attach Node dev tools to the runtime as it starts in order to use its debugger.
The Visual Studio Code JavaScript Debug
Terminal feature can be particularly useful paired with appropriate
setting to run arbitrary jsii programs, automatically attaching
the VSCode debugger at startup. These terminals inject a specially crafted
variable that allows the VSCode debugger to consistently attach
to all node
processes spawned within its context, including child processes
(which can be problematic when running with --inspect-brk
, as the default
debugger interface's port can only be used by one process at a time).
Finally, the debugger
Javascript statement can be added anywhere in the
runtime code or tested libraries in order to cause debuggers (if attached) to
pause. This can be easier (and more reliable) to set up than traditional
conditional break points.
Eslint and Prettier are used to lint and format our typescript code. The lint
and lint:fix
scripts can be run from the root or from a specific module.
You can integrate the linting and formatting workflow with your editor or ide by installing the approporiate eslint plugin. For example, when using Visual Studio Code, the eslint plugin exposes a number of options including "fix on save". This will auto correct lint and formatting errors whenever possible while saving a document.
To bump the version of this repository, use the yarn bump
This repository emits artifacts in multiple languages. The yarn package
script is used to prepare the repository for publishing.
Each module that needs to be published implements an npm script called package
which emits publishable artifacts to dist/<lang>
(e.g. dist/dotnet
NuGet, dist/js
for npm, dist/java
for Maven Central). All those "dist"
directories are merged into a single .zip file that is later on used in our
CI/CD publishing tasks. Each <lang>
directory is published to the respective
package repository.
jsii language bindings consist of two main components:
- A runtime client library: a library implemented for each language. This
library is responsible to manage the child
process and interact with the @jsii/kernel. - A
generator: extend the jsii-pacmak project to be able to generate proxy classes for a jsii module.
This section can definitely use some additional information.
The runtime client library should be implemented as a module under
The jsii runtime client library usually includes the following components:
- Child process manager: responsible to start/stop the @jsii/runtime child process.
- Protocol layer: implements the STDIN/STDOUT protocol that interacts with the @jsii/runtime.
- Proxy layer: includes base classes and serialization utilities to implement the generated proxy classes.
More documentation should be added here. In the meantime, refer to the Java implementation as a reference:
The pacmak code generator should be implemented under
The Python target is a good example to work from.
Upon merging new changes to the main
branch, the
image will be released after a last validation build.
Upon making a new jsii
release (when the GitHub release entry - and its
corresponding git tag - is created), the
image will
be released after a last validation build.
The latest release information (for both of the Docker image tags) can be seen on ECR Public Gallery
When a new major version of node is released, we need to update the @jsii/check-node
This package is responsible for identifying which node version is being used by the current process,
whether or not it is supported and tested, and produces appropriate warnings in case it isn't.
Note that
will execute on every node version, so "adding support" here only means supressing or showing warnings that inform the user on the level of support it has.
- Add a
new NodeRelease(...)
to constants.ts - If its an LTS version, add the new node version to our testing matrix in main.yml and docker-images.yml.
When a new minor version of jsii-rosetta
(modern) is released, we need to update the jsii-pacmak
uses jsii-rosetta
to transpile examples in documentation.
Because every package can use its own version of jsii, TypeScript and jsii-rosetta, it is declared as a peer dependency.
To ensure compatibility, we also have integration tests.
Run the following command. It takes care of the required changes.
The script needs jq
and yq
installed to run.
yarn upgrade:jsii
Then you need to run the build and update snapshots locally:
yarn build
yarn test:update